• Q : Why firms undertake foreign direct investment....
    Other Management :

    Several theories attempt to explain why firms undertake foreign direct investment. These theories include the international product life cycle theory, market imperfections theory, the eclectic theor

  • Q : How do you suggest president protect mexico workforce....
    Other Management :

    Do you think that there is a way for trade agreements to help close the economic gap between poor and wealthy partners? Should this be one of the aims of trade agreements? As economic adviser, how d

  • Q : What strategy does the company employ behind each good....
    Other Management :

    What strategy does the company employ behind each good or service: low-cost, differentiation or focus? For each company, write a paragraph on how you arrived at your decision.

  • Q : Multinational or multidomestic strategy....
    Other Management :

    A multinational (multidomestic strategy) means adapting products and their marketing strategies in each national market to suit local preferences.

  • Q : Effect on economic development-nafta benefits....
    Other Management :

    The point was that foreign direct investment has an immediate and dramatic effect on economic development and the economic condition of the African people.

  • Q : Case scenario-economic status of eu....
    Other Management :

    When we do so, the U.S. is number 1, followed by China and then Japan. However, if we look at Europe as one entity, then it is the largest. Since the EU does make Europe ONE economic entity so looki

  • Q : Prepare the journal entries for the current month....
    Other Management :

    Prepare the journal entries for the current month. Do not prepare any entries for transactions that relate to the following month.

  • Q : Introduction to exchange-rate theory....
    Other Management :

    WHEN our economics editor invented the Big Mac index in 1986 as a light-hearted introduction to exchange-rate theory, little did she think that 20 years later she would still be munching her way, a

  • Q : Case study-costs of china currency policy....
    Other Management :

    In the depths of the recession, many critics of China's currency policy held their tongues. After all, that policy--which keeps the yuan artificially low in value--allowed other countries, especiall

  • Q : Euro and canadian dollar-which company would done better....
    Other Management :

    Could SMS Eloherm have taken steps to avoid the position it now found itself it? What were those steps? Why do you think the company did not take those steps? If the U.S. dollar had appreciated agai

  • Q : Impact on imports-exports and value of yen....
    Other Management :

    Who are the winners and who are the losers if a currency, let's say the yen, and strengthens? Please include in your list exporters, importers, consumers, tourists, international students among other

  • Q : Case study-pillsbury flour in india....
    Other Management :

    Pillsbury, the Diageo PLC unit behind the pudgy character; has a raft of higher-margin products such as microwave pizzas in other parts of the world but discovered that in this tradition-bound marke

  • Q : Comprehensive program development....
    Other Management :

    Various types of data is collected as a part of comprehensive program development, including outcomes data, process evaluation data, human resource data, financial data, and compliance and quality i

  • Q : Creating a hypothetical situation....
    Other Management :

    I need help with creating a hypothetical situation. For my work, I am to pretend I am speaking with a colleague about the successes and struggles of my prisoner re-entry program designed to assist c

  • Q : Ethical considerations need to address in proposed research....
    Other Management :

    What ethical considerations would you need to address in a proposed research? Are there any others?

  • Q : Critical link between the problem and research questions....
    Other Management :

    Describe the critical link between the problem, research questions, and the research design.

  • Q : Characteristics suited to doing business globally....
    Other Management :

    What personality characteristics do you think make someone better suited to doing business globally? Be specific. Do you think these characteristics are innate or can they be learned?

  • Q : Which foreign language should one study....
    Other Management :

    But which foreign language should one study? Presently, growth in expatriate positions in concentrated in Western Europe and North America.

  • Q : Implementation of online fundraising platform....
    Other Management :

    Has the implementation of online fundraising platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe affected your fundraising ability?

  • Q : Adaptability as a necessary trait for doing business....
    Other Management :

    I would like to put some stress on adaptability as a necessary trait for doing business internationally. People who are fixed in their routines are unlikely to last long overseas since they will be

  • Q : Case scenario-learning a foreign language in america....
    Other Management :

    One problem for Americans is that they start learning foreign languages after they are adults which is the worst time to start. Children pick up foreign languages very easily and are able to pick up

  • Q : Cokes strategy in africa....
    Other Management :

    Read about Cokes strategy in Africa at the following link and discuss the ethics of selling soft drinks to very poor people. Is this an issue that a company like Coke should consider?

  • Q : What lesson might an international manager learn....
    Other Management :

    What lesson might an international manager learn from this case? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the method described in the case?

  • Q : Restrictions are cultural rather than legal in nature....
    Other Management :

    Should you adopt gender-blind selection policies for these positions? Does it make a difference if you have good reason to fear for the physical safety of your female managers? Does it make a differ

  • Q : Would you want to work for a foreign firm....
    Other Management :

    Would you want to work for a foreign firm? Why or why not. I need a response to my professor's answer to the question above. This is what my professor wrote: The world is getting so internationalized

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