• Q : Risk management and criminal condut....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    I want assistance with the question and this little scenario. As the risk manager for a baseball team, your best pitcher hit his wife at a local club. The team needs his services, but the city and t

  • Q : Consideration passed to form a binding contract....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Under what circumstances, if any, should a person be bound by a promise, when no consideration is passed to form a binding contract?

  • Q : What it called if someone make illegal to say certain phrase....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is it called when some one makes it illegal to say a certain phrase? Like the boxing announcer who says "lets get ready to rumble" or Paris Hilton saying "that's hot" I heard that no one else a

  • Q : Supporting the exclusionary rule....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Essay form, 500 to 700 words, MLA format with MLA citations from three plus academic sources; PRO Counter-point (CON) the rule should not be abolished - support the exclusionary rule, address why th

  • Q : Employment using genetic testing....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question 1. Should an employer be permitted to screen candidates for employment using genetic testing? Support your answer. Question 2. Is "at will" employment good for the economy? Support your answe

  • Q : Proof of a bad motive-imposing tort liability....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question 1. Is proof of a "bad motive" essential to imposing tort liability? Why or why not?

  • Q : Legal benefits and protections of being in a civil marriage....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    With a divorce rate hovering at 50 percent and the number of single households adopting children, as well as the debate over recognizing partnerships, the issues are gaining more attention. A recent

  • Q : Fmla-cobra-hipaa and erisa....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Briefly defines FMLA, COBRA, HIPAA, and ERISA. Describes one current issue that employers should be or are concerned with under each act. For each current issue identified, describes why this issue ha

  • Q : Parol evidence rule....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Parol Evidence Rule says that if a written contract is a complete and final statement of the parties' agreement, any prior or comtemporaneous oral or written statements that alter, contradict, or ar

  • Q : Scope of business influence your choice of form of entity....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Will the nature or scope of the business influence your choice of form of entity? Why or why not? What type of entity would you recommend?

  • Q : Potential for a case against bike manufacturer....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Discuss separately the case against each defendant, and the potential for a case against the bike manufacturer.

  • Q : Hipaa law affect technology in a health care....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Which of the rules that make up the HIPAA law affect technology in a Health Care or Human Service organization? Can you summarize the relevant rules?

  • Q : Define the internal equity of wages and benefits....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question: Discuss and evaluate two factors that help to define the internal equity of wages and benefits.

  • Q : Basis for any civil tort actions....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    - Is there basis for any civil tort actions that can be brought against the client? - Can the representative who was chased out of the client facility bring any type of tort action?

  • Q : Types of agency relationships....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question 1: What types of agency relationships do you come across at work, and how do they affect your business? Question 2: What lessons can you extract from agency law to avoid or lessen the risk of

  • Q : Corporate veil pierced for your business....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    If you were an officer, director, and/or shareholder of a small corporation, what are some examples of steps you would take to minimize the risk of having the corporate veil pierced for your busines

  • Q : Will sox lead to a more effective control system....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question: Will SOX lead to a more effective control system at most publicly traded US companies? Why or why not?

  • Q : Classifications of property....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The purse contained $200 in cash. Is the purse (including its contents) lost, mislaid, or abandoned property? What would File's rights be under each of these classifications of property?

  • Q : Legal right to refuse to honor check....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Our automatic equipment couldn't read the code numbers in the bottom left hand corner, so the check was rejected. Did the bank have a legal right to refuse to honor my check? If so, why? If not, why n

  • Q : Claiming to be a holder in due course....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The same day, Tip-Top deposited its weekend receipts, including Ben's check, in Merchants Bank and Trust. When Merchants presented the check to Mechanics, Mechanics refused to pay. Merchants sued Me

  • Q : Priority of security interest....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Whose security interest has priority? If any statutes are relevant to this problem, explain how they apply. Remember to discuss and properly cite two cases to support your analysis.

  • Q : Investment banking in the mergers and acquisitions....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    avid Booze and Henry Allen are business school classmates who found jobs in Jersey City at competing investment firms after graduation. Booze became an investment banking analyst in the Mergers &

  • Q : Agreement and redeemed after the divorce....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Is Judy entitled to half the proceeds of a ticket acquired after the agreement and redeemed after the divorce was final?

  • Q : Valuable painting by gustav klimt....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Victor Gruen owned a valuable painting by Gustav Klimt. He wrote his son Michael a letter on Michael's twenty-first birthday. He said, "I want to give you the Klimt for your birthday. Although I wan

  • Q : Shock triggered a fatal heart attack....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Harry and Susan confronted David with their affair and demanded that David agree to a divorce. The shock triggered a fatal heart attack. Galaxy refused to pay.

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