• Q : What force does the block exert on the bullet....
    Physics :

    A bullet is shot out of a gun with a 61 cm barrel at a speed of 410 m/s into a block of wood. The bullet enters the wood 13 cm. What force does the block exert on the bullet? What is the time it tak

  • Q : Hawk flies in a horizontal arc....
    Physics :

    A hawk flies in a horizontal arc of radius 15.0 m at a constant speed 4.25 m/s. It continues to fly along the same horizontal arc, but increases its speed at the rate of 1.10 m/s2. Find the accelera

  • Q : Determine coefficient of kinetic frction between box-ramp....
    Physics :

    A box slides down a 30.0 degrees ramp with an acceleration of 1.20 m/s2. Determine the coefficient of kinetic frction between the box and the ramp.

  • Q : What is the diameter of an aluminum atom....
    Physics :

    What is the diameter of an Aluminum atom? Hints the mass of 1 mole of Aliminum is 27 g. the desity of Aluminum is 2.7g/mol

  • Q : Determine the kinetic energy of the ball....
    Physics :

    A 47.3-g golf ball is driven from the tee with an initial speed of 51.6 m/s and rises to a height of 31.6 m. (a) Neglect air resistance and determine the kinetic energy of the ball at its highest po

  • Q : Average resistance force exerted on diver....
    Physics :

    A 76 kg diver steps off a 15 m tower and drops from rest straight down into the water. If he comes to rest 5.0 m beneath the surface, determine the average resistance force exerted on him by the wat

  • Q : Determining the force exerted by the rope on the bucket....
    Physics :

    A 5.8 kg bucket of water is raised from a well by a rope. If the upward acceleration of the bucket is 4.7 m/s2, find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket.

  • Q : What are vertical and horizontal components of 91-n force....
    Physics :

    Dan applies a force of 91 N on a heavy box by using a rope held at an angle of 50° with the horizontal. What are the vertical and horizontal components of the 91-N force?

  • Q : What is the maximum speed she attains....
    Physics :

    She is attached to a 25m long bungee cord. She jumps off the platform and is in freefall until the she gets to the end of the bungee( 25 m). The bungee begins to stretch and slows her down at a rate

  • Q : Critical value of area density....
    Physics :

    What is the critical value of area density for the mirror at which the radiation pressure exactly cancels out the gravitational attraction from the sun?

  • Q : Calculate the average speed of the trip....
    Physics :

    A car travels up a hill at a constant speed of 38.1 km/hr and returns down the hill at a constant speed of 56.6 km/hr. Calculate the average speed of the trip.

  • Q : What happens to the kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    How much work is used to raise A to height h? What happens to the kinetic energy of B if its speed is doubled?

  • Q : Produce destructive interference at listener ear....
    Physics :

    Two loudspeakers are placed next to each other and driven by the same source at a frequency of 570 Hz. A listener is in front of the speakers and on on the line separating them, thus creating a con

  • Q : Compute the mass of the confined air....
    Physics :

    Compute the mass of the confined air on the first and the second inner cylinder using the formula m=pv where p is the density of the air

  • Q : Two skaters with masses....
    Physics :

    Physics two skaters with masses of 65 kg and 45 kg, respectively stand 8.0 m apart each holding one end of a rope.

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the average force....
    Physics :

    A 58.0 kg person jumps from rest off a 12.0 m high tower straight down into the water. Neglect air resistance during the descent. She comes to rest 3.00 m under the surface of the water. Determine t

  • Q : How thick should barriers be to safely stop a car....
    Physics :

    A person wearing a safety belt can withstand an acceleration of -3.0 x 10^2 m/s^2. How thick should barriers be to safely stop a car that hits a barrier at 117 km/h?

  • Q : What is the maximum height reached by the projectile....
    Physics :

    A projectile is fired from the surface of the Earth with a speed of 200 meters per second at an angle of 30 degress above the horizantal. If the ground is level, what is the maximum height reached b

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    The force of the wind on the sails of a sailboat is 410 N north. The water exerts a force of 240 N east. If the boat (including crew) has a mass of 330 kg, what are the magnitude and direction of it

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity basics....
    Physics :

    Find the maximum height that the rocket reaches (neglecting air resistance). Express the maximum height in terms of a, t1, and/or g. Note that in this problem, g is a positive number equal to the ma

  • Q : What is the work done on the disk by the spring....
    Physics :

    The other end is attaced to a 3 kg disk moving in uniform circular motion on the table, which stretches the spring by 1 cm. Note: Friction is negligibe. What is the work done on the disk by the spri

  • Q : Tractor beam to pull a shuttlecraft....
    Physics :

    A Federation starship ( 2.10×106 kg) uses its tractor beam to pull a shuttlecraft ( 1.80×104 kg) aboard from a distance of 18.0 km away. The tractor beam exerts a constant force of 4.0 t

  • Q : What is the gauge pressure of the hydraulic oil....
    Physics :

    In a car lift the output plunger has a radius of 9.0cm. the weight of the plunger and car is 21,000N. What is the gauge pressure of the hydraulic oil used to operate the lift?

  • Q : What should be the maximum speed of the car....
    Physics :

    Suppose the highway is icy and the coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement is only one-third what you find in part (a). What should be the maximum speed of the car so it can round the

  • Q : Find the velocity with which the camera hits the ground....
    Physics :

    A robot probe drops a camera off the rim of a 239m high cliff on Mars, where the free fall acceleration is -3.7m/s^2. a1. Find the velocity with which the camera hits the ground.

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