• Q : What frequency does the spectator hear....
    Physics :

    At a football game, a stationary spectator is watching the halftime show. A trumpet player in the band is playing a 784-Hz tone while marching directly toward the spectator at a speed of 3.50 m/s.

  • Q : Determine the maximum speed that the cycle can have....
    Physics :

    A motorcycle is traveling up one side of a hill and down the other side. The crest of the hill is a circular arc with a radius of 61.0 m. Determine the maximum speed that the cycle can have while mo

  • Q : What is the frequency of the sound detected by sub....
    Physics :

    Two submarines are underwater and approaching each other head-on. Sub A has a speed of 7 m/s and sub B has a speed of 17 m/s. Sub A sends out a 1250 Hz sonar wave that travels at a speed of 1522 m/

  • Q : Magnitude of free-fall acceleration....
    Physics :

    Take the magnitude of free-fall acceleration to be 9.80 . Ignore air resistance.A flea jumps straight up to a maximum height of 0.490 . What is its initial velocity as it leaves the ground?

  • Q : Find the wavelengths of these extremes at a temperature....
    Physics :

    the range of human hearing extends from approximately 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Find the wavelengths of these extremes at a temperature of 32°C.

  • Q : Calculate magnitude of normal force....
    Physics :

    Now suppose the friction is sufficient to keep the car from skidding. Calculate the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car by the road's surface.

  • Q : Undergoes a constant negative acceleration....
    Physics :

    A car initially traveling at 25.9 m/s undergoes a constant negative acceleration of magnitude 1.60 m/s2 after it brakes are applied. How many revolutions does each tire make before the car comes to

  • Q : What is your average speed for the entire trip....
    Physics :

    You drive on Interstate 10 from San Antonio to Houston, half the time at 56 km/h and the other half at 94 km/h. On the way back you travel half the distance at 56 km/h and the other half at 94 km/h.

  • Q : Problem when small holes are drilled in the top....
    Physics :

    A uniform soda can of mass 0.136 kg is 12.2 cm tall and filled with 1.26 kg of soda. Then small holes are drilled in the top and bottom (with negligible loss of metal) to drain the soda. What is the

  • Q : Determine force constant of the spring....
    Physics :

    An elevator car of mass 835 kg falls from rest 3.30 m, hits a buffer spring, and then travels an additional 0.430 m, as it compresses the spring by a maximum of 0.430 m. What is the force constant

  • Q : Calculate average speed of horse canters....
    Physics :

    A horse canters away from its trainer in a straight line, moving 119 m away in 13 s. It then turns abruptly and gallops halfway back in 4.0 s. Calculate its average speed in m/s.

  • Q : Determine acceleration of head....
    Physics :

    Consider a too-small space station that consists of a 2.7 m radius rotating sphere. A man standing inside is 1.9 m tall and his feet are at 1 g. What is the acceleration of his head?

  • Q : Finding the mass of the ice cube....
    Physics :

    A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -7.5°C and placed in a 104 g aluminum calorimeter filled with 294 g of water at room temperature of 20°C. The final situation is observed to be al

  • Q : Find the force exerted by the man on the rope....
    Physics :

    if the coefficient of friction is 0.3, find the force exerted by the man on the rope, and the work done in dragging the box over a distance of 15m.

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the velocity of the baseball....
    Physics :

    A baseball thrown at an angle of 65.0^circ above the horizontal strikes a building 18.0 {rm m} away at a point 7.00 {rm m} above the point from which it is thrown. Ignore air resistance. Find the m

  • Q : What is the tension in each of the cables of given length....
    Physics :

    Each cable has a length of = 3.70 . What is the tension in each of the cables? Use 9.80 for the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between clothes and ground....
    Physics :

    A 85.1 kg base runner begins his slide into second base while moving at a speed of 5.9 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between his clothes and the ground is 0.68. He slides so that he come

  • Q : Weight of piece of ice on surface....
    Physics :

    If a piece of ice weighs 44.0 {rm N} at the surface of the earth, what is its mass on the earth's surface? What is the mass of this piece of ice on the surface of Io? What is the weight of this piece

  • Q : How deep is the well....
    Physics :

    Carlie drops her ring down a well. The sound of the ring splashing at the bottom of the well is heard after 4.0seconds. Assume the speed of sound is 335m/s .How deep is the well?

  • Q : Find the force exerted on by bungee cord at instant....
    Physics :

    Find the force (magnitude and direction) exerted on her by the bungee cord at an instant when her downward acceleration has a magnitude of 6.6 m/s2. Ignore the effects of air resistance.

  • Q : Find the change in the internal energy of the system....
    Physics :

    A container holds 1.4 kg of water that is initially at 332 K and is converted to steam at 407 K. Assuming the volume of the system does not change, what is the change in the internal energy of the

  • Q : Region of space containing a uniform magnetic....
    Physics :

    A proton (mass= 1.67 10-27 kg, charge= 1.6 10-19 C) traveling with 1.10 106 m/s enters a region of space containing a uniform magnetic field of 1.4 T. What is the time t required for the proton to

  • Q : What value does this give for the speed of sound....
    Physics :

    a tuning fork produces a sound with a frequency of 249 Hz and a wavelenght in air of 1.35 m. What value does this give for the speed of sound in air? Answer in units of m/s.

  • Q : Mass of the block of ice....
    Physics :

    A dock worker applies a constant horizontal force of 80.5 {rm N} to a block of ice on a smooth horizontal floor. The frictional force is negligible. The block starts from rest and moves 9.00 {rm m}

  • Q : Find the minimum time needed before plane can come to rest....
    Physics :

    A jet plane lands with a speed of 83 m/s. From the instant the plane touches the runway, what is the minimum time needed before it can come to rest?

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