• Q : Higher education setting in nursing....
    Other Subject :

    What would be one or two regulations pertinent to the faculty role in a higher education setting for a nursing instructor?

  • Q : Most prevalent decision making style....
    Other Subject :

    What decision making style is most prevalent in your organization? What tools and techniques are commonly employed to make decisions in your organization?

  • Q : Problem identification and formulation styles....
    Other Subject :

    Compare and contrast the problem identification and formulation styles in your organizations. Specifically discuss the strengths and weaknesses found in each style

  • Q : Difference between formative and summative assessments....
    Other Subject :

    Explain the difference between formative and summative assessments. Provide some examples of appropriate times to use each assessment in classroom

  • Q : Computer-mediated learning environments....
    Other Subject :

    Describe the requirements of a computer-mediated learning environment including learning outcomes, learner analysis, and objective specification.

  • Q : Aspects of active listening skills....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss all the aspects of Active Listening Skills. Why are they used? Why are they important?

  • Q : Ideal classroom situation....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss three staff development topics you believe would be most beneficial to offer in schools. Explain an ideal classroom situation.

  • Q : Examples online of software....
    Other Subject :

    Determine three examples online of software for use in case management and compare them, including discussing with what populations you think they might or might not be useful.

  • Q : Role-plays of an interview....
    Other Subject :

    Role-play Practice in Interviewing Client-Conduct 10-minute role-plays of an interview in which the following principles are demonstrated:

  • Q : Impact of humanistic theory in curriculum design....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the impact of the humanistic theory in curriculum design?

  • Q : Ethics and its place in educational research....
    Other Subject :

    Write down a paper that outlines your position regarding ethics and its place in educational research. This is a personal position; therefore, you may use the first person pronoun. Your paper must i

  • Q : Specific time management strategies....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss how you will use at least two specific time management strategies to help maximize the use of your time during this class and to reach your educational goals.

  • Q : Forces which affecting education....
    Other Subject :

    From your readings and experiences, what do you see as some current educational practices that no longer address current student needs?

  • Q : Diversity and inclusion in education....
    Other Subject :

    How has diversity impacted education? How should schools or your work site deal with pressures to fund certain categories of learners while providing high quality education for all students?

  • Q : Benefits of teaching students with mr....
    Other Subject :

    The topic of inclusion of students with mental retardation is often the controversial one. Brainstorm the benefits and challenges of teaching a class that includes a student with MR.

  • Q : Emotional-behavioral impairments....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss how emotional and behavioral impairments impact a child's educational progress. Discuss the social characteristics of these students? Discuss both internalizing and externalizing behaviors.

  • Q : Program outcomes in curriculum....
    Other Subject :

    Could you please help me understand how mission, vision, and program outcomes of educational program carried out in the curriculum?

  • Q : Topic-subject-issue-anticipation guides....
    Other Subject :

    Select a topic, subject, issue, etc. that totally piqued your curiosity. Prepare a product in the form of PowerPoint presentation which consists of 15-20 slides, Website, Web Quest, or other present

  • Q : Problems of student absenteeism....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss some problems of children being absent within schools that could be addressed in a research project. Examine various methods of data collection that might be appropriate.

  • Q : Issue of retention related to financial concerns....
    Other Subject :

    Please answer to the following questions with minimum of 150 words inclusive of references: Discuss the issues of retention related to financial concerns?

  • Q : Correlation between financial concerns and retention....
    Other Subject :

    Please answer to the following questions with minimum of 150 words inclusive of references. Describe the correlation between financial concerns and retention?

  • Q : Making literature review or manual on nursing....
    Other Subject :

    I've to create a resource manual for new nurse/faculty. I've to perform a literature review on performing needs assessment and create a draft of a needs assessment on problems that a new nurse facul

  • Q : Significance of measurable objectives....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the significance of measurable objectives. Are they fluff that go largely ignored or do they provide value to the completion of the task/project?

  • Q : Role of ethics in educational research....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss the role of ethics in educational research and what is the need for ethics as it applies to educational research in today's society?

  • Q : Strengths-weaknesses of central tendency....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses associated with measures of central tendency to describe the average income of people across the United States?

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