• Q : Integral for the mass....
    Mathematics :

    Write down the integral for the mass at the thin triangluar plate with density ?(x,y) = 2x+4y which is bounded by the lines x=0, y=0 and x+5y=20. And then write down the integral Mx,

  • Q : Set of continuous functions....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest the set of continuous functions on the interval [a, b], V=C[a,b]. If W is the subset of V such that W={f E V: Integral from a to b f(x) dx=0}, is W closed under addition? Verify or explain.

  • Q : Determine the complementary solution....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the complementary solution of y'' - y' - 12y = 4x^2 - 2x and describe the functions of the complementary solution form a fundamental set of solutions on (-infinity, infinity). Then find t

  • Q : Question regarding linearly independent....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest any set of 4 vectors {v1, v2, v3, v4} where each vi is in R^3. Discuss why this set can't be linearly independent in R^3

  • Q : Compute the number of teenagers....
    Mathematics :

    The product of the ages of a group of teenagers is 10,584,000. Compute the number of teenagers in the group and the sum of their ages.

  • Q : Find the general solution of the differential equation....
    Mathematics :

    Using variation of parameters, find the general solution of the differential equation y'' - y' - 2y = e^(3x)

  • Q : Assumption that the two servers fail....
    Mathematics :

    Do you think the assumption that the two servers fail independently is realistic? What would make it more realistic? What would make it less realistic?

  • Q : Counterclockwise a distance....
    Mathematics :

    An ant starts at the point (6,0) on the circle of radius 6 meters and walks counterclockwise a distance of 5 meters around the circle.

  • Q : Finds out that the test has a false positive rate....
    Mathematics :

    A pharmaceutical company is considering new HIV test. It finds out that the test has a false positive rate of 5% (the probability that someone tests positive for HIV even though he or she doesn't ha

  • Q : Compute the magnitude of the frictional drag force....
    Mathematics :

    At a station situated at 43 °N, the surface wind speed is 10 m s-1 and is directed across the isobars from high toward low pressure at the angle Y = 20°. Compute the magnitude o

  • Q : Standard deviations of the means....
    Mathematics :

    Chebyshev's Theorem states that for any set of nubmers the fraction which will lie in K standard deviations of the means is at least 1-1/2. Use this theorem to find the fraction of all the mumbers o

  • Q : Determine the charge of the capacitor....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the charge of the capacitor and the current in the given LRC series circuit. Compute the maximum charge on the capacitor.

  • Q : Water in an open vessel evaporates....
    Mathematics :

    Compute the work done when 1 lb mol of water in an open vessel evaporates completely at 212 degrees F. Result should be in BTU.

  • Q : Transportation and handling cost....
    Mathematics :

    A Co.purchased pottery in 120 unit batches form B Co and B Co will only ship that exact amount. Transportation and handling cost of a shipment is $7,600.(excluding the unit cost.) A.Co estimates its

  • Q : Ibvp for the heat equation....
    Mathematics :

    Please solve the following IBVP for the heat equation with nonzero boundary conditions:

  • Q : Displacement of the mass....
    Mathematics :

    A 32 lb weight is attacked to the end of a spring with spring constant k=24 lb/ft/ If the resistive force is 10 dx/dt, find out the displacement of the mass if it is released with no intial velocit

  • Q : Equilibrium level and then released....
    Mathematics :

    A spiring is stretched 1.5 in by a 4 lb. weight. Let the weight be pulled down 3 in. below the equilibrium level and then released. find the equation of the motion if there is an outside force F(t)

  • Q : Mixture vapor of benzene and toluene....
    Mathematics :

    At the petrochemical facility, 1 m3 of the liquid mixture of 40% benzene and 60% toluene was pumped in a cone-roof tank at 25oC. The vapor space above the liquid is saturated with mixture vapor of b

  • Q : Number of ways to distribute....
    Mathematics :

    Find out the number of ways to distribute 10 orange drinks, 2 lemon drinks to four thirsty students such so that each student gets at least one drink, and the lemon drinks go to different students.

  • Q : Determine the vapor pressure of propane....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the vapor pressure of propane at 30 Celcius by using Clausius-Clapyron equation. Given vapor pressure of propane as function of temperature as follows:

  • Q : Temperature in degrees fahrenheit....
    Mathematics :

    According to the wildlife experts, the rate at which crickets chirp is function of temperature; specifically, C= T-40 where C is the number of chirps every 15 sec and T is the temperature in degrees

  • Q : System of equations represented by augmented matrix....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest the system of equations represented by the augmented matrix . For which values of r, s is there (a) no solution? (b) exactly one solution? (c) infinitely many solutions? Justify your answers

  • Q : Dollars worth of sheets at the weekend sale....
    Mathematics :

    Doni bought $91 dollars worth of sheets at the weekend sale when a $1.60 was marked off every article. She returned the sheets on thrusday when everything was regular price. Since Doni is a good cus

  • Q : Feeling pleased with themselves....
    Mathematics :

    Blackbeard, bluebeard, and redbeard were feeling pleased with themselves. They had just plundered another ship as well as taken the stash of gold and bared the in blackbeards back yard. They decided

  • Q : Sets for a nontrivial topology....
    Mathematics :

    Let X = {a,b,c,d}. List the open sets for a nontrivial topology on X such that the resulting space is not Hausdorff.

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