• Q : Draw the force vectors with their tails at the dot....
    Physics :

    The orientation of your vectors will be graded. The exact length of your vectors will not be graded but the relative length of one to the other will be graded.

  • Q : Angle between the wires supporting street lamp....
    Physics :

    If the angle between the wires supporting the street lamp is reduced to 110°, what is the tension in each wire?

  • Q : Find horizontal force that must be applied to one kg puck....
    Physics :

    Calculate the horizontal force that must be applied to a 1kg puck to make it accelerate on a horizontal freiction-free air table with the same acceleration it would if it were dropped and fell free

  • Q : Friction force on the truck....
    Physics :

    A 4000 kg truck is parked on a 15 degree slope. How big is the friction force on the truck?

  • Q : Find direction of acceleration-rocket if spring compressed....
    Physics :

    What is the direction of acceleration of the rocket if the spring is compressed by 2.30 cm (Forward or Backward) What is the magnitude of acceleration of the rocket if the spring is compressed by 2.30

  • Q : What is the x-coordinate relative to firing point....
    Physics :

    An artillery shell is fired with a minimal velocity of 410 m/s at 75o above the horizontal. To clear an avalanche, it explodes on a mountain side 45 s after firing. What is the X-coordinate relative

  • Q : Compare the impulse and force for an abrupt....
    Physics :

    Compare the impulse and force for an abrupt (hard) and a cushioned (soft) collision. Use words and also sketch the force vs. time graphs.

  • Q : Determine the mass of the ball....
    Physics :

    A spring with spring constant 18 hangs from the ceiling. A ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down 7.5 and released. The ball makes 40 oscillations in 18

  • Q : Find out the decibel level of the street....
    Physics :

    On a workday the average decibel level of a busy street is 72 dB, with 100 cars passing a given point every minute. If the number of cars is reduced to 50 every minute on a weekend, what is the dec

  • Q : Maximum angle theta....
    Physics :

    A 23g ball is fired horizontally with initial speed toward a 110g ball that is hanging motionless from a 1.1m long string. The balls undergo a head-on, perfectly elastic collision, after which the

  • Q : What is fx if magnitude of the skier-s velocity is constant....
    Physics :

    A 38 kg skier skis directly down a frictionless slope angled at 15° to the horizontal. What is Fx if the magnitude of the skier's velocity is constant?

  • Q : How much force pulls forward on the rope....
    Physics :

    A 1.5 m-long, 750 g rope pulls a 5.0 kg block of ice across a horizontal, frictionless surface. The block accelerates at 5.0 m/s^2 . How much force pulls forward on the rope?

  • Q : Earth surface the atmospheric pressure....
    Physics :

    On the sunlit surface of Venus, the atmospheric pressure is 9.0 × 106 Pa, and the temperature is 740 K. On the earth's surface the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 × 105 Pa, while the surfac

  • Q : Determine the expected flow rate....
    Physics :

    If the static head (difference in height of fluid surfaces in the two tanks) is 9m, determine the expected flow rate. Do you think the pump is a good choice? Explain.

  • Q : How much energy was released in the explosion....
    Physics :

    A second fragment, whose mass is 3.0 kg, moves away from the point of explosion with a speed of 382 m/s along the negative x axis. How much energy was released in the explosion?

  • Q : Displacement of a car accelerating....
    Physics :

    What is the displacement of a car accelerating from 15m/s forward to 10m/s forward in 8.0s? An object accelerates at 9.8m/s^2 when falling. how long does it take an object to change its speed from 4.5

  • Q : Determine the decibel level of the street....
    Physics :

    On a workday the average decibel level of a busy street is 72 dB, with 100 cars passing a given point every minute. If the number of cars is reduced to 50 every minute on a weekend, what is the dec

  • Q : How long will it take for train to completely pass through....
    Physics :

    How long will it take for the train to completely pass through a half mile long tunnel? You may assume that there is no headwind inside the tunnel.

  • Q : Average force is experienced by the rocket....
    Physics :

    A 1 000-kg experimental rocket sled at rest on level frictionless rails is loaded with 50 kg of propellant. It exhausts the propellant in a 20-s "burn." The rocket moves at 150 m/s after the burn.

  • Q : What is the distance from the central maximum....
    Physics :

    Parallel rays of green mercury light with a wavelength of 546 nm pass through a slit with a width of 0.437 mm. What is the distance from the central maximum to the first minimum on a screen 1.75 mm

  • Q : Angular displacement of the baseball related problem....
    Physics :

    A pitcher throws a curveball that reaches the catcher in 0.55 s. The ball curves because it is spinning at an average angular velocity of 280 rev/min (assumed constant) on its way to the catcher's

  • Q : How much time is required until the speed reaches speed....
    Physics :

    A locomotive is accelerating at 1.9 m/s2. It passes through a 20.0-m-wide crossing in a time of 2.3 s. After the locomotive leaves the crossing, how much time is required until its speed reaches 33

  • Q : Angular displacement of the baseball....
    Physics :

    A pitcher throws a curveball that reaches the catcher in 0.55 s. The ball curves because it is spinning at an average angular velocity of 280 rev/min (assumed constant) on its way to the catcher's

  • Q : Find distance between points where stones strike ground....
    Physics :

    One below the horizontal and one above the horizontal. What is the distance between the points where the stones strike the ground?

  • Q : Find the eight ball''s speed after the colision....
    Physics :

    A cue ball initially moving at 2.6 m/s strikes a stationary eight ball of the same size and mass. After the collision, the cue ball's final speed is 0.97 m/s at an angle of alpha with respect to its

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