• Q : Inattentive driver is traveling....
    Physics :

    An inattentive driver is traveling 20.0 m/s when he notices a red light ahead. His car is capable of decelerating at a rate of 4.00 m/s^2. If it takes him 0.250 s to get the brakes on and he is 30.0

  • Q : What is the time constant if the ball amplitude decreased....
    Physics :

    A spring with spring constant k hangs from the ceiling. A mass ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down y and released. What is the time constant if the bal

  • Q : Calculate the kenetic energy of the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 31 kg gun is standing on a frictionless surface. The gun ?res a 55.9 g bullet with a muzzle velocity of 301 m/s. The positive direction is that of the bullet. Calculate the kenetic energy of the

  • Q : Magnitude of the net force on the box....
    Physics :

    Two brothers push on a box from opposite directions. If one brother pushes with a force of 86 N and the other brother pushes with a force of 67 N, what is the magnitude of the net force on the box?

  • Q : Firefighter slides down a fire pole....
    Physics :

    Starting from rest, a 91-kg firefighter slides down a fire pole. The average frictional force exerted on him by the pole has a magnitude of 815 N, and his speed at the bottom of the pole is 3.7 m/s.

  • Q : Tension in the string once the box begins to move....
    Physics :

    What is the tension in the string once the box begins to move?

  • Q : Determining the location of the image....
    Physics :

    Consider the light from the object that reflects first from the plane mirror and then from the concave mirror. Find the location of the image that this light produces in the concave mirror. Specify

  • Q : What was its final angular speed in rpm....
    Physics :

    Pilots can be tested for stresses of flying high speed jets in a whirling "human centrifuge," which takes 1.0 minute to turn through 20 complete revolutions before reacting its final speed a) what w

  • Q : Find the ratio of the distances....
    Physics :

    At a distance r1 from a point charge, the magnitude of the electric field created by the charge is 287 N/C. At a distance r2 from the charge, the field has a magnitude of 128 N/C. Find the ratio of

  • Q : What will be the vertical component of velocity....
    Physics :

    A golf ball is struck off a tee (negligible height and air resistance) with initial velocity of 50 meters per second at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. What will be the vertical compon

  • Q : Calculate the mass of sand added to the bucket....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of static friction between the table and the block is 0.460 and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the table and the block is 0.320. Sand is gradually added to the bucket un

  • Q : Problem based on gauss law....
    Physics :

    A charge q1 is inside a spherical surface ( although not necessarily at the exact center of the sphere). A second charge q2 sits just outside the surface. Choose whether the following statements are

  • Q : Magnitude of the normal force on the sled....
    Physics :

    A sled weighing 165 N rests on a 15° incline, held in place by static friction. The coefficient of static friction is 0.50. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the sled?

  • Q : What should be the distance between the two swings....
    Physics :

    At the top of their trajectory, their act calls for them to push against each in such a way that one of them becomes stationary in mid-air and then falls to the safety net while the other speeds awa

  • Q : What is the stopping distance....
    Physics :

    If the coefficient of friction between road and tires on a rainy day is 0.100, what is the minimum distance in which the car will stop? What is the stopping distance when the surface is dry and the c

  • Q : Tennis stroke by hitting balls against a wall....
    Physics :

    Jason is practicing his tennis stroke by hitting balls against a wall. The ball leaves his racquet at a height of 60 cm above the ground at an angle of 80' with respect to the vertical.

  • Q : Wave-pulse to travel via the cord....
    Physics :

    A cord of mass 0.730 kg is stretched between two supports 38.0 m apart. If the tension in the cord is 460 N, how long (in s) will it take for a wave-pulse to travel via the cord from one support to

  • Q : Calculate the period for the record....
    Physics :

    A coin is placed on a vinyl record making 45 revolutions per minute. Calculate the period for the record. The coin is placed 9.1 from the center. The centripetal acceleration is _____ m/s2.

  • Q : Problem related to horizontal direction....
    Physics :

    After a package is ejected from the plane, how long will it take for it to reach sea level from the time it is ejected? Assume that the package, like the plane, has an initial velocity of 270 mph i

  • Q : Midway between the speakers expriences an intensity maximum....
    Physics :

    Two loudspeakers are placed at either end of a gymnasium,both pointing towards each other . the sound emmited by the speakers are in phase and are of frequency of 256 Hz . an observer midway between

  • Q : Find out the energy dissipated by friction....
    Physics :

    With regenerative braking, such as that used in hybrid vehicles, only 70 percent of the kinetic energy is dissipated.) (a) Find the energy dissipated by friction. (b) Find the coefficient of kinetic

  • Q : Acceleration of the rocket as the engine fires....
    Physics :

    A 100 kg rocket has a thrust of 32 N that lasts for 2.00 seconds. It is shot straight up on a day with no wind. Find: acceleration of the rocket as the engine fires

  • Q : What is the average current generated in the loop....
    Physics :

    The loop, which is hinged at each corner, is pulled as shown until the separation between points A and B is 3.00 m. If this process takes 0.100 s, what is the average current generated in the loop?

  • Q : Finding out the magnitude of the torque....
    Physics :

    An athlete at a gymnasium holds a 3.0kg steel ball in his hand. His arm is 70cm long and has a mass of 4.0kg. What is the magnitude of the torque about his shoulder if he holds his arm

  • Q : Resulting sound intensity level....
    Physics :

    When one person was talking in a small room, the sound intensity level was 60 dB everywhere within the room. Then, there were 14 people talking in similar manner simultaneously in the room, what wa

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