• Q : What forces and energy values need to be considered....
    Physics :

    Will the calculation for the speed of the skier at the bottom of the slope be based on conservative or non-conservative forces?

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of acceleration of object....
    Physics :

    Only two forces act on an object (mass = 4.10 kg), as in the drawing. (F = 51.0 N.) Find the magnitude and direction (relative to the x axis) of the acceleration of the object.

  • Q : Determine the net work done on the load....
    Physics :

    A 215 kg load is lifted 16.0 m vertically with an acceleration a=0.105g (.105 of gravity) by a single cable. a) Determine the tension in the cable b) Determine the net work done on the load.

  • Q : How can she connect these resistors to produce resistance....
    Physics :

    a hobbyist building a radio needs a 150 ohm resistor in her circuit, but only has a 220 ohm, a 79 ohm, and a 92 ohm, resistor available. How can she connect these resistors to produce the desired re

  • Q : How many moles n have been introduced into the bag....
    Physics :

    Temperature remains at room temperature (20^circ {rm C}). How many moles n have been introduced into the bag by the time its volume reaches 22.4 rm L?

  • Q : Angular separation between the two lines....
    Physics :

    A grating with 504 lines/mm is illuminated with light of wavelength 305 nm. What is the angular separation between the two lines formed in order m = 2?

  • Q : Find the youngs modulus....
    Physics :

    For safety in climbing, a mountaineer uses a nylon rope that is 35 m long and 1.5 cm in diameter. When supporting an 80 kg climber, the rope elongates 1.4 m. Find its Young's modulus. The accelerat

  • Q : Elapses between the first and second splash....
    Physics :

    Heather and Jerry are standing on a bridge 53 above a river. Heather throws a rock straight down with a speed of 12 m/s . Jerry, at exactly the same instant of time, throws a rock straight up with

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the emf induced in loop....
    Physics :

    A circular loop of wire of radius 12.5 cm is placed in a magnetic field directed perpendicular to the plane of the loop as shown in the figure below. If the field decreases at the rate of 0.027 0 T

  • Q : Internal reflection on the vertical surface....
    Physics :

    A glass paperweight with an index of refraction n rest on a desk, as shown below. An incident ray of light enters the horizontal top surface of the paperweight at an angle of 77 degrees to the verti

  • Q : Find average magnitude of induced emf if change in shape....
    Physics :

    Find the average magnitude of the induced emf if the change in shape occurs in 4.43 and the local 0.114- magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop.

  • Q : With what speed is the can moving around the circle....
    Physics :

    You are swinging a tin can around your head in a perfectly horizontal circle of radius 4 m. (This is really not possible but we re saying it almost happens.) If you exert a force of 9 N and the mass

  • Q : Properties of electric lines of force....
    Physics :

    What are the properties of electric lines of force and why do such lines not intersect on the subject called physics

  • Q : Simulating earth surface gravity....
    Physics :

    A space station is constructed in the shape of a wheel 15 m in diameter, with essentially all of its 4.0×105 kg mass at the rim. Once the station is completed, it is set rotating at a rate tha

  • Q : Find the average force exerted on the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 12 g bullet is accelerated in a rifle barrel 48.3 cm long to a speed of 736 m/s. Use the work-energy theorem to find the average force exerted on the bullet while it is being accelerated.

  • Q : Simplest equations result....
    Physics :

    This implies that you can pick the point about which to sum the torques to simplify the calculation. Often it is best to pick the point where an unknown force acts, so that the torque due to that f

  • Q : Contacting the two-spring system....
    Physics :

    After the first spring compresses a distance of 27.3 cm, the second spring acts with the first to increase the force as additional compression occurs as shown in the graph. The car comes to rest 49.

  • Q : Find maximum compression of spring....
    Physics :

    25g ball moving at velocity of 200cm/s to the right collides and stick to 200g block that is intially at rest and is attached to spring of spring constant at 10n/m. Find max compression of spring.

  • Q : Difference across the plates of the capacitor....
    Physics :

    A parallel-plate capacitor has an area of 5.15 cm2, and the plates are separated by 1.05 mm with air between them. It stores a charge of 337 pC. What is the potential difference across the plates o

  • Q : At what distance will the second mass begin to slide....
    Physics :

    A 394 kg mass is brought close to a second mass of 138 kg on a frictional surface with coefficient of friction 0.6. At what distance will the second mass begin to slide toward the first mass?The ac

  • Q : What is the terminal velocity of the rod....
    Physics :

    A 12.0 g conducting rod oflength 1.30 m is free to slide downward between two vertical railswithout friction. The rails are connected to an 8.00 resistor, and the entire apparatus is placed ina 0.5

  • Q : How deep is the tank....
    Physics :

    An opaque cylindrical tank with an open top has a diameter of 2.60 m and is completely filled with water. When the afternoon Sun reaches an angle of 30.0° above the horizon, sunlight ceases to i

  • Q : Find the speed and direction of second puck after collision....
    Physics :

    The first puck is deflected 39 below the +x axis and moves off at 0.34 m/s. Find the speed and direction of the second puck after the collision.

  • Q : Describe effort required to lift the box off the ground....
    Physics :

    A 10 kg effort is required to lift a 10 kg box just off the ground. What is the effort required to lift the box off the ground using a 3m long lever? [The fulcrum is placed 0.5m from the box.]

  • Q : Magnitude of the maximum magnetic force....
    Physics :

    In a TV set, electrons are accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 19kV. The electrons then pass through a 0.28-T magnetic field that deflects them to the appropriate spot on the sc

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