• Q : How large a collector area will you need to meet....
    Physics :

    a certain location, the solar power per unit area reaching the Earth's surface is 240 W/m2, averaged over a 24 hour day. If you live in a house whose average power requirement is 3 kW and you can co

  • Q : Where is the image of the robin....
    Physics :

    One such sphere has a diameter of 49.0 cm. A 12-cm tall robin sits in a tree that is 1.4 m from the sphere. Where is the image of the robin?

  • Q : Direction of the magnetic force on the electron....
    Physics :

    An electron travels with velocity < 0, 0, -2.6e6 > m/s in a region between a pair of very large charged plates, separated by a distance of 4.2 mm. In this region there is also a uniform magne

  • Q : Calculate the magnification of the coin-s final image....
    Physics :

    A converging lens of focal length 8.06 cm is 18.8 cm to the left of a diverging lens of focal length -6.04 cm. Calculate the magnification of the coin's final image.

  • Q : How much time will it take for the police officer....
    Physics :

    How much time will it take for the police officer to catch the speeder, assuming that the speeder maintains a sonstant speed? How fast will the police officer be traveling at this time?

  • Q : Coefficient of static friction between the ladder....
    Physics :

    An 9.0 m, 260 N uniform ladder rests against a smooth wall. The coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground is 0.55, and the ladder makes a 50.0° angle with the ground. How

  • Q : Find the ratio fa-fb....
    Physics :

    The same object is located at the same distance from two spherical mirrors, A and B. The magnifications produced by the mirrors are mA = 3.8 and mB = 2.3. Find the ratio fA/fB of the focal lengths

  • Q : Calculate the focal length of the eye when we focus closely....
    Physics :

    When we focus our eyes on a close-up object, we can change the refracture power of the eye by about 15 diopters. Calculate the focal length of the eye when we focus closely.

  • Q : Metabolic conversion of food into energy....
    Physics :

    find the net loss of radiant power from the body. (b) Determine the number of food Calories of energy (1 food Calorie = 4186 J) that is lost in one hour due to the net loss rate obtained in part (a)

  • Q : How far should the objective lens be....
    Physics :

    How far should the objective lens be from the object to produce a real image 16 from the objective? What will be the magnification of your microscope?

  • Q : Find the work done by the aluminum....
    Physics :

    Find the work done by the aluminum. Assume the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3 and the thermal coefficient of expansion is 2.4 × 10-5(?C)-1.

  • Q : Energy in the form of rotational kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A flywheel is a solid disk that rotates about an axis that is perpendicular to the disk at its center. Rotating flywheels provide a means for storing energy in the form of rotational kinetic energy

  • Q : Momentum to the magnitude of the baseball momentum....
    Physics :

    A cardinal (Richmondena cardinalis) of mass 3.50×10-2 and a baseball of mass 0.150 have the same kinetic energy. What is the ratio of the cardinal's magnitude of momentum to the magnitude of

  • Q : Arfken mathematical methods for physicists....
    Physics :

    What is the solution for exercise 1.8.8, 1.8.11, 1.8.16 of arfken's mathematical methods for physicists 6th ed

  • Q : What is the initial tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    How fast should the person run in older to just make it to the top? At that speed, what is the initial tension in the rope as the person just leaves the ground (i.e, assume the rope is still vertica

  • Q : Find the height of the building....
    Physics :

    A submarine is 305 m horizontally out from the shore and 117 m beneath the surface of the water. A laser beam is sent from the submarine so that it strikes the surface of the water at a point 219 m

  • Q : Current density of the resistor....
    Physics :

    A cylindrical resistor of radius 6 mm and length 2 cm is made of a material with a resistivity of 4 X10-5 Ωm at a temperature of 26.2 °C. The resistor operates for 23 seconds with a energy

  • Q : What is the average force exerted on the person....
    Physics :

    A 2200-kg sport utility vehicle traveling at 80 km/h can be stopped in 0.15 s if it hits a concrete wall. Assume a 60 kg person was in the car that hit this wall. The velocity of the person equals

  • Q : Problem based on diffraction....
    Physics :

    Diffraction plays an important role in which of the following phenomena? a) The sun appears as a disk rather than a point to the naked eye b) Light is bent as it passes through a glass prism

  • Q : Estimate the temp at which its vapour pressure is 90.00 kpa....
    Physics :

    the vapour pressure of a substance at 20 C is 58 kPa and its enthalpy of vapourisation is 30.8 kJ mol ( to the minus one). Estimate the temp at which its vapour pressure is 90.00 kPa.

  • Q : How far apart would the two spheres....
    Physics :

    Coulomb measured the deflection of sphere A when spheres A and B had equal charges and were a distance d apart. He then made the charge on B one-fourth the charge on A. How far apart would the two s

  • Q : What is the angular acceleration of the wheel....
    Physics :

    A wheel rotating with a constant angular acceleration turns through 16 revolutions during a 7 s time interval. Its angular velocity at the end of this interval is 12 rad/s. What is the angular acce

  • Q : What is the mass of the puck....
    Physics :

    An ice hockey puck slides along the ice at 12 {rm m/s}. A hockey stick delivers an impulse of 4.0 {rm kg cdot m/s} causing the puck to move off in the opposite direction with the same speed. What i

  • Q : Calculate your apparent weight at the top....
    Physics :

    Calculate your apparent weight at the top of a Ferris wheel, given that the radius of the wheel is 7.1 , it completes one revolution every 30 , and your mass is 51 .

  • Q : Capacitor are connected in series with an ideal battery....
    Physics :

    A 3.9 MΩ and a 2.2 μF capacitor are connected in series with an ideal battery with an EMF of 3 V. At 3 seconds after the circuit is initially connected to the battery:

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