• Q : What emf is induced in the loop....
    Physics :

    A single loop of wire with an area of 0.0900 m2 is in a uniform magnetic field that has an initial value of 3.80 T. If the loop has a resistance of 0.600 Ω, find the current induced in the loop.

  • Q : Problem based on elastic collision....
    Physics :

    A 3.0 kg basketball traveling at +15m/s collides with a 2.0 kg baseball, which is initially at rest, in an Elastic collision. After the collision, the basketball is moving at +5.0 m/s

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the mass....
    Physics :

    A mass of 0.162 kg is attached to a wheel by a string wrapped around the wheel. The wheel has a mass of 1.98 kg. Assume that the moment of inertia of the wheel is the same as a disk.

  • Q : Find the edge dimension of each cube....
    Physics :

    Find the edge dimension of each cube, which represents an estimate for the spacing between atoms.

  • Q : What effect does have on the three other light bulbs....
    Physics :

    What effect does this have on the three other light bulbs? What effect is there on the battery that is powering the circuit?

  • Q : Component of cannonball velocity parallel to ground....
    Physics :

    A cannon tilted upward at 28° fires a cannonball with a speed of 105 m/s. What is the component of the cannonball's velocity parallel to the ground?

  • Q : What potential difference use to create initial charge....
    Physics :

    It could run a 60.0-watt lightbulb for 1.00 minutes. What potential difference should you use to create the initial charge on the capacitor?

  • Q : Component of the superhero displacement....
    Physics :

    A superhero ?ies 337 m from the top of a tall building at an angle of 35? below the horizontal. What is the vertical component of the superhero's displacement?

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic riction between glass-counter....
    Physics :

    Howard the soda jerk at Beas diner slides a 0.60 kg root beer from the end of the counter to a thirsty customer. a force of friction 1.2N brings the drink to a stop right in front of the customer.

  • Q : Determine the tension in each cable if the boat has a mass....
    Physics :

    Determine the tension in each cable if the boat has a mass of 490 kg and the angle of each cable is 50 degrees from the horizontal and the boat is being momentarily held at rest.

  • Q : Where should a proton be placed on the meter stick....
    Physics :

    A charge of +4 Coulombs is placed at the 100 cm mark of the same meter stick. Where should a proton be placed on the meter stick so that the net force on it due to the two charges is 0?

  • Q : What is the conditioned stimulus....
    Physics :

    A nursing mother puts her baby to her breast every time she hears it cry. After a few days, her milk starts to flow as soon as she hears the baby cry. In terms of classical conditioning, what is th

  • Q : How many turns of wire needed to make the solenoid....
    Physics :

    The solenoid will be made of wire that is 0.500 mm in diameter and have a radius that is 1.00 cm.The resistivity of the copper wire is 1.70 x 10-8 ohm-m a) How many turns of wire (N) will be needed

  • Q : How much power must the battery be supplying....
    Physics :

    One light bulb is a 100 watt light bulb and the other a 200 watt light bulb. How much power must the battery be supplying for the lights to be running at full power?

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the sled and child....
    Physics :

    In addition, the snow exerts a retarding force on the sled that points opposite to the direction of motion, and has a magnitude of 57 N. Find the acceleration of the sled and child.

  • Q : How many electrons must be transferred from plate to rod....
    Physics :

    A plate carries a charge of -3.9 µC, while a rod carries a charge of +2.2 µC. How many electrons must be transferred from the plate to the rod, so that both objects have the same charge

  • Q : Determine minimum time necessary for crossing....
    Physics :

    A hunter wishes to cross a river that is 2.5 km wide and flows with a speed of 5.0 km/h parallel to its banks. The hunter uses a small powerboat that moves at a maximum speed of 15 km/h with respec

  • Q : Find the pressure in pascals exerted on the floor....
    Physics :

    A 80 kg person sits on a 4 kg chair. Each leg of the chair makes contact with the floor in a circle that is 1.3 cm in diameter. Find the pressure in pascals exerted on the floor by each leg of the

  • Q : Determine the horizontal force....
    Physics :

    A person exerts a horizontal force of F = 169 N in the test apparatus shown in the drawing. (h = 0.32 m.) Find the horizontal force M that his flexor muscle exerts on his forearm.

  • Q : What is the smallest thickness of a soap film....
    Physics :

    What is the smallest thickness of a soap film (n=1.38) that would appear black if illuminated with 510 light? Assume there is air on both sides of the soap film.

  • Q : Find the final speed of the two carts....
    Physics :

    Two carts with masses of 10.6 kg and 2.5 kg, respectively, move in opposite directions on a frictionless horizontal track with speeds of 6.7 m/s and 3.5 m/s, respectively. The carts stick together

  • Q : What is the mass of the second snowball....
    Physics :

    During a snowball fight, two snowballs travelling towards each other collide head-on. The first is moving east at a speed of 15.3 m/s and has a mass of 0.450 kg. The second is moving west at 13.5 m

  • Q : How far is the speaker from each observer....
    Physics :

    If one observer records a sound level of 52.8 dB and the other records a sound level of 83.5 dB, how far is the speaker from each observer? Enter the longest distance first.

  • Q : Mass of the initially stationary block....
    Physics :

    A 4.3 kg block slides along a frictionless surface at a constant velocity of 6.2 m/s in the positive direction and collides head-on with a stationary block in an elastic collision. After the collis

  • Q : Calculate the acceleration of the system....
    Physics :

    Two crates, of mass m1 = 45 kg and m2 = 115 kg, are in contact and at rest on a horizontal surface (Fig. 4-54). A 620 N force is exerted on the 45 kg crate. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0

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