• Q : Vendor managed inventory and bullwhip effect....
    Other Management :

    1. Is Vendor Managed Inventory a valid method for reducing the Bullwhip effect (BWE)? 2. How does it compare to other inventory management methods for reducing the BWE?

  • Q : Exploratory phase search strategy....
    Other Management :

    1. All of the following are part of an exploratory phase search strategy except _____. - discovery and analysis of secondary sources - expert interviews

  • Q : Practicable length for the production cycles....
    Other Management :

    What is a practicable length for the production cycles and what should be the production of each drink be in those cycles, in order to minimise inventory costs?

  • Q : Difference between a project and standard operations....
    Other Management :

    Explain the difference between a project and standard operations. Describe the five process groups

  • Q : Algebraic equation for the monthly aggregate production....
    Other Management :

    Provide the algebraic equation for the monthly aggregate production rate (APR, using SI, EI, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, and M as variables). Calculate and provide the numerical monthly aggregate production

  • Q : Case study-walmarts inventory management....
    Other Management :

    I need help finding a company or organization that has good inventory management procedures. Does this company use VMI? Could it use VMI? What does it use to ensure it has the right inventory at the

  • Q : Use of incentive contracts....
    Other Management :

    1. Is it possible or even appropriate to ever combine the two types of incentive contracts such that both incentive and award fees may be earned on the same contract?

  • Q : Internal environment at general mills and swot analysis....
    Other Management :

    Assess what you believe to be the most important aspects of the internal environment at General Mills. Do not try to analyze every aspect of the internal organization -- rather, identify a minimum o

  • Q : Transferring the restaurant in another location....
    Other Management :

    To determine the feasibility of either a) transferring the restaurant in another location, or b) adding a new branch for the existing restaurant.

  • Q : Optimal order quantity in production....
    Other Management :

    The storage and handling costs amount to $2 per bag per year, based on average inventory. The cost of capital for Hull is 12%. Calculate the optimal size of an order.

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of your plan....
    Other Management :

    Finding a focus group is one disadvantage. For this type of research, choosing the participants from a specific group or wide range of potential participants is the first decision.

  • Q : Processes can be improved in walmarts organization....
    Other Management :

    I need help researching how the logistics processes can be improved in Walmart's organization. How does inventory management, quality management, logistics planning and facilities layout/process imp

  • Q : Conduct an energy audit of the facility....
    Other Management :

    Your new plant manager is concerned about the energy that is being used throughout the facility, as the process of making steel is very energy intensive. He asks you to conduct an energy audit of th

  • Q : Energy audits in energy service company....
    Other Management :

    Over the past several decades, there has been considerable growth in the providing of energy audits and energy surveys by both utilities and energy service companies (ESCO).

  • Q : Case study-susan webber....
    Other Management :

    Susan Webber asserts that management is fixated on business metrics. Based on the conceptual foundations and current practices covered in the course and additional relevant academic and professional

  • Q : Benchmarking and strategic planning....
    Other Management :

    This type of recordkeeping is considered benchmarking. Benchmarking allows an organization to analyze variances for different types of processes. Benchmarking can also be used to improve in a contin

  • Q : Understanding how cvs distributes its product....
    Other Management :

    Please help understanding how CVS distributes its product? How does CVS, as a service provider, allocate their services and pass them on to its customers? How can a firm "inventory" services?

  • Q : Problems analyzing coca-cola....
    Other Management :

    I am having problems analyzing Coca-Cola. I am trying to critically evaluate their mission, vision, values, and goals based on the guidelines in the below link and what changes should be recommended

  • Q : In-process inventory....
    Other Management :

    The firm has 120 hours of milling time and 160 hours of assembly time available. In addition, due to financial constraints not more than $1,000 may be tied up in in-process inventory.

  • Q : Key operational processes....
    Other Management :

    Key Operational Processes: The Key Operational Processes are the daily functions the business must conduct. By completing this section, this section gives clarity on the organization in hope to buil

  • Q : Determine the annual cost....
    Other Management :

    You should attempt to determine the annual cost for each of these activities. Some of these costs may need to be estimated; be sure to explain how you arrived at the estimation.

  • Q : Warehouse-store its resources and products efficiently....
    Other Management :

    Does CVS warehouse/store its resources and products efficiently? If CVS offers services, then discuss how these services are retained and the challenges of not being able to "warehouse" services.

  • Q : Decision based on your research....
    Other Management :

    Your boss really is excited about your new approaches and is ready to make a decision based on your research. Choose two (2) solutions to your issue, and compare and contrast each option

  • Q : Compare and contrast pay incentive....
    Other Management :

    Your boss really is excited about your new approaches and is ready to make a decision based on your research. Choose two (2) solutions to your issue, and compare and contrast each option

  • Q : Case study-manufacturing and services of southeastern bell....
    Other Management :

    Southeastern Bell stocks a certain switch connector at its central warehouse for supplying field service offices. The yearly demand for these connectors is 15,000 units. Southeastern estimates its a

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