• Q : Sample data in database tables design and test queries....
    Database Management System :

    Load sample data into the database tables design and test queries to return the following information.

  • Q : Stored procedure that accepts the post code....
    Database Management System :

    Write a stored procedure that accepts the post code in which the customer resides as the input parameter. The procedure should then use an explicit cursor to display comprehensive details about each

  • Q : Understand database design techniques....
    Database Management System :

    To give learners opportunities to develop an understanding of the concepts and issues relating to databases and database design as well as the practical skills to translate that understanding into t

  • Q : Pl-sql block....
    Database Management System :

    Write a pl/sql block which declares and uses cursors with the parameters.

  • Q : Entity relation model....
    Database Management System :

    Design an Entity Relation Model (or ER) for the problem described above that shows: entities, attributes, keys, relationships, cardinalities, participation constraints, etc.

  • Q : Sample functional dependencies....
    Database Management System :

    Make two sample functional dependencies, one to display a single attribute primary key and one to demonstrate a multi-attribute composite key.

  • Q : Business functions of mountain view community hospital....
    Database Management System :

    List the various Business Functions of Mountain View Community Hospital (this will be done in Word) - remember to keep this "high level" - what the hospital does.

  • Q : Sql and plsql....
    Database Management System :

    The characteristic borMaxbooks points to the maximum number of books that a borrower can borrow at a time. Also, a book, which is still out on loan, will have a blank dateBack field in the loan tabl

  • Q : Spreadsheet projection-pharmacy business....
    Database Management System :

    Christina bought into a pharmacy business that provides pharmaceutical services only for those patients qualifying for the full concession price for medications under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Sch

  • Q : Primary key-entity-aviation database....
    Database Management System :

    Determine the primary key of this relation

  • Q : Creating a database to keep track of students....
    Database Management System :

    Create a database to keep track of how many students graduate with their first intended major.  The database will allow college administrators to track students initial major. This will help co

  • Q : Developing an er diagram and database of an event....
    Database Management System :

    Development of an ER Diagram and Database Implementation, use entity-relationship diagrams to design a relational database.

  • Q : Data management-baxter aviation case scenario....
    Database Management System :

    The systems analyst proposes the following two relationships between the Flight and Pilot entities: What question do you need to answer to decide which of the relationships is correct.

  • Q : Describe job scheduling strategy....
    Database Management System :

    Describe a job scheduling strategy which will meet business needs of reporting accessibility by 6am CST for the following cubes.

  • Q : Drawing entity relationship diagram....
    Database Management System :

    Draw an entity relationship diagram (or ERD) for the given situation.

  • Q : Analysis and design techniques....
    Database Management System :

    A case study accompanies this assignment. It describes the requirement for a system within a business context. This is an outline of a draft brief.

  • Q : Job scheduling strategy-job scheduling dependencies....
    Database Management System :

    Define a job scheduling strategy which will meet business requirement of reporting availability by 6am CST for the given cubes? Show the job scheduling dependencies in a pictorial form so that it is

  • Q : Designing relational databases to satisfy business rule....
    Database Management System :

    Project allows students to show their skills in the area of designing relational databases to satisfy specific business rules and requirements. Deliverables for this project include an Entity Relat

  • Q : Assessment task-operation of todd restaurants....
    Database Management System :

    To analyse a set of data, and write a memo, identifying and explaining your insights into the operation of Todd Restaurants.

  • Q : Database system development v.1....
    Database Management System :

    The database application project (or DAP) for this course comprises of the creation of a fully functional Microsoft Access database application for a real client.

  • Q : Sql server 2000 architecture....
    Database Management System :

    SQL Server 2000 Architecture with diagram.

  • Q : Drawing the er diagrams for various business rules....
    Database Management System :

    Draw the E/R diagrams for the following business rules using Gliffy. Recognize all entities, attributes, relationships, primary keys, cardinalities and constraints where suitable.

  • Q : Job scheduling strategy....
    Database Management System :

    Define a job scheduling strategy which will meet business requirement of reporting accessibility by 6am CST for the following cubes.

  • Q : Table definition in 1nf....
    Database Management System :

    Is the table definition in 1NF? Why or why not? If not, convert the table to 1NF table.

  • Q : Coldfusion application....
    Database Management System :

    Create a new ColdFusion application.

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