• Q : Initial speed of the arrow....
    Physics :

    An archer shoots an arrow horizontally at a target 13 m away. The arrow is aimed directly at the center of the target, but it hits 60 cm lower. What was the initial speed of the arrow?

  • Q : How far does the shell travel horizontally....
    Physics :

    A shell, fired from a cannon, has a muzzle speed (the speed as it leaves the barrel) of 800 ft/s. What is the speed of the shell at its point of impact with the ground?

  • Q : What is the smallest value of distance....
    Physics :

    What is the smallest value of distance L that will put the waves exactly out of phase as they emerge from the region?

  • Q : What is the sign of the acceleration of the penny....
    Physics :

    A student drops a penny from the top of a tower and decides that he will establish a coordinate system in which the direction of the penny's motion is positive. What is the sign of the acceleration

  • Q : What is the pressure at the beginning of the pipe....
    Physics :

    At the end of the pipe, the flow rate is 55 m3/s and the pressure is atmospheric. What is the pressure at the beginning of the pipe?

  • Q : Diameter of the wire....
    Physics :

    The cable is 5 km long and in order to discover where the short is the technician first measures the resistance between the ends of two wires at one end of the cable and then at another end of the c

  • Q : Long string is swung in a vertical circle....
    Physics :

    A 100 {rm g} ball on a 60 {rm cm} long string is swung in a vertical circle whose center is 200 {rm cm} above the floor. The string suddenly breaks when it is parallel to the ground and the ball is

  • Q : What is the maximum possible distance from the wall....
    Physics :

    The wire can withstand a maximum tension of 596 N. What is the maximum possible distance from the wall at which mass M can be placed before the wire breaks?

  • Q : By what amount does the air pressure change....
    Physics :

    By what amount (in Pa) does the air pressure change as it flows through the constriction? Treat the air as an ideal fluid, and take the density of air to be 1.2 kg/m3.

  • Q : Safe coefficient of kinetic friction floor....
    Physics :

    Sliding a 280 kg bank safe across a floor, being push at a constant speed with 465 Newtons and being pulled at a rate of 350 Newtons. What is the safe's coefficient of kinetic friction the floor?

  • Q : What is the car-s speed at the bottom of the dip....
    Physics :

    The weight of passengers on a roller coaster increases by 52 as the car goes through a dip with a 40 radius of curvature. What is the car's speed at the bottom of the dip?

  • Q : Find average current into telsa coil that amasses charge....
    Physics :

    With larger Tesla coils, this spark resembles a miniature lightning bolt. Find the average current into a Telsa coil that amasses 1.38×10^-6 C of charge in 5.72 s.

  • Q : Determine the tension in the crossbar of the ladder....
    Physics :

    The drawing shows an A-shaped stepladder. Both sid es of the ladder are equal in length. This ladder is standing on a frictionless horizontal surface, and only the crossbar (which has a negligible

  • Q : Determine the charge density of the plane....
    Physics :

    The astronaut observes that the electric field in this universe has a magnitude of 1.20 N/C everywhere and points directly away from the plane. Determine the charge density of the plane.

  • Q : Find the current in the loop....
    Physics :

    A single-turn circular loop of radius 8 cm is to produce a field at its center that will just cancel the earth's field of magnitude 0.7 G directed at 70 below the horizontal north direction. Find t

  • Q : Magnitude of each of the forces....
    Physics :

    A 1.36-kg bottle of vintage wine is lying horizontally in the rack shown in the drawing. The two surfaces on which the bottle rests are 90.0 apart, and the right surface makes an angle of 45.0 with

  • Q : Find frequency the rate at which the space station spin....
    Physics :

    Giving the illusion of gravity. Find the frequency f, the rate at which the space station spin (in revolutions per minute) to create this illusion.

  • Q : Acceleration and deceleration....
    Physics :

    A hotel elevator ascends 170 m with a maximum speed of 5.8 m/s. Its acceleration and deceleration both have a magnitude of 1.0 m/s2.

  • Q : Stationary on a frictionless surface....
    Physics :

    A 12 g bullet traveling 229 m/s penetrates a 2.0 kg block of wood and emerges going 166 m/s. If the block is stationary on a frictionless surface when hit, how fast does it move after the bullet em

  • Q : Linear accelerator capable of emitting protons....
    Physics :

    To complete your master's degree in physics, your advisor has you design a small, linear accelerator capable of emitting protons, each with a kinetic energy of 11.5 keV. (The mass of a single proton

  • Q : Energy exchanges with the environment....
    Physics :

    An insulated Thermos contains 116 cm3 of hot coffee at 73 °C. You put a 12.0 g ice cube at its melting point to cool the coffee. By how many degrees has your coffee cooled once the ice has melt

  • Q : What is the velocity of each ball after elastic collision....
    Physics :

    What is the velocity of each ball after the elastic collision? What will be the maximum height of each ball after the elastic collision?

  • Q : Viewpoints of structuralists and psychoanalysts....
    Physics :

    How did Pavlov and Watson's focus on scientific inquiry of behaviors differ from the earlier viewpoints of structuralists, psychoanalysts, and functionalists?

  • Q : Determine change in gravitational potential energy of system....
    Physics :

    A 0.44 kg pendulum bob is attached to a string 1.2 m long. What is the change in the gravitational potential energy of the system as the bob swings from point A to point B where θ = 39°?

  • Q : Determine the initial volume of the gas....
    Physics :

    One mole of an ideal gas does 3 500 J of work on its surroundings as it expands isothermally to a final pressure of 1.00 atm and volume of 22.0 L. Determine the initial volume of the gas.

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