• Q : What is the mass of the ball....
    Physics :

    A major-league catcher gloves a 81 mi/h pitch and brings it to rest in 0.15 m. If the force exerted by the catcher is 803 N, what is the mass of the ball?

  • Q : Angular displacement of a point....
    Physics :

    The radius of the tires on your car is 0.33 m. You drive 1600 m in a straight line. What is the angular displacement of a point on the outer rim of a tire, around the center of the tire, during thi

  • Q : Compute the total work done by the force of gravity....
    Physics :

    A 0.135kg ball is thrown straight up from 1.94m above the ground. Its initial vertical speed is 12.00m/s. A short time later, it hits the ground. Calculate the total work done by the force of gravi

  • Q : Circular cross section with a radius of curvature....
    Physics :

    A 71 skier encounters a dip in the snow's surface that has a circular cross section with a radius of curvature of 12 .

  • Q : Determine the direction of tennis ball after the collision....
    Physics :

    Determine the speed of each ball after the collision. Determine the direction of tennis ball after the collision.Determine the direction of 0.10-{rm kg} ball after the collision.

  • Q : Causes the aircraft to lengthen....
    Physics :

    The supersonic aircraft Concorde has a length of 63.0 meters when sitting on the ground on a typical day when the temperature is 18.0 Celsius. The Concorde is primarily made of aluminum. In flight

  • Q : Nonconservative forces in stopping the plane....
    Physics :

    A 18000 airplane lands with a speed of 82 on a stationary aircraft carrier deck that is 115 long. Find the work done by nonconservative forces in stopping the plane.

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy of the astronaut after the push....
    Physics :

    What is the kinetic energy of the astronaut after the push?What is the kinetic energy of the space capsule after the push?

  • Q : Magnification of the image....
    Physics :

    A dentist uses a small mirror with a radius of 42 mm to locate a cavity in a patient's tooth. If the mirror is concave and is held 15 mm from the tooth, what is the magnification of the image

  • Q : What minimum distance are sound waves from each other....
    Physics :

    Two people, on each side of a line directly in front of the window, in the row along the wall hear no sound. What minimum distance are they from each other?

  • Q : Final velocity-head-on elastic collision....
    Physics :

    A 0.10-kg object with a velocity of 0.20 m/s in the +x direction makes a head-on elastic collision with a 0.15 kg object initially at rest. What is the final velocity of the 0.10-kg object after col

  • Q : Magnitudes of the components of the ships displacement....
    Physics :

    An ocean liner leaves New York City and travels 20.6 ° north of east for 289 km. How far east and how far north has it gone? In other words, what are the magnitudes of the components of the shi

  • Q : To what common temperature should the two pieces be heated....
    Physics :

    A hollow aluminum cylinder is to be fitted over a steel piston. At 22°C the inside diameter of the cylinder is 99.2% of the outside diameter of the piston. To what common temperature should the

  • Q : Find the position of the overlap on the screen....
    Physics :

    Find a relationship between the orders m1 and m2 that determines where a bright fringe of the green light coincides with a bright fringe of the blue light.

  • Q : Wave length of an electromagnetic wave....
    Physics :

    The wave length of an electromagnetic wave is measured to be 300m. (a) What is the frequency of the wave? (b) What type of EM wave is it?

  • Q : Wire in the input coil of the transformer....
    Physics :

    The generator at a power plant produces AC at 48,000 V. A transformer step this up to 345,000 V for transmission over power lines. If there are 1000 turns of wire in the input coil of the transform

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the average emf induced as the coil....
    Physics :

    A closely wound rectangular coil of 80 turns has dimensions 25.0 rm cm by 40.0 rm cm. The plane of the coil is rotated from a position in which it makes an angle of 37.0 degrees with a magnetic fie

  • Q : What is the total time the rabbit spends....
    Physics :

    Rabbit runs in a straight line with a velocity of +1.4 m/s for a period of time, rests for 11 s, and then runs again along the same line at +0.64 m/s for an unknown amount of time. The rabbit trave

  • Q : What is the smallest radius....
    Physics :

    What is the smallest radius r that results in an intensity minimum at the detector? State your answer in terms of the given variables using vs for the speed of sound and π if necessary.

  • Q : How much charge flows in ground and cloud in given time....
    Physics :

    Lightning occurs when there is a flow of electric charge (principally electrons) between the ground and a thundercloud. How much charge flows between the ground and the cloud in this time?

  • Q : Calculate the magnitude of the force between two objects....
    Physics :

    An electric force of 4.0 N exists between two objects separated from each other by a distance of r. If the distance is decreased to 0.50r, calculate the magnitude of the force between the two objec

  • Q : Find sign and magnitude of q for resultant electric field....
    Physics :

    A -5.00nC point charge is on the axis at x= 1.20 m . A second point charge Q is on the x axis at -0.600m. What must be the sign and magnitude of Q for the resultant electric field at the origin to be

  • Q : Determine the velocity of the rocket after fuel has burned....
    Physics :

    A 4.00-kg model rocket is launched, expelling 54.0 g of burned fuel from its exhaust at a speed of 690 m/s. What is the velocity of the rocket after the fuel has burned? Hint: Ignore the external f

  • Q : Violent thunderstorm....
    Physics :

    During a violent thunderstorm, hail the size of marbles (diameter = 1.6 cm) falls at a speed of 36 m/s. There are estimated to be 50 hailstones per cubic meter of air. Assume that, as for ice, 1 cm3

  • Q : What is the speed of the proton at point b....
    Physics :

    A proton is moving in the uniform electric field of part A. At point A, the velocity of the proton is 1.87×10^4 m/s, again pointed towards the east. What is the speed of the proton at point B?

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