• Q : How a denial of service attack works....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss how a denial of service attack works. How and why are these attacks effective in their goals? Who would be the primary targets for such types of attacks?

  • Q : Recent rise of violence by islamic youth in france....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out some of the reasons for the recent rise of violence by Islamic youth in France? Use at least one internet source in addition to the text to answer this question.

  • Q : Passage of the national security act....
    Other Subject :

    Describe how U.S intelligence has developed since the passage of the National Security Act. What weaknesses were associated with U.S intelligence in light of the September 11, 2001 attacks?

  • Q : Physical and mental health of individuals....
    Other Subject :

    Explain briefly how the sociological environment affects the physical and mental health of individuals. comprise both the physical and social environment and write a synopsis of the influence.

  • Q : Social inequality or social class theme....
    Other Subject :

    Choose a television program which you know contains social inequality or social class themes. Make a 750- to 1,250 word analysis of program in which you complete the following:

  • Q : Gender issue in advertising....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss gender issue in advertising. Why are advertising companies using gender to sell? What do you make of the differences in their accounts of power and knowledge?

  • Q : Define ethical relativism....
    Other Subject :

    Does the fact that the behavior is or is not normal make it good or bad behavior? If the majority considered the corrupt behavior as acceptable, would it no longer be considered corrupt?

  • Q : Describe cross culture communication....
    Other Subject :

    Describe cross culture communication. Why will cross culture communication be significant to someone in criminal justice field and provide examples?

  • Q : Illustrate out the sociological reasons for gender....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out the sociological reasons for gender, race, and age discrimination in American society. Decsribe  whether these forces will diminish or become more prevalent in the near future.

  • Q : Define the term social problem....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out the term social problem, and what are the criteria that need to be satisfied in order for a social problem to be declared?

  • Q : Change in social values in american society....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss how the change in social values in American society in the last 50 years or so has changed the face of education in the United States.

  • Q : Origin of the organized crime syndicate....
    Other Subject :

    Select a modern-day organized crime syndicate which operates in United States. Seek out organized crime other than the "traditional Italian Mafia." Recognize the origin of the organized crime syndic

  • Q : Efficacy and moral implications....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the efficacy and moral implications of the purposes of the criminal justice system. How can society do better at both deterring criminals and preventing crime?

  • Q : Most significant aspect of criminal law....
    Other Subject :

    Which of the three, in your opinion, is the most significant aspect of criminal law: precedent, stare decisis, and statutory law. What are the differences and similarities of the three and why?

  • Q : Contrast the criminal justice....
    Other Subject :

    Compare and contrast the criminal justice procedures for adult defendants vs. juvenile offenders. Name and describe at least three substantive differences

  • Q : Illustrate out the bset ways to prevent juvenile crime....
    Other Subject :

    Illustrate out the bset ways to prevent juvenile crime? Provide both supportive and contradictory information available in the effort to prevent juvenile crime.

  • Q : Arguments for and against juvenile probation....
    Other Subject :

    Examine both the arguments for and against juvenile probation. When should parole or probation be available to a juvenile offender and when should it not?

  • Q : Purposes and outcomes of juvenile trial....
    Other Subject :

    Compare and contrast the purposes and outcomes of juvenile trial vs. an adult criminal trial.

  • Q : Significance of juvenile gang activity....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss the significance of juvenile gang activity in the United States and provide your opinion of the most effective means of combating gang violence.

  • Q : Future of juvenile justice in america....
    Other Subject :

    In brief explain the future of juvenile justice in America. Will there be a dramatic increase in juvenile crime due to the projected increase in juvenile males in the next decade?

  • Q : Appropriate use of public funds....
    Other Subject :

    In your point of view, is utilizing public funds to assist the homeless appropriate? How do you define what is appropriate use of public funds, and how does the use of public funds fit inside or out

  • Q : Sociological approaches-gender and research....
    Other Subject :

    What are the different sociological approaches when it comes to gender and research and explain the different examples you found and how they apply to the sociological perspective.

  • Q : Long-reaching effects on rural communities....
    Other Subject :

    What is brain drain and what are its long-reaching effects on rural communities? Be sure to include the terms "stayers" and "achievers" in your discussion.

  • Q : Different schools of thought....
    Other Subject :

    In studying sociology there're two different schools of thought. The first is that the sociologist should study the facts only, without the interference of personal interests or values.

  • Q : Structural-functional and social conflict approaches....
    Other Subject :

    How do the structural-functional and social conflict approaches to drug and alcohol abuse differ? Do you think that either approach characterizes the problem?

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