• Q : Moment of inertia and translational motion....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the mass moment of inertia about the y axis. The thin plate has a mass of 0.1 slug and thickness of 0.05 in.

  • Q : Determining optimum blade speed ratio....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The steam from the nozzles of a single wheel impulse turbine discharges with a velocity of 600 m/s at an angle of 20 degrees.

  • Q : Turbomachinery-reaction turbines....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Sketch the fully annotated velocity triangles for a Parsons turbine stage. Use your sketch to show that the specific work produced per stage.

  • Q : Turbomachinery and reaction turbines....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Steam at 15 bar and 350 degrees C is expanded through a 50% reaction turbine to a pressure of 0.14 bar.

  • Q : Problem on moment of inertia....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A large Yo-Yo that weighs 50 lb is released from rest. Its moment of inertia, I is 0.24 slug-ft2. How long does it take the center of the Yo-Yo to fall 4 ft?

  • Q : Angular velocity-stepped disk and slender rods....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The slender bar with a mass of 4 kg is released from rest at an angle of 35 degrees. What is the angular velocity of the bar when it is vertical?

  • Q : Manufacturing process factors....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Which of the advanced machining process causes thermal damage? What is the consequence of such damage to work pieces?

  • Q : Single degree of freedom vibration problem....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    For a vertical spring/damper system with mass (M) and a harmonic forcing function, Fmax Cos [omega x t].

  • Q : Determining hoop stress....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    How many layer of winding can be decreased so that the part will be still safe? Or if not, how many more layer needed to be added?

  • Q : Calculating tensile stress in rod....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A 3.14insq. cross sectional area steel tension rod carries a load of 3140lbf. How to calculate the tensile stress in the rod?

  • Q : Modulus of elasticity....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A linear isotropic material has the shear modulus of elasticity G of 11.5*10^6 psi and the Poisson's constant v of 0.3.

  • Q : Finding principal stress....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The state of plane stress at a point in a member is zx=-20MPa, zy=90MPa, txy=60MPa. How to find the principal stresses zx and zy?

  • Q : Determining rotating bending specimens endurance limit....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    How to determine the rotating bending specimen's endurance limit at 10^6 cycles?

  • Q : Determining endurance limit....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    How to determine the endurance limit for the part if the Marin modifying factors are: ka=0.887, kb=1, kc=0.889, kd=ke, kf=1?

  • Q : Midrange and amplitude components....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A shaft is subjected to a completely reversed bending stress such that Xmax=40kpsi and Xmin=-40kpsi.

  • Q : Shear stress in weld....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    How to determine the shear stress in the weld for a shearing force of 15000 lbf?

  • Q : Determining fraction of radiation....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Determine the fraction of the radiation leaving the base of the cylindrical enclosure shown attached that escapes through a coaxial ring.

  • Q : Analyzing planner equilibrium....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The roof truss shown attached is roller and pin-joint supported at the right-hand and left-hand ends respectively and carries loads of 10kN, 8kN and 12 kN.

  • Q : Force required to punch a hole....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Two co-axial shafts are to be connected by a flanged coupling having six 6mm diameter bolts equally spaced on a PCD of 200mm.

  • Q : Angular velocity and acceleration in trains and wheels....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An engine flywheel initially rotating at 24 rev/min is accelerated uniformly for 3.8 seconds whilst rotating through 41 revolutions.

  • Q : Rigid bodies and newtons second law of motion....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The mass is initially a distance of 2.16m above the floor level when it is released causing the mass to hit the floor 6.2s later.

  • Q : Maximum shearing stress on beam....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Two full-size 2x6 inch planks are connected as shown by lag screws to form a beam which is subject to a vertical shear of 400 lb.

  • Q : Turbine thermal efficiency....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Steam @ 10 MPa, 600 degrees celcius enters the first-stage turbine of an ideal Rankine cycle with reheat.

  • Q : Determining final velocity....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    An object whose mass is 1 lb has a velocity of 100 ft/s. How to determine the final velocity, in ft/s, if the kinetic energy of the object decreases.

  • Q : Findingtemperature of refrigerant....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    A closed vessel with a volume of 2 ft^3 contains 5 lb of Refrigerant 134a. A pressure sensor in the tank wall reads 71.39 lbf/in.^2 (gage).

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