• Q : Computing the fundamental frequency....
    Physics :

    A horizontal string of length 1.5 meters vibrates with a wave velocity of 1230 m/s at its fundamental frequency. What is the fundamental frequency

  • Q : Compute the work done by the man on the piano....
    Physics :

    The effective coefficient of kinetic friction (between the piano and the ramp) is 0.43. A) Calculate the force exerted by the man. B) Calculate the work done by the man on the piano.

  • Q : What is the sg of the wood....
    Physics :

    A 0.47 kg piece of wood floats in water but is found to sink in alcohol (specific gravity = 0.79) in which it has an apparent mass of 0.030 kg. What is the SG of the wood?

  • Q : Volume of the interior of the house in cubic meters....
    Physics :

    A house is 100.0 ft long and 30 ft wide, and has 8.0 ft high ceilings. What is the volume of the interior of the house in cubic meters and cubic centimeters?

  • Q : Physics students working on a catapult....
    Physics :

    Some enterprising physics students working on a catapult decide to have a water balloon fight in the school hallway. The ceiling is of height 3.5 m, and the balloons are launched at a velocity of 10

  • Q : Components of the ship displacement vector....
    Physics :

    An ocean liner leaves New York City and travels 43.0° north of east for 189 km. How far east and how far north has it gone? In other words, what are the magnitudes of the components of the ship

  • Q : Computing the final temperature of the mixture....
    Physics :

    A 2.60 multiplied by 102 g sample of water at 80.0°C is mixed with 2.60 multiplied by 102 g of water at 25.0°C. Assume no heat loss to the surroundings. What is the final temperature of the

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between the child-slide....
    Physics :

    A child goes down a playground slide with an acceleration of 1.34 m/s2. Calculate the` if the slide is inclined at an angle of 34.0° below the horizontal.  

  • Q : What are the two lowest frequencies....
    Physics :

    A listener is 57 m from the left speaker and 30 m from the right one. The listener can respond to all frequencies from 20 to 20 000 Hz, and the speed of sound is 343 m/s. What are the two lowest fre

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net force....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the net force exerted by these two charges on a third charge q3 = 7.00 {rm nC} located at y3 = 0.400 {rm m}?

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the torque....
    Physics :

    An athlete at the gym holds a 3.2 kg steel ball in his hand. His arm is 76 cm long and has a mass of 4.0 kg. What is the magnitude of the torque about his shoulder if he holds his arm in each of the

  • Q : Electric power and discharges of waste heat problem....
    Physics :

    A 40%-efficient electric power plant produces 900 of electric power and discharges waste heat into 20C ocean water. Suppose the waste heat could be used to heat homes during the winter instead of b

  • Q : Determine the tension in the crossbar of the ladder....
    Physics :

    The drawing shows an A-shaped stepladder. Both sides of the ladder are equal in length. This ladder is standing on a frictionless horizontal surface, and only the crossbar (which has a negligible m

  • Q : Problem based on car that is traveling in another lane....
    Physics :

    How long, in seconds, does it take an automobile traveling 65.0 km/h to become even with a car that is traveling in another lane at 40.0 km/h if the cars' front bumpers are initially 114 m apart?

  • Q : What is the skis speed at the base of the incline....
    Physics :

    A ski starts from rest and slides down a 24{rm ^circ} incline 75 {rm m} long. If the coefficient of friction is 0.095, what is the ski's speed at the base of the incline?

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the rock....
    Physics :

    A rock of mass 34 kg accidentally breaks loose from the edge of a cliff and falls straight down. The magnitude of the air resistance that opposes its downward motion is 248 N. What is the magnitude

  • Q : Space vehicle moving at constant velocity....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the apparent weight of a 79 kg astronaut 5100 km from the center of the Earth's Moon in a space vehicle moving at constant velocity?

  • Q : How much work does the spring do on the block....
    Physics :

    When the block is pulled out to x = +5.0 cm, we must apply a force of magnitude 360 N to hold it there. We pull the block to x = 13.0 cm and then release it. How much work does the spring do on the

  • Q : How long is ball in the air....
    Physics :

    A baseball is thrown at an angle of 24? relative to the ground at a speed of 25.2 m/s. The ball is caught 48.1067 m from the thrower. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . How long is it in

  • Q : Magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of a point....
    Physics :

    An electric drill starts from rest and rotates with a constant angular acceleration. After the drill has rotated through a certain angle, the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of a point on

  • Q : Increasing or decreasing angular velocity....
    Physics :

    Specify whether the acceleration indicates an increasing or decreasing angular velocity.

  • Q : Walk around a circular lake in opposite directions....
    Physics :

    Two people start at the same place and walk around a circular lake in opposite directions. One walks with an angular speed of 1.50 10-3 rad/s, while the other has an angular speed of 3.90 10-3 rad/

  • Q : Electrical force between the two spheres....
    Physics :

    Two tiny conducting spheres with a mass of 15 gm each are hanging from non-conducting threads of length 70 cm such that they are 4 cm apart as shown to the left. What is the electrical force between

  • Q : Horizontal force exerted on the car....
    Physics :

    A mechanic pushes a 2.8X10^3kg car from rest to a speed of v, doing 4600 J of work in the process. During this time, the car moves 20.0 m. Neglecting friction between car and road, find each of the

  • Q : What is the bubble diameter....
    Physics :

    What is the bubble's diameter just as it reaches the surface of the lake, where the water temperature is 20.0^circC? Assume that the air bubble is always in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding

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