• Q : How much energy was added to accomplish the transformation....
    Physics :

    A 75 g ice cube at 0°C is heated until 65 g has become water at 100°C and 10 g has become steam at 100°C. How much energy was added to accomplish the transformation?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the force f1....
    Physics :

    A 3.8 kg mass is connected by a light cord to a 1.6 kg mass on a smooth surface as shown. The pulley rotates about a frictionless axle and has a moment of inertia of 0.48 kg · m2 and a radius o

  • Q : What net force is exerted on race car....
    Physics :

    A race car has a mass of 703 kg. It starts from rest and travels 43.0 m in 3.0 s. The car is uniformly accelerated during the entire time. What net force is exerted on it?

  • Q : Magnitude of the static frictional force related problem....
    Physics :

    A 151-kg crate rests on the flatbed of a truck that moves at a speed of 11.0 m/s around an unbanked curve whose radius is 57.0 m. The crate does not slip relative to the truck. Obtain the magnitude

  • Q : What was the average velocity during breaking....
    Physics :

    if your initial speed was 12m/s, and you were heading due west, what was your average velocity during breaking? assume constant decelation.

  • Q : What force must be exerted on the smaller piston....
    Physics :

    A hydraulic jack is used to lift a load of weight 5000 N. The load-bearing cylinder has a radius of 5 cm, and the other piston has a radius of 1 cm. What force must be exerted on the smaller piston

  • Q : What is the horizontal distance covered by the shell....
    Physics :

    An artillery shell is launched on a flat. What is the horizontal distance covered by the shell after 9.44 s of flight?

  • Q : Velocity of the person equavalents....
    Physics :

    A 2200-kg sport utility vehicle traveling at 96 km/h can be stopped in 0.20 s if it hits a concrete wall. Assume a 60 kg person was in the car that hit this wall. The velocity of the person equals

  • Q : Find the total energy of the system....
    Physics :

    A 1.9 kg object that stretches a spring 6.9 cm from its natural length when hanging at rest oscillates with an amplitude of 8.4 cm. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2. Find the following

  • Q : Submerged log during the exchange....
    Physics :

    Ricardo, mass 89 kg and Carmelita, who is lighter, are enjoying Lake Merced at dusk in a 30 kg canoe. When the canoe is at rest in the placid water, they exchange seats, which are 3.0 m apart and s

  • Q : Which angle between the ladder and the wall require....
    Physics :

    Consider a ladder 5 meters tall, and a 150 kg weight on top of it. The ladder is leaning against the wall. The friction between the ladder and both the wall and the floor is negligible, and the ladd

  • Q : How far does the car go before it stops....
    Physics :

    A car is traveling 15 m/s when the driver sees a child standing on the road. He takes 0.8 s to react, then steps on the brakes and slows at 6.5 m/s2. How far does the car go before it stops?

  • Q : What is the magnetic field strength....
    Physics :

    A piece of wire with mass per unit length 88 runs horizontally at right angles to a horizontal magnetic field. A 5.7 current in the wire results in its being suspended against gravity. What is the m

  • Q : What are coordinates of the center of circular path....
    Physics :

    At one instant, it moves through the point at coordinates (4.00 m, 4.00 m) with a velocity of -5.00 m/s and an acceleration of +11.5 m/s2.

  • Q : Calculate the density of the object....
    Physics :

    An object weighing 349 N in air is immersed in water after being tied to a string connected to a balance. The scale now reads 312 N. Immersed in oil, the object weighs 324 N. Calculate the density

  • Q : Formula for the potential energy....
    Physics :

    Does the formula for the potential energy U = m g h apply for objects far away from the Earth (like the moon)? Why or why not?

  • Q : What is ratio of the amplitude of the damped oscillations....
    Physics :

    For a damped oscillator with a mass of 160 g, a spring constant 80 N/m and a damping coefficient of 70 g/s, what is the ratio of the amplitude of the damped oscillations to the initial amplitude at

  • Q : Sum of the energies of the two photons....
    Physics :

    Suppose that a positron traveling at a speed of 0.95c collides head on with an electron traveling at the same speed. What is the sum of the energies of the two photons which are produced when the posi

  • Q : Determine the new angular speed of the merry-go-round....
    Physics :

    A playground merry-go-round of radius R = 1.60 m has a moment of inertia I = 250 kg·m2 and is rotating at 11.0 rev/min about a frictionless vertical axle. Facing the axle, a 25.0 kg child hop

  • Q : What is the electric potential energy u of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.65 mu C, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.200 m. What is the electric potential energy U of the system?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the total velocity....
    Physics :

    A second package is thrown downward from the plane with a vertical speed v1 = 61 m/s. What is the magnitude of the total velocity of the package at the moment it is thrown as seen by an observer on

  • Q : Determine radiant energy....
    Physics :

    Why doesn't Earth get hot enough to boil oceans and melt rocks from the radiant energy it absorbs from the Sun?

  • Q : What is the resultant force on the block....
    Physics :

    Forces of 3N and 4N act at right angles on a block of mass 5 kg. Show that the resulting acceleration is 1 m/s2.

  • Q : Maximum horizontal distance....
    Physics :

    If a person can jump a maximum horizontal distance (by using a 45° projection angle) of 2.2 m on Earth, what would be his maximum range on the Moon, where the free-fall acceleration is g/6 and g

  • Q : What is the focal length of the lens if sunlight is focused....
    Physics :

    When the paper is held 29 below the lens, the sunlight is focused on the paper and the paper ignites. What is the focal length of the lens?

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