• Q : Condition for optimal choice....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is the condition for optimal choice? When will it not hold? Is it a sufficient condition?

  • Q : What is the current macroeconomic situation....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is the "current macroeconomic situation" (e.g. worrying about inflation and/or recession) in the U.S.? [2] What should the U.S. Congress and the Federal Reserve do about it?

  • Q : Equilibrium level of income or gdp....
    Macroeconomics :

    Determine (solve for) the equilibrium level of income or GDP (Y). Determine the impact on income of a 50 increase in government spending from 250 to 300. Using the original data, compute the impact of

  • Q : Proponents of free market systems....
    Macroeconomics :

    Proponents of free market systems argue that free enterprise leads to more efficient production and better response to changing consumer preferences. Others point to the fact that markets are not pe

  • Q : Key assumption of the basic keynsian model....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is the key assumption of the basic Keynsian model? Explain why this assumption is needed if one is to accept the view that aggregate spending is a driving force behind short-term economic fluct

  • Q : Define the law of diminishing marginal returns....
    Macroeconomics :

    Define the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns and apply the marginal/average relationship to describe the behaviour of production in the short run. Be sure to include an analysis of the stages of

  • Q : Compare the solutions of the models....
    Macroeconomics :

    Oligopoly behaviour is extremely strategic. Consider the models of oligopoly we have studied. What type of games are each of the models of oligopoly? Compare the solutions of the models. Can we say wh

  • Q : Total consumer surplus....
    Macroeconomics :

    If the average level of consumer surplus for each hotel guest equals $24, what is the total consumer surplus per night?

  • Q : Representative indifference curves....
    Macroeconomics :

    Draw an Edgeworth box with apples on the horizontal axis. Label the initial endowment point W. Sketch two representative indifference curves for each person. Show where on your diagram the Pareto opti

  • Q : Equilibrium in a cournot oligopoly....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is the market price that would prevail at equilibrium in a Cournot oligopoly. What is the the quantity that Big Mac would supply at equilibrium in a Cournot oligopoly What is the the quantity tha

  • Q : Implications for american public health....
    Macroeconomics :

    If agricultural price subsidies have the effect of lowering resource costs for farmers, use a supply and demand graph to show the effects on the market for food. What are the implications for Americ

  • Q : Realized and recognized gains or losses....
    Macroeconomics :

    What are Whipple's and Go-Along's realized and recognized gains or losses? What are their deferred gains or losses? What are their bases in the acquired properties? What alternative transaction would

  • Q : Elasticity of demand for advertising....
    Macroeconomics :

    Aztec Enterprises depends heavily upon advertising to sell its products. Management and Aztec is allowed to spend $2 million monthly or advertising, but no more than this amount. Each month, aztec

  • Q : Determining the coefficient of price elasticity....
    Macroeconomics :

    Compute the coefficient of price elasticity (midpoints approach) for Goldsboro's supply. Is its supply elastic, or is it inelastic?

  • Q : Effects of decrease in the population growth rate....
    Macroeconomics :

    Determine the effects of decrease in the population growth rate on the golden rule quantity of capital per worker and on the golden rule savings rate. Explain your results.

  • Q : Effects of decrease in the population growth rate....
    Macroeconomics :

    Determine the effects of decrease in the population growth rate on the golden rule quantity of capital per worker and on the golden rule savings rate. Explain your results.

  • Q : Theory of contestable markets....
    Macroeconomics :

    Explain the theory of contestable markets. How is this theory related to deregulation?

  • Q : Determining the size of the money multiplier....
    Macroeconomics :

    Assume that banks become more conservative in their lending policies, and start holding some excess reserves. Compare this to a situation in which banks are not holding excess reserves. In the new

  • Q : Study of macroeconomics....
    Macroeconomics :

    Which of the following is included in the study of macroeconomics?

  • Q : Profit-maximizing combination of quantities....
    Macroeconomics :

    He has a constant marginal cost of production, c = 3, and no fixed costs. He can charge different prices in the two markets. What is the profit-maximizing combination of quantities for Mahe?

  • Q : Explanation for diseconomies of scale....
    Macroeconomics :

    Which of the following provides the best explanation for diseconomies of scale?

  • Q : Principal-agent problem....
    Macroeconomics :

    Explain what is meant by the term principal-agent problem. Give an example of a setting where this problem has arisen. Do you think that increased monitoring would have eliminated the problem? Why d

  • Q : Socially efficient price and output of woodworking....
    Macroeconomics :

    Calculates the output and price of wood working if it is produced under competitive condition without regulation. Determine the socially efficient price and output of woodworking.

  • Q : Shape of the average total cost function....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is the quantity at which the average total cost is at its minimum point? Show proper working. Determine the shape of the average total cost function and also label the minimum point on the curve

  • Q : Substitution effect of the price change....
    Macroeconomics :

    Calculate the substitution effect of the price change. Calculate the income effect of the price change. What is the overall effect on Ella's demand for milk?

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