• Q : Vessel element of the xylem....
    Biology :

    A mutant form of aphid, klutzid, inserts its stylet in the vessel element of the xylem.

  • Q : Accidental discoveries in history of science....
    Biology :

    Discuss the role so called “accidental” discoveries played in history of science. A minimum 1500 to 2000 words in length and make use of the APA style formatting with intext citations an

  • Q : Transmembrane domains....
    Biology :

    Protein X contains 4 transmembrane domains, a short N-terminus and long C-terminus. Following protein synthesis, the N-terminus of protein faces the lumen (the inside) of ER. After protein X is tran

  • Q : Incidence of the leukemia in remote region of africa....
    Biology :

    Epidemiology at CDC in Atlanta, GA have called you in examine and increased incidence of the leukemia in a remote region of Africa.

  • Q : Presence of overlapping versus non-overlapping....
    Biology :

    Demonstrate how you would make sure the presence of overlapping versus non-overlapping frames when you thought the codon was read in groups of three nucleotides and in groups of 4 nucleotides. How w

  • Q : Dissimilar locations where anthrax infection can occur....
    Biology :

    What are the four dissimilar locations where anthrax infection can occur? Discuss each of these locations. What are the reasons why such locations allow the infection to take place?

  • Q : Protein modification and human disease....
    Biology :

    Discuss one type of protein modification of your choice. Give one example of human disease which causes by post-translational modification (folding, glycosylation, etc.)

  • Q : Distance between two genes on chromosome....
    Biology :

    Based upon such results, how much distance is between such two genes on the chromosome?

  • Q : Types of streptococcal hemolysis....
    Biology :

    What are the types of the streptococcal hemolysis? Discuss. How is Streptococcus pneumonia dissimilar from other streptococci that have same hemolytic properties? What additional tests are required

  • Q : Name of most common agent of uti....
    Biology :

    Write down the name of most common agent of UTIs? Discuss the mechanism of action which can prevent this disease using the natural compound.

  • Q : Subject of conjoined twins....
    Biology :

    I'm having some trouble tying in some concepts to subject of the conjoined twins. The class I’m taking is the introductory course of the genetics. What principles of heredity apply to conjoine

  • Q : Double helix structure for the dna....
    Biology :

    After Crick and Watson proposed double helix structure for the DNA, three models for the DNA replication were proposed: conservative, semi conservative, and dispersive.

  • Q : Which of following is not true of the sirna....
    Biology :

    Which of following is not true of the siRNA?

  • Q : Infested with disease bacteria and viruses....
    Biology :

    Suppose there are 25 dissimilar species of protists living in the tide pool. Some of such species reproduce both asexually and sexually, and some of them can reproduce only asexually. The pool gradu

  • Q : Muscular and osseous alters....
    Biology :

    Taking the short-cut across campus, Jeremy jumps down from the ledge and breaks his ankle (Pott’s fracture). Subsequent to six weeks, the case that encircled his leg is removed. After 6 weeks,

  • Q : Physiology of the peas....
    Biology :

    Consider the physiology of the peas that he worked with seven paired traits that one generation of peas takes one year, and he finished his experiments in the year of 1865.

  • Q : Serum specimens for serologic diagnosis of infection....
    Biology :

    What are the three manners in which urinary tract infections might be acquired? What are the secondary and primary antibody responses to the immunogenic response? Discuss. What is the significance o

  • Q : Tumor suppressor gene and oncogene....
    Biology :

    What is the differentiation between a tumor suppressor gene and oncogene?

  • Q : Species of staphylococcus....
    Biology :

    What are the three chief species of the Staphylococcus? Why one of them is very pathogenic compared to other two species? Which factor verifies the pathogenesis of organisms?

  • Q : Sudden onset of excessive thirst....
    Biology :

    A Male patient calls for the appointment. He reports experiencing the sudden onset of the excessive thirst and urination he says which he is thirsty all the time and can’t seem to get adequate

  • Q : Oxidation reduction reactions....
    Biology :

    Outline the oxidation reduction reactions which are initiated under such situations and indicate the point at which molecular oxygen interacts with oxidative system.

  • Q : Eukaryotic organelle structure....
    Biology :

    What approach would you employ to isolate only cells which hold this new structure? What method could be employed to characterize the structure and composition of structure? How may you recognize th

  • Q : Anaerobic respiration-aerobic respiration....
    Biology :

    What are the differentiations between anaerobic respiration, aerobic respiration, and fermentation? What are the factors which control such types of the metabolism?

  • Q : Homozygous blue-oval plant....
    Biology :

    Two genes of the flower, one controlling blue (B) versus white (b) petals and other controlling round (R) versus oval (r) stamens, are linked and are ten map units apart. You cross the homozygous bl

  • Q : Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium....
    Biology :

    Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium is the excellent barrier to pathogens in epidermis of skin. Despite the fact that it is such the good barrier, this tissue wouldn’t be appropriate f

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