• Q : Database management systems....
    Database Management System :

    Report the corresponding algebraic expression and specify the cardinality of each node (representing an intermediate result or a leaf). If necessary, assume a data distribution. Analyze also the gro

  • Q : Baxter aviation data management scenario....
    Database Management System :

    The questions in this exam are based on the Baxter Aviation scenario that you used for the first exam. Please read the following narrative carefully, as many of the rules have changed!

  • Q : Implementing views for the database using sql....
    Database Management System :

    Design two views for the database which you have designed and implemented. One view must be for the University Vice Chancellor who is interested in knowing about performance of students in different

  • Q : Explaining normalization - b tree - clustering indexes....
    Database Management System :

    Compare primary, secondary and clustering indexes. Which of these indexes are dense and which are not? What is difference between B tree and B+ tree? Why B+ tree is the better tree structure than B tr

  • Q : Designing rdbms tables for er-diagram of departmental store....
    Database Management System :

    Departmental store maintains inventory of goods about its sections. Each section could sell a number of items. Item sold by one section might be part of other section also. Design appropriate RDBMS

  • Q : Defining file organization-foreign key-normalization....
    Database Management System :

    Explain file organization? Name all the file organization techniques. Make a detailed comparison among all the file organization techniques. Define following terms: Inverted list, Foreign key, Trans

  • Q : Housing rent prices in munich....
    Database Management System :

    Write a brief description of the relationships represented by the color brushed scatter plot and the bar chart.

  • Q : Make a database for work-school using real data....
    Database Management System :

    Though, it is highly encourage you to build a "real-world" application where you make a database for work, school, or your own use using real data.

  • Q : Creating database using ms-access for gym front office....
    Database Management System :

    A GYM needs a computerized system to atomize its front office operation. Using MS-Access, design various forms to support the Gyms’ front office   operations such as enquiry form, reg

  • Q : Explaining normalization-group by- where-having clause....
    Database Management System :

    Describe how “GROUP By” clause works. What is the difference between the WHERE and HAVING clauses? Describe them with the help of example for each.

  • Q : Creating directories on your hard drive....
    Database Management System :

    Create to directories on your hard drive. Place a small text file (ending in .txt) in one directory. Use Oracle package UTL_FILE to read that file, line by line, from one directory and write a simil

  • Q : Designing relational database system for applicatication....
    Database Management System :

    It is required to design a relational database system for a “realistic” application Computer Sales and Repair Store System – CSRSS.This is followed by an implementation of the system

  • Q : Designing a secure database with various tables....
    Database Management System :

    Design a secure database with various tables using good relational database design techniques. Using Oracle database engine, design and develop a relational database to store user information to sup

  • Q : Make an entity relationship model by using microsoft visio....
    Database Management System :

    Make an Entity Relationship model by using Microsoft Visio to display the characteristics of the given database

  • Q : Naive bayesian approach and id3 algorithm....
    Database Management System :

    Given a choice between the  Naïve  Bayesian Approach  and the  ID3 algorithm for this task, which one would you choose? Why?

  • Q : Calculating closure for the set of functional dependencies....
    Database Management System :

    Calculate the closure (F+) for the following set of the functional dependencies defined on R(a,b,c,d), where F – {c→a, ab→d, a→b, d→c}, i.e. what are all of the FDs implied

  • Q : Creating suitable fully labeled crows foot erd....
    Database Management System :

    United Helpers is a non-profit organization which provides aid to people after natural disasters. Based on the given brief explanation of operations, create the suitable fully labeled Crow’s F

  • Q : Dependency diagram....
    Database Management System :

    Draw the dependency diagram and recognize the primary key and all dependencies, comprising all partial and transitive dependencies.

  • Q : Two star schemas-lattice hierarchy....
    Database Management System :

    Draw a lattice hierarchy for each dimension that has more than one level.

  • Q : Creating a database for real-world application....
    Database Management System :

    Build a "real-world" application where you create a database for work, school, or your own use using real data. Like, you may use sales, wage, inventory, or other data from work, or build an applica

  • Q : Determining the set of minimal functional dependencies....
    Database Management System :

    Determine the set of minimal functional dependencies for the following data.The local bakery, Happy Cakes, needs your help designing a database that will support a kiosk in the store for customers t

  • Q : Creating tables and entering data using sql....
    Database Management System :

    Creating Tables and Entering Data Using SQLThe purpose of this assignment is to give you practice with creating database structure using SQL and using the INSERT command to add data.

  • Q : Discussing why relational database suitable for organisation....
    Database Management System :

    Discuss why a relational database would be suitable for this organisation and provide (3) three reasons for this recommendation.

  • Q : Designing relational database by entity-relationship diagram....
    Database Management System :

    This assessment task focuses on the following objective: Utilize entity-relationship diagrams to design the relational database.ABC will like to store information regarding their customers. Customers

  • Q : Erd for city crèche database system....
    Database Management System :

    You are required to implement a database to get together the requirements of City Crèche Database system by using the Entity Relationship Model attached.

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