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define instance and schemainstance collection of data stored in the data base at a certain moment isschema the overall design of the data base is
give the levels of data abstractionthere are three levels of data abstractiona physical levelb logical levelc view
what are the advantages of using a dbmsthe benefits of using a dbms area controlling redundancyb restricting unauthorized accessc giving multiple
what are the disadvantages of file processing systemthe drawbacks of file processing systems area data redundancy and inconsistencyb complexity in
list any eight applications of dbmsa universitiesb airlinesc bankingd credit card transactionse tele communicationf salesgfinanceh manufacturingi
define database management systemdatabase management system dbms is a set of interrelated data and a combination of programs to access those
question discuss the problem which may arise during concurrency control and recovery in distributed database which are not encountered in controlized
the advantages of a database management system dbms include -data integrity and elimination of
as with other software databases can potentially be used for unethical purposes as a database developer and a consumer you should recognize database
can you assist me in database management system i need help in my courses please email me at and get back me
how is oracle used in plsql define the features of process and how they are definedplsql - plsql is oracles procedural language pl superset
what is data model explain object based and record based data modelsans a data model is an abstract model in which describes how data is represented
explain the disadvantages of a file processing systemans disadvantages of file processing systems include 1 data redundancy 2 data inconsistency 3
explain the following functions of oracle with suitable examples i tochar ii count iii trim iv length ans i tochar the tochar function converts a
what are the key features of oracle key features of oracle are as followsbull read consistencybull concurrencybull locking mechanismsbull quiesce
explain instance and schemasinstances and schemas databases changes over time as the information is deleted and inserted the collection of
what are the disadvantages of relational approachdisadvantages of relational approachbull substantial hardware and system software overheadbull may
write short notes on relational constraintsrelational constraints are1not null2unique3primary key4foreign key5table
consider the relationsemployeeemp name assignedtoproject emp projectproject projectname chief express the subsequent queries in relational algebrai
what are the several kinds of the update operations on relations also explain the constraints on these update operation give instance in support of
express the subsequent query in sql assumes which the data is stored within employee table with relevant fieldsi display name job salary and hire
what are the constituents of file also elaborates all the possible file operationsa file is organised logically as sequence of record these records
what is bucket overflow and how bucket overflow is handled through over flow chaining or closed hashing ans bucket unit of storage holding records
what is data independencedata independence techniques which permit data to be changed without affecting the applications in which procedure it there
explain record based logical modelsrecord-based logical models also define data at the conceptual and view levels unlike object-oriented models are