• Q : Electrolysis-aluminium extraction....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Aluminium is extracted from its ore by an electrolytic process. One extraction plant uses an applied e.m.f. of 5 V, and a current of 225 000 A.

  • Q : Heat loss calculations for martian surface....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A spherical habitat is built under the Martian surface. There is power generation in the habitat. This causes the surface to be at a uniform temperature of 30°C

  • Q : Problem on simple torque....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The ends of the green shaft are each connected to a motor - one on either side of the platform.

  • Q : Problem on balancing masses....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Bearing have forces 5kN and 3kN acting in same plane as shown. A single mass is to be used to balance the shaft so that reactions are zero.

  • Q : Heat transfer problem....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Molybdenum is utilized in high temperature situations because of it high melting point. It is silvery white in color, very hard.

  • Q : Accelerating a flywheel....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque required to hold the gearbox stationary (holding torque T_h).

  • Q : Mechanics of composite materials....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An orthotropic lamina with a fiber orientation of 45 degrees is subjected to stresses sigma_x = 0, sigma_y > 0, and tau_xy.

  • Q : Calculating temperature and water evaporation....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    That is, the air exiting the tower passes over cooling coils to return it to its initial condition prior to reentering the tower.

  • Q : Calculating rates of strain and vorticity....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Calculate the rates of strain, vorticity, and rates of dilatation for 3 flows.

  • Q : Boiler water treatment....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A source of water supply water with a Cationic content ( and Anionic content also ) of 123.75 ppm of CaCO3, and a Silica content ( SiO2 ) of 55.6 ppm of CaCO3.

  • Q : Working with boiler suspension bolts....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    If each bolt has to be strong enough to support 1/2 the weight of a filled boiler, what will be the diameter of the bolts?

  • Q : Viscous effects-fluid resistance....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the force on the piston of Fig. due to shear and the leakage from the pressure chamber for U=0.

  • Q : Determining initial acceleration of a projectile....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A projectile enters a resisting medium at x = 0 with an initial velocity Vo = 900 ft/s and travels 4in. before coming to rest.

  • Q : Determining radial compressive stress....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the required outer radius of the jacket noting that the maximum hoop stress is 400 MPa, that is, -400 <= sigma_theta <= 400 Mpa.

  • Q : Effective matching of surface roughness....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Concerning the effective matching of surface roughness using a lathe, quantify Ra = C1* s^C2 v^C3 Re^C4.

  • Q : Energy transfer in thermal systems....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An oven door consists of a layer of asbestos sandwiched between a layer of steel on the inner surface and a layer of wood on the outer face.

  • Q : Combined angular and linear motion....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A loaded coaltruck is parked at the top of an inclined track. it breaks free and rolls down the incline accelerating uniformly where it collides.

  • Q : Determining final temperature in tank....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    If the final pressure in the tank is 1.5 atm, what is the final temperature in the tank?

  • Q : Determining output power of turbine....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The mass rate of flow into a steam turbine is 4500 kg/h and the heat transfer from the turbine is 8.8 kW.

  • Q : Finding net potential energy between ions....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the expression for Eo by substitution for C in the equation EN = -(C/r) + D exp(-r/p)

  • Q : Problem on runge-kutta method....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Write an Matlab m-file to solve this problem with Runge-Kutta method. Solve the concentration of T1 and T2 (or salt content) as function of time.

  • Q : Laplace heat transfer equations....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A thermocouple is a device commonly used to measure the temperature in, for example, boilers and engines.

  • Q : Heat loss and temperatures....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The base of a 2 cm X 3 cm X 20 cm long rectangular rod is kept at 175 degrees Celsius by electrically generated heat.

  • Q : Oil velocity in hydraulic system....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    If the piston in the cylinder moves forward at a rate of 0.2ms^1, calculate the velocity of the oil in the pipe line.

  • Q : Rotation angle of second degree of freedom....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the rotation angle of the second degree of freedom, theta2, that must be used to bring the effector to the specified configuration.

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