• Q : How far horizontally does rock travel before striking water....
    Physics :

    A girl throws a rock horizontally with a speed of 12.0 m/s from a bridge. It falls 2.28 seconds before reaching the water below. How high is the bridge from the water. How far horizontally does the

  • Q : Compute the amplitude of the emf....
    Physics :

    An AM radio station broadcasts isotropically (equally in all directions) with an average power of 4.60 kW. A dipole receiving antenna 65.0 cm long is at a location 4.00 miles from the transmitter.

  • Q : What horizontal distance does it cover during the flight....
    Physics :

    a. If the seed pod is 1.2 m above the ground, how long does it take for the seed to land? (Neglect air resistance.) b. What horizontal distance does it cover during its flight?

  • Q : Identify the vertical-horizontal components of pendulum....
    Physics :

    A 20 g rifle bullet traveling 220 m/s buries itself in a 3.5 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.7 m long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the vertical and horizontal compo

  • Q : Ratio of amplitude of damped oscillations-initial amplitude....
    Physics :

    For a damped oscillator with a mass of 290 g, a spring constant 80 N/m and a damping coefficient of 57 g/s, what is the ratio of the amplitude of the damped oscillations to the initial amplitude at

  • Q : What if the glass is to appear bright....
    Physics :

    What is the minimum (non-zero) thickness for the air layer between two flat, and parallel, glass surfaces if the glass is to appear dark when 640 nm light is incident normally? What what if the gla

  • Q : What is the water level in the tank....
    Physics :

    A tank of water sits at the edge of a table of height 1.3 m. The tank springs a very small leak at its base, and water sprays out a distance of 0.7 m from the edge of the table. What is the water l

  • Q : Problem based on elevator accelerating upward....
    Physics :

    A spring (k=830 N/m) is hanging from the ceiling of an elevator, and a 5.0-kg object is attached to the lower end. By how much does the spring stretch (relative to its unstrained length) when the e

  • Q : What torque does the force produce....
    Physics :

    A uniform disk with a mass of 150 kg and radius of 2 m rotates with an angular speed of 1100 rev/min. A tangential force is applied at a radial distance of 0.65 m. The wheel is brought to rest in 2.

  • Q : Perpendicular to uniform magnetic field....
    Physics :

    An electron with kinetic energy 1.20 keV circles in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. The orbit radius is 25.0 cm. Find the following values.

  • Q : Calculate the magnitudeof the average acceleration....
    Physics :

    For no apparent reason, a poodle is running at a constant speed of 3.40 m/s in a circle with radius 2.8m. Let v1 be the velocity vector at time t1, and let v2 be the velocity vector at time t2 For

  • Q : Find the ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of ice....
    Physics :

    Ignoring the container and the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid at 50.0 degree C, find the ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of ice. The specific heat capacity of steam is 2020 J/(kg C

  • Q : Determine the final temperature of the gas....
    Physics :

    Three moles of an ideal monatomic gas are at a temperature of 398 K. Then 2131 J of heat is added to the gas, and 736 J of work is done on it. What is the final temperature of the gas?

  • Q : Roll before reversing direction....
    Physics :

    A hollow sphere is rolling along a horizontal floor at 5.0 m/s when it comes to a 30.0 degree incline. How far up the incline does it roll before reversing direction?

  • Q : Minimum force needed to make the crate start tipping....
    Physics :

    If the create has a mass of 60 and is 1.6 tall and 0.80 in depth and width, what is the minimum force needed to make the crate start tipping? (Assume the center of mass of the crate is at its cente

  • Q : Force of friction between the skidding car and road....
    Physics :

    You are driving a 3000 kg car at a constant speed 20 m/s along an icy road. While approaching a traffic light, it turn red. You slam on the brakes and come to a complete stop. The skid marks are 20

  • Q : Maximum linear speed can the mass have....
    Physics :

    A 0.300-kg mass, attached to the end of a 0.750-m string, is whirled around in a smooth level table. If the maximum tension that the string can withstand is 250 N, then what maximum linear speed ca

  • Q : What is the speed of the police car....
    Physics :

    While standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 560 Hz from an approaching police car. After the police car passes, its frequency is 480 Hz. What is the speed of the police car? (speed of sou

  • Q : Pendulum swinging upward in an arc....
    Physics :

    A 23 rifle bullet traveling 290 buries itself in a 3.3 pendulum hanging on a 3.0 long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc.

  • Q : Specific heat of the container....
    Physics :

    What is the final equilibrium temperature when 28 g of milk at 12?C is added to 140 g of coffee at 65?C? Assume the specific heats of milk and coffee are the same as that of water, and neglect the

  • Q : What theories of motivation might explain a change....
    Physics :

    Supporting his theory, since 2001, workers in the United States have increased their hours worked while tax rates have dropped. What theory or theories of motivation might explain such a change?

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of impulse delivered to the ball....
    Physics :

    After a 0.200-kg rubber ball is dropped from a height of 1.90 m, it bounces off a concrete floor and rebounds to a height of 1.45 m. a) Determine the magnitude and direction of the impulse delivered

  • Q : What is minimum coefficient of friction that preven sliding....
    Physics :

    A flat (unbanked) curve on a highway has a radius of 200 m. A car rounds the curve at a speed of 18.0 m/s. What is the minimum coefficient of friction that will prevent sliding?

  • Q : Is mechanical energy conserved....
    Physics :

    The cockroach finds a bread crumb on the rim and, of course, stops. (a) What is the angular speed of the lazy Susan after the cockroach stops ? (b) Is mechanical energy conserved ?

  • Q : What is the original temperature of the cylinder....
    Physics :

    The final temperature of the system is 100°C. Neglect energy transfers with the environment. (a) How much energy (in calories) is transferred to the water as heat? (b) How much to the bowl? (c)

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