• Q : Condition of constructive interference....
    Physics :

    A listener is positioned in front of the two speakers and on the line separating them, thus creating a constructive interference at the listener's ear. If one of the speakers is gradually pushed tow

  • Q : Quick calculation of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    You've recently read about a chemical laser that generates a 20-cm-diameter, 27.0 MW laser beam. One day, after physics class, you start to wonder if you could use the radiation pressure from this l

  • Q : What is the mass of the smaller star....
    Physics :

    The larger of the two stars has a mass of 3.00 1030 kg, and its center is 2.60 1011 m from the system's center of mass. What is the mass of the smaller star?

  • Q : Determine the energy in ev....
    Physics :

    One recent study has shown that x rays with a wavelength of 0.0050 nm can produce mutations in human cells. a) Calculate the energy in eV of a photon of radiation with this wavelength.

  • Q : At what velocity would a spacecraft have to be moving....
    Physics :

    At what velocity would a spacecraft have to be moving for a radio station on Earth transmitting at 100MHz to be picked up by a radio tuned to 100.4MHz ?

  • Q : Find out the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow....
    Physics :

    An 81 g arrow is fired from a bow whose string exerts an average force of 95 N on the arrow over a distance of 75 cm. What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow?

  • Q : Grams of aluminum....
    Physics :

    How many grams of aluminum at 90degrees C would have to be dropped into a hole in a block of ice at 0.0degrees C to melt 10 g of ice?

  • Q : What is the centripetal acceleration of different masses....
    Physics :

    Both masses rotate on the table making 100 revolutions per minute. m1=m2=1kg. What is the centripetal acceleration of m1 and m2?

  • Q : Sea-level isobars....
    Physics :

    Why is the surface wind always directed at some angle across the sea-level isobars toward lower pressure? Why is the surface wind directed across the sea-level isobars at a greater angle in Madison

  • Q : How far apart are they when lighter astronaut has moved 11m....
    Physics :

    Two astronauts, one of mass 65 and the other 83 , are initially at rest in outer space. They then push each other apart. How far apart are they when the lighter astronaut has moved 11 ?

  • Q : How deep is the ocean beneath the ship....
    Physics :

    The speed of sound in water is 1501 m/s. A sonar signal is sent from a ship at a point just below the water surface and 2.5 s later the reflected signal is detected. How deep is the ocean beneath th

  • Q : Find conventional name of the vector have drawn....
    Physics :

    Why is it that a car that falls from the top of a 50 story building will hit a safety net below no faster. What is the conventional name of the vector you have drawn?

  • Q : Estimate the ball''s rise in temperature....
    Physics :

    A steel ball is dropped from a height of three meters onto a concrete floor. It bounces a large number of times but eventually comes to rest. Estimate the ball's rise in temperature.

  • Q : Problem related to doppler shift....
    Physics :

    The Doppler shift was first tested in 1845 by the French scientist B. Ballot. He had a trumpet player sound a 384 Hz note while riding on a flat-car pulled by a locomotive. At the same time, a stati

  • Q : How far apart are they when lighter astronaut has moved 15m....
    Physics :

    Two astronauts, one of mass 61 kg and the other 80 kg, are initially at rest in outer space. They then push each other apart. How far apart are they when the lighter astronaut has moved 15 m?

  • Q : How high the cylinder vertically will go before stop....
    Physics :

    A cylinder is rolling along the ground without the slipping at 7m/s. It comes to a hill and begins going up. Assuming no losses to friction, how high vertically will it go before it stops?

  • Q : What is the angular diameter of such a black hole....
    Physics :

    What is the angular diameter of such a black hole as seen from a distance of 45 AU, the closest that the star SO-16 comes to Sagittarius A*?

  • Q : Electric potential of the inner shell....
    Physics :

    Two conducting spherical shells are concentric, with radii of 0.30 m and 1.70 m. The electric potential of the inner shell, with respect to the outer shell, is +730 V.

  • Q : Compute schwarzschild radius of supermassive black hole....
    Physics :

    The estimated mass of the black hole at the galactic center. Give your answer in both kilometers and astronomical units.

  • Q : How long will it take the camel to cross the desert....
    Physics :

    The camel walks at the uniform speed 4.45 km/hr along a straight line in the direction 45.6?  north of East (only the camel knows why he chose that particular direction).  How long will it

  • Q : Velocity of ball after the elastic collision....
    Physics :

    Two balls, of masses = 49 and = 67 , are suspended as shown in the figure. The lighter ball is pulled away to a 66 angle with the vertical and released. Assume that the positive axis is directed to

  • Q : How far does police travel while breaking....
    Physics :

    Sam is recklessly driving 60mph in a 30mph speed zone when he suddenly sees the police. He steps on the brakes and slows to 30mph in three seconds. How far does he travel while breaking?

  • Q : Determine the kinetic energy of the baseball....
    Physics :

    A baseball outfielder throws a 0.150 kg baseball at a speed of 39.0 m/s and an initial angle of 33.0°. What is the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of its trajectory?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net force on the student....
    Physics :

    A student who weighs 510 N is wearing a backpack that weighs 80 N. The student is standing still on level ground. Give your answers to the following questions in Newtons.

  • Q : Express height of the rock as function of time....
    Physics :

    A rock is dropped from a bridge 300 meters about the New River. Express the height of the rock as a function of time and find the amount of time it takes for it to hit the water.

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