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Why do you think there weren't any women or minorities at NASA?
600 word paper on the role of the woman social worker. Include history about when social work was started, why it's a popular career choice for women.
New species of birds like the New Caledonian storm petrel are found annually as many sea birds like petrels live on islands.
What is the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan? Discuss the 2018 report card for physical activity for children and adolescents.
How did the Soviet press and government handle the discovery of the death camps?
Topic: Chalchihuitl, the importance and use of green stone in ancient Mesoamerica.
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, reveals some remarkable facts about motivation that have been confirmed in many social science experiments.
4 to 6 page "digest" of Wright's Scripture and the Authority of God. A digest is a chapter by chapter summarization of the book's contents.
Prompt: Pick an authentic New Mexican dish. Research the history of the dish, including the creation, adaptations, uses (celebrations).
Providing two examples from class (lecture, readings, videos, etc.) discuss how some pseudoarchaeological beliefs promote racist ideas.
Read the following article, which talks about the history and multiple meanings of symbols such as the swastika.
How are vagueness, ambiguity and generality used in politics or in law in order to achieve a desired outcome?
A. Identify the organization and the URL for that organization. B. Identify the types of information on that home page.
Does Maslow's research reveal to us that in order to achieve our full potential we need to be an interdisciplinary person and thinker? Why or why not?
Review historical examples of covert action and clandestine operations in the text. Discuss what distinguishes a covert action from a clandestine operation.
Introduction to the U.S. ethnic group (see pg. 20 of textbook for definition of ethnicity). Define the US ethnic group in terms of history, geography.
What were some of the characteristics of Native Americans' sport and what were their polar sports?
What do these groups represent for human evolution? Why are these hominids unique in human evolutionary history?
Conduct a sociological imagination of their experience with "corporate sport," the dominant mode of sport under late capitalism.
Describe how does a Christian redemptive worldview fit or not fit within your chosen family therapies?
How did the Civil War affect the home front? What was the connection between the home front and battlefront for both North and South?
We are going to use the Social Science research methodology by making use of a Grounded Theory.
Explain the history of federalism and identify the three leading models utilized by scholars in understanding how federalism works in American democracy.
The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about the nature of human behavior, specifically the deviant side of human behavior.
Based on your readings thus far from the text and your own research, summarize the development of emergency management in the U.S.