• Q : Relationship between wind and waves....
    Physics :

    Describe the relationship between wind and waves. Describe the parts of a wave and the characteristic water motion involved in wave movement. How do the erosive power of waves and wave characterist

  • Q : How far from the point of firing does other fragment strike....
    Physics :

    How far from the point of firing does the other fragment strike if the terrain is level?

  • Q : Computing the mass of the ice cube....
    Physics :

    A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -9.2 and placed in a 109 aluminum calorimeter filled with 320 of water at room temperature of 20.0 . The final situation is observed to be all water at 15

  • Q : By how much does the rocket clear the top of the wall....
    Physics :

    The rocket attains its launch speed in a negligibly short period of time, after which its engines shut down and the rocket coasts. By how much does the rocket clear the top of the wall?

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the total gravitational force....
    Physics :

    Four 6.5 kg spheres are located at the corners of a square of side 0.80 m. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total gravitational force exerted on one sphere by the other three.

  • Q : Horizontal and vertical components of the launch velocity....
    Physics :

    The ball remains in contact with the kicker's foot for 0.050 s, during which time it experiences an acceleration of 390 m/s2. The ball is launched at an angle of 54° above the ground. Determine

  • Q : Angular velocity when the block reaches the outer edge....
    Physics :

    A 180 g, 37.0-cm-diameter turntable rotates on frictionless bearings at 65.0 rpm. A 24.0 g block sits at the center of the turntable. A compressed spring shoots the block radically outward along a

  • Q : Determine the car speed....
    Physics :

    A race car starting from rest accelerates uniformly at a rate of 4.90 meters per second2. What is the car's speed after it has traveled 200.0 meters?

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the velocity of heavier fragment....
    Physics :

    Find the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the heavier fragment relative to the ground just after the explosion. Please provide step-by-step method to solve the problem.

  • Q : Find the speed and direction of the woman....
    Physics :

    A woman walks due west on the deck of a ship at 4 mi/h. The ship is moving north at a speed of 18 mi/h. Find the speed and direction of the woman relative to the surface of the water. (Round your a

  • Q : High-school pitcher is employing a ballistic pendulum....
    Physics :

    A high-school pitcher is employing a ballistic pendulum to determine the speed of his fastball. A 3.3-kg lump of clay is suspended from a cord 2.0-m long.

  • Q : Find the wavelength of the sound....
    Physics :

    A bat emits a sound whose frequency is 82.8 kHz. The speed of sound in air at 20.0 oC is 343 m/s. However, the air temperature is 38.7 oC, so the speed of sound is not 343 m/s. Assume that air behav

  • Q : Angles with respect to the original direction of motion....
    Physics :

    A particle of mass 4.12 × 10-27 kg, moving at 4.62 × 105 m/s, strikes an identical particle which is initially at rest. After the interaction, the particles (which can't be distinguished

  • Q : Calculate final temperature of mixture assuming no heat loss....
    Physics :

    The heat capacities of H2O(s) and H2O(l) are 2.08 and 4.18 J/g°C, respectively, and the enthalpy of fusion for ice is 6.02 kJ/mol.

  • Q : Gauge pressure of the tire....
    Physics :

    The atmospheric pressure at the top of the mountain is 1.7 atm. The car is driven down to sea level, where the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 atm and the air inside the tire is heated to 350 K. At sea

  • Q : Type of spectrum....
    Physics :

    What type of spectrum would you expect to see from the glowing parts of the nebula? Why?

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    An Atwood machine consists of two masses, = 6.6 and = 8.0 , connected by a cord that passes over a pulley free to rotate about a fixed axis. The pulley is a solid cylinder of radius = 0.40 and mass

  • Q : How polarity of solvent of mixture affect separation of dyes....
    Physics :

    Does the polarity of the solvent of the various solvent mixtures seem to affect the completeness of the separation of dyes? Why might this be so?

  • Q : Equal angles with the ceiling....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 22.0 {rm kg} is suspended a distance of h = 2.20 {rm m} below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of l = 3.10 {rm m}.

  • Q : What are the tensions in the cables....
    Physics :

    A baby grand piano with a mass of 285 kg hangs from two cables. The angle between the horizontal and the left cable is 27 degrees. The angle between the horizontal and the right cable is 45 degrees

  • Q : Qoestion regarding the magnitude of the force....
    Physics :

    A diving board of length 3.00 {rm m} is supported at a point 1.00 {rm m} from the end, and a diver weighing 550 {rm N} stands at the free end . The diving board is of uniform cross section and weig

  • Q : Accelerate out of the starting blocks....
    Physics :

    World-class sprinters can accelerate out of the starting blocks with an acceleration that is nearly horizontal and has magnitude 15m/s^2. How much horizontal force F must a sprinter of mass 62.0 kg

  • Q : What is the speed of the arrow....
    Physics :

    An 88g arrow is fired from a bow whose stringht exerts an average force of 110N on the arrow over a distance of 78cm. What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow?

  • Q : By how much did the ball clear the net....
    Physics :

    A tennis player hits a ball 2.0 m above the ground. The ball leaves his racket with a speed of 16.0 m/s at an angle 5.5 degrees above the horizontal. The horizontal distance to the net is 7.0 m and

  • Q : Calculate the total speed....
    Physics :

    A humanitarian aid package is dropped from a plane flying horizontally 500 m above the ground with a speed 100 m/s. What is the speed of the package at the time of impact? (Calculate the total speed

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