• Q : Find the instantaneous power....
    Physics :

    Find the instantaneous power P created by the normal force at t=10;{rm s}. The magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is g=9.8;rm m/s^2.

  • Q : Resulting speed of the combined cars....
    Physics :

    A 20,000 kg railroad car is traveling at 3 m/s when it collides and couples with a second, identical car at rest. What is the resulting speed of the combined cars?

  • Q : Find the smallest thickness of a soap film if appear black....
    Physics :

    What is the smallest thickness of a soap film (n = 1.33) that would appear black if illuminated with 485 -nm light? Assume there is air on both sides of the soap film.

  • Q : What is the momentum of the mass....
    Physics :

    A 30.00 kg mass falls from a height of 4.000 m. What is the momentum of the mass just before it hits?

  • Q : What mass of gas must be expelled....
    Physics :

    What mass of gas must be expelled to make the needed course correction?

  • Q : At what height on the wall does the lump hit....
    Physics :

    It leaves the rim at a height of h = 1.20 m from the floor and at a distance d = 2.50 m from a wall. At what height on the wall does the lump hit?

  • Q : Center of the earth moon in a space....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the apparent weight of a 65 kg astronaut 5200 km from the center of the Earth's Moon in a space vehicle moving at constant velocity?

  • Q : What is the initial speed of the ball....
    Physics :

    A ball is thrown horizontally from a height of 20 m and hits the ground with a speed that is three times its initial speed. What is the initial speed?

  • Q : Find speed of electrons after passing by voltage difference....
    Physics :

    The mass of an electron and the voltage difference and hence calculate the speed v of the electrons after passing through a voltage difference of 120 kV.

  • Q : Estimate the normal force....
    Physics :

    At the airport, you pull a 18 kg suitcase across the floor with a strap that is at an angle of 40 above the horizontal. Find the normal force.

  • Q : Gravitational force to hold it on the track....
    Physics :

    What is the maximum speed the car can have at point B for the gravitational force to hold it on the track?

  • Q : Find magnitude of force exerted by gold nucleus on electron....
    Physics :

    A moving electron passes near the nucleus of a gold atom. What is the magnitude of the force exerted by the gold nucleus on the electron?

  • Q : Estimate of yield in bushels....
    Physics :

    A farmer planted a field of Bt 123 corn and wants to estimate the yield in terms of bushels per acre. He counts 22 ears in 1/1000 of an acre. He determines that each ear has about 700 kernels on av

  • Q : Forces acting on the object....
    Physics :

    Your car is accelerating to the right from a stop. Identify all forces acting on the object and draw the free-body diagram.

  • Q : What is the mass of the disk....
    Physics :

    A solid cylindrical disk has a radius of 0.10 m. It is mounted to an axle that is perpendicular to the circular end of the disk at its center. When a 50-N force is applied tangentially to the disk,

  • Q : Develop an estimated regression model....
    Physics :

    Develop an estimated regression model that can be used to predict the price per share given the book value per share and the return on equity per share. Use the .05 level of significance.

  • Q : Calculating the density of the object....
    Physics :

    An object weighing 323 N in air is immersed in water after being tied to a string connected to a balance. The scale now reads 289 N. Immersed in oil, the object weighs 300 N. Calculate the density

  • Q : How fast is it moving at the the top of its trajectory....
    Physics :

    A projectile is fired straight upward at 141 m/s. How fast is it moving at the the top of its trajectory? Suppose it is launched upward at 45 degrees about the horizontal plane. How fast is it movin

  • Q : What is the maximum speed could have and still not hit deer....
    Physics :

    How much distance is between you and the deer when you come to a stop? What is the maximum speed you could have and still not hit the deer?

  • Q : Fired at an upward angle....
    Physics :

    A projectile is fired at an upward angle of 50° from the top of a 145 m cliff with a speed of 195 m/s. What will be its speed when it strikes the ground below?

  • Q : Determining the minimum coefficient of friction....
    Physics :

    A banked circular highway curve is designed for traffic moving at 77 km/h. The radius of the curve is 153 m. Traffic is moving along the highway at 46 km/h on a rainy day. What is the minimum coeffi

  • Q : Calculate the energy in of a photon of radiation....
    Physics :

    One recent study has shown that x rays with a wavelength of 0.0050 can produce significant numbers of mutations in human cells.Calculate the energy in of a photon of radiation with this wavelength.

  • Q : Baseball acceleration....
    Physics :

    A base ball is being caught; its speed goes from 90 to 0 km/hr in about 0.005 s. Its mass is 0.150 kg. (a) What is the baseball's acceleration in m/s2 and in g's? (b) What is the size of the force

  • Q : At time the acceleration of the ball is closest to what....
    Physics :

    The initial velocity of the ball is Consider all quantities as positive in the upward direction. At time the acceleration of the ball is closest to what?

  • Q : Define the term impulse....
    Physics :

    Define the term impulse. Using the principle of momentum conservation, explain what happens when a moving billiard ball collides with a stationary ball (cue ball hitting the eight ball).

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