• Q : Explain a disparate impact and a disparate treatment claim....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The difference between a disparate impact and a disparate treatment claim.The complaint procedure for a disparate impact and a disparate treatment claim as it pertains to the EEOC

  • Q : Contrast the differences between the corrections system....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Compare and contrast the differences between the corrections system today versus what you learned about the history of corrections in the United States.

  • Q : What is the purpose of the policy....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Based on the feedback you have received on your introduction paragraph, begin writing a 3-4 page rough draft of the body paragraphs of your research paper, which should have a clear focus, problem

  • Q : Analyze a supreme court criminal case....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Analyze a Supreme Court criminal case. Use an Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion methodology to approach the assignment. Start with a factual background section.

  • Q : Adequate protection to citizens against officers....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Do you agree that for police to take action, their response must be just, and that they must recognize the rights of individuals while at the same time holding them accountable for their actions as

  • Q : Describe the mental state of the sniper....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How could orders from this new commander to the unit cause issues with the corrections officers and their relationship in the inmate population?

  • Q : Relevance of law in a business environment....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    To challenge you to think about how you would have decided the case. In your case law analyses, you must be able to navigate the court's decision and summarize it; you are not expected to act as a j

  • Q : What is due process....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Write a 5-6 page paper summarizing the differences and similarities between procedural due process, substantive due process, and equal protection and which Amendments of the Constitution these are

  • Q : The role of the media in shaping a collective image....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Sociology is the study of human social behavior and groups. While psychology provides people with insights into individual behavior, drives, and motivations, this course will examine how people rela

  • Q : Judicial authorities to sentenceoffenders....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Are there any variables that you do not feel should be used when sentencing offenders? Why or why not?Which variable do you feel is the least important for correctly sentencing offenders? Explain.

  • Q : Why do some criticize affirmative action....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Why do some criticize affirmative action? What would be one advantage and one disadvantage of eliminating affirmative action?

  • Q : Why was the department of homeland security created....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    When and why was the Department of Homeland Security created? What is its mission and what are its law enforcement functions? Would any of your team members be interested in working for the Departm

  • Q : What are the steps in the juvenile justice process....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How will you respond to Mrs. I? Provide a small narrative if necessary to demonstrate your approach toward the client.What are the steps in the juvenile justice process that must be taken to defend Mr

  • Q : Jeff passmore on the hospital liability....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Prepare a one to two paragraph journal entry in which you make your recommendation to Jeff Passmore on the hospital's liability concerning the medication error case, as discussed within Learnscape.

  • Q : The purpose of creating a list of sources....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Secondary sources must be accessed from peer-reviewed journals or other sources that are considered to have reliable information.

  • Q : Identify and explain forms of biometrics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The Discussion Board is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust intera

  • Q : How to continues to evolve in criminal investigations....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Biometrics continues to be an emerging field, and its use continues to evolve in criminal investigations. As you know, fingerprints are considered to be scientifically valid evidence that has bee

  • Q : Explain the kantian arguments denis arnold and norman....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Explain Ian Maitland's argument that improving health and safety conditions and improving wages will cause greater harm than good. With whom do you agree more? Explain.

  • Q : What is the difference between joint costs and common costs....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is the difference between joint costs and common costs? Give an example of each and explain why your example qualifies as a joint or common cost.

  • Q : Does the court system have adequate protections....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Does the court system have adequate protections in place minimizing the risk that innocent people could get put behind bars or even executed? What additional protections would you recommend?

  • Q : Describe what a fire is in terms of its physical properties....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    You are the supervisor of a newly formed arson investigation unit. Although you have some personnel with basic crime scene training, you must start from the ground up to train them in elements of

  • Q : Discuss the nuremburg trials with regards to accountability....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Discuss the Nuremburg Trials with regards to accountability for the crimes of others. What were the sentences and how were they carried out? How is it possible for a person to be tried for crimes

  • Q : What is the role of the expert witness....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Identify and analyze the benefits and challenges that are associated with biometric evidence in the criminal justice system. Include at least 3 techniques in your paper, and use at least 2 case s

  • Q : Why are our conclusions from research considered tentative....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Why are our conclusions from research considered tentative? What is the continuing problem when attempting to show causal relations between events and explanations of them?

  • Q : Briefly discuss tools and skills in the profession....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Choose one specific job in criminal justice that interests you, and briefly discuss some of tools and skills, which will help you succeed in the profession as well as the work environment.

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