• Q : Intertemporal production possibilities....
    Macroeconomics :

    Which of the following countries would you expect to have intertemporal production possibilities biased toward current consumption goods, and which biased toward future consumption goods? Why?

  • Q : Differences between antitrust policy-industrial regulation....
    Macroeconomics :

    Explain the basic differences between antitrust policy, industrial regulation, and social regulation.

  • Q : Determining the existence of government-granted monopolies....
    Macroeconomics :

    How can you justify the existence of government-granted monopolies for such public utilities as local telephone service, natural gas distribution, and electricity in the light of the traditional ec

  • Q : Market equilibrium for rents on housing....
    Macroeconomics :

    Demonstrate your answer graphically. Next, suppose that the governement establishes a price floor below the market equilibrium for rents on housing. What will be the main effects of this price floor

  • Q : Decrease in the supply of pool maintenance services....
    Macroeconomics :

    Danielle Ocean pays for monthly pool maintenance for her home swimming pool. Last week the owner of the pool service informed Danielle that he will have to raise his monthly service fee because of

  • Q : Explain the tein deficits hypothesis....
    Macroeconomics :

    Explain the tein deficits hypothesis. Discuss its policy implications for a government in order to correct a persistent balance of payments

  • Q : Principles of economics affect decision-making....
    Macroeconomics :

    Explain how the principles of economics affect decision-making, interaction, and the workings of the economy as a whole

  • Q : Burden of a tax imposed on candles....
    Macroeconomics :

    Which of the following statements is correct concerning the burden of a tax imposed on candles?

  • Q : Herfindahl-hirschman index for the widget industry....
    Macroeconomics :

    The widget industry is comprised of six firms of varying sizes. Firm 1 has 35% of the market. Firm 2 has 25%, and the remaining firms have 10% each. What is the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for the wi

  • Q : Calculate the autonomous consumption and mps....
    Macroeconomics :

    Calculate the autonomous consumption and MPS. Suppose you introduce a tax element and the resulting new consumption function will C = 4000 - 4000r + 0.20 (Y - T) and T = 2000, what will be the real

  • Q : Labor force participation rate....
    Macroeconomics :

    Explain why the labor force participation rate for two groups might differ? Why might human capital choices differ between the selected groups?

  • Q : Direction of any shifts in the aggregate expenditure line....
    Macroeconomics :

    Assume the simple spending multiplier equals 10. Determine the size and direction of any shifts in the aggregate expenditure line, the level of real GDP demanded, and the aggregate demand curve for

  • Q : Single asian american culture....
    Macroeconomics :

    If someone told you Aaian american and Pacific Islandersare a model minority,and they belonged to a single asian american culture what do you say to convince them they are both misconception

  • Q : Entitled to compound interest....
    Macroeconomics :

    The prime minister of Victoria stated that, if this was true, the government would be happy to pay the $100. However, the granddaughters also claimed that they were entitled to compound interest. Ho

  • Q : Indicate market power....
    Macroeconomics :

    Zelda Manufacturing has a rather unique product that sells for $15 per unit, and the marginal cost is $7.50. Determine the Lerner index for Zelda Manufacturing. Does this index indicate market powe

  • Q : Determining the advanced analysis....
    Macroeconomics :

    In a private closed economy (a) the marginal propensity to save is 0.25, (b) consumption equals income at $120 billion, and (c) the level of investment is $40 billion. What is the equilibrium level

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of roe....
    Macroeconomics :

    Describe the advantages and disadvantages of ROE as a measure of corporate profitability. Which company has the lowest ROE

  • Q : What is phillips curve....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is Phillips curve? Who was Phillips? What is the relationship between inflation, nominal GDP growth and real GDP growth?

  • Q : Emergence of or regulate monopoly power....
    Macroeconomics :

    Why does the government create monopoly power via its patent system, when elsewhere it spends millions trying to prevent the emergence of or regulate monopoly power?

  • Q : Representative democracy often tax....
    Macroeconomics :

    Why does representative democracy often tax some people in order to provide benefits to others? When government becomes heavily involved in tax-transfer activities, how will this involvement affect

  • Q : Determining the lysine market....
    Macroeconomics :

    Shortly after ADM began producing lysine, the worldwide price dropped to $0.70. By 1993, however, the price of lysine shot back up to $1.65. Use the theories we discussed in class to provide a poten

  • Q : Strength of the dollar on domestic and global economies....
    Macroeconomics :

    In regards to international trade the United States must place high Tariffs and use quotas to restrict trade with foreign countries. The following issues will be addresses: the strength of the dolla

  • Q : Calculation of mean and the standard deviation....
    Macroeconomics :

    The annual sales of romance novels follow the normal distribution. 40% of the time sales are more than 470,000, and 10% of the time sales are more than 500,000. What are the mean and the standard de

  • Q : What is national income....
    Macroeconomics :

    What is national income? how it is measured? explain the reasons for its underestimation in developing countries like nepal.

  • Q : Examples of major federal spending programs....
    Macroeconomics :

    Write an essay and illustrate it with a chart to show how fiscal policy can deal with recessionary and inflationary gaps. Be sure to include examples of major federal spending programs.

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