• Q : Present additional concept test formats....
    Marketing Management :

    ADDITIONAL CONCEPT-TEST FORMATS.A food company wants to develop a new salad-dressing powder. The consumer mixes the powder with water, shakes the bottle, and you get fresh dressing. The company is

  • Q : Write a report on the ethical issues involved in marketing....
    Marketing Management :

    Write a report on the ethical issues involved in marketing research focusing on three or four of the main issues in the report named CASRO Code of Standards and Ethics that I have uploaded .

  • Q : Case study of carmax....
    Marketing Management :

    This case focuses on CarMax, the nation's largest retailer of used cars. The operations of CarMax are guided by a multi-point business concept that stresses product availability, no-haggle pricing,

  • Q : Create a visual template of wrap-attack....
    Marketing Management :

    Create a visual template of Wrap-Attack's new container box. Explain in detail the changes that you have made to the original design. You can come up with many different designs.

  • Q : Narrow-scope versus broad-scope market strategies....
    Marketing Management :

    Formulate and justify three criteria to use when making the choice between narrow-scope and broad-scope market strategies for an established business. Provide an example for each.

  • Q : How lawyer and other professionals balance their needs....
    Marketing Management :

    how lawyer and other professionals balance their need to gain clients through marketing with their need to retain an image of professionalism and integrity .can marketing be used to communicate the

  • Q : Case scenario of zara....
    Marketing Management :

    Was Galicia/Spain a good place to start a company like ZARA? How well does ZARA's advantage travel globally?2. What do you think of ZARA's past international strategy?

  • Q : Explore the laptop map....
    Marketing Management :

    Explore the laptop map. What can you tell from the map about the supply chain of a typical laptop? Is the scope of it as you expected? Why? Write a description of the supply chain tracing it fully a

  • Q : Describe the offerings value proposition....
    Marketing Management :

    Describe the offering's value proposition. How does it create value for the target market? Articulate the positioning statement. How will you create a distinct image of the offering in the minds of

  • Q : Concept of market competitiveness....
    Marketing Management :

    Evaluate the concept of market competitiveness in relation to an organization’s pay system

  • Q : What subjective factors would affect the investment decision....
    Marketing Management :

    Compute the after-tax NPV of the new lift and advise the managers of Deer Valley about whether adding the lift will be a profitable investment. Show calculations to support your answer.What subject

  • Q : How would you recommend building a culture....
    Marketing Management :

    How would you recommend building a culture that was inclusive of diverse cultures and accommodates highly creative technical staff?

  • Q : Description of e-marketing process....
    Marketing Management :

    Description of e-marketing process/program critical success factor(s): The actual Cyber-Health e-marketing advantages derived from incorporating the identified benchmark(s)

  • Q : Appraise the value offered by ries and trouts....
    Marketing Management :

    Appraise the value offered by Ries and Trout's Marketing Warfare Strategies in assisting in the understanding and implementation of competitor-oriented marketing strategies that can be employed to

  • Q : Write a blog post discussing facebooks stance....
    Marketing Management :

    You are tasked with writing a blog post discussing Facebook's stance on consumer privacy in the digital age. Additionally, you must comment on at least one of your peers' blogs.

  • Q : What is the brands current value proposition....
    Marketing Management :

    How is the brand positioned?-How is this communicated to the target market? -How has this changed over time? What is the brand's current value proposition?

  • Q : A marketing project involving home depot....
    Marketing Management :

    A marketing project involving Home Depot. My section is the marketing mix.Product: overall home improvement solution, selling the home improvement experience, materials, tools, supplies, and instruc

  • Q : Discuss ethnical and racial subcultures of african americans....
    Marketing Management :

    Marketers must be aware of the existence of cultural diversity that reshapes business landscapes. In the United States, the three most prevalent ethnic/racial subcultures are African Americans

  • Q : Compare and contrast between the products positioning....
    Marketing Management :

    Search the internet for the websites of these products. Compare and contrast between the products' positioning on their websites. Discuss what you as a manager would do differently with these produc

  • Q : Marketing communication process based in the us....
    Marketing Management :

    Marketing Communication Process based in the US,Communicating is an important marketing process of conveying our message to our customers and prospects. We use certain media based upon their ability

  • Q : Case analysis of washburn electronics....
    Marketing Management :

    You don't know too much about Washburn Electronics other than what you found on their web site, information of which is fairly limited. Yet, because you have no wholesale dealer distributors in Ken

  • Q : Why marketers need to stop following trends....
    Marketing Management :

    Read "Why Marketers Need To Stop Following Trends And Start Advancing Movements". Local businesses and organizations transitioning to global markets might concern themselves with many conditions occ

  • Q : Discuss the importance of the sales territory....
    Marketing Management :

    Discuss the importance of the sales territory, explain the major elements involved in managing the sales territories, explain why salespeople need to segment their accounts by size

  • Q : What is your organizations current positioning....
    Marketing Management :

    What is your organization's current positioning in relation to the competitors? Is it unique enough to give you competitive advantage? If not, what are you suggesting?

  • Q : Develop an organizational mission statement....
    Marketing Management :

    Develop an organizational mission statement, and forecast performance goals using your situational analysis.design a marketing strategy based upon your objectives.

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