• Q : Explanation for inheritance of kernel colour....
    Biology :

    Give an alternative explanation for inheritance of kernel colour and evaluate it by comparing observed data to which expected from your alternative hypothesis.

  • Q : Anatomy and physiology of human body....
    Biology :

    In the comparative anatomy we study the anatomy and physiology of human body, and we frequently compare our anatomy to anatomy of other living things…cats, pigs, sheep, etc. But how can such

  • Q : Huntington diseases and rapid progression of symptoms....
    Biology :

    Huntington diseases tend to strike earlier and lead to the more rapid progression of the symptoms as it moves from generation to generation. As well, it tends to hit earlier and progress more speedi

  • Q : Species richness and species evenness....
    Biology :

    Critically discuss why both species richness and species evenness are significant for healthy ecosystem. What occurs to the net primary productivity and to species diversity when humans disrupt wetl

  • Q : Profound developmental effects....
    Biology :

    In common fruit fly (Drosophila) the mutation in only one HOX gene will induce profound developmental effects (that is, antennae become legs or halters become wings).

  • Q : Processes of convergent and divergent evolution....
    Biology :

    Discuss the processes of the convergent and divergent evolution; how’re they different and how’re they similar?

  • Q : Causes of calcium deficiency-role of calcium in muscles....
    Biology :

    Based upon your knowledge of the causes of calcium deficiency and role of calcium in muscles and bone physiology: Mention the most likely reason for doctor's recommendation which is based upon Tom's c

  • Q : Effect of therapeutic on signal transduction....
    Biology :

    Suppose a receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, which if upregulated too much leads to unwanted cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Explain whether the therapeutic approaches stated below w

  • Q : Mechanical and chemical weathering....
    Biology :

    Critically discuss how weathering activity differs between climates. Considering the different processes involved in both mechanical and chemical weathering, what are some particular environmental f

  • Q : Obesity epidemic in children....
    Biology :

    The obesity epidemic in the children continues to rise. What is its present status? What can parents do to increase healthy children? What steps can schools take to promote better nutrition and phys

  • Q : Oxygen consumption curve for suspension of mitochondria....
    Biology :

    Make a diagram of an oxygen consumption curve for a suspension of isolated mitochondria when the following compounds are added in indicated order.

  • Q : Origin of water on earth in entire credibility....
    Biology :

    Discuss the two leading theories (you will have to decide for yourself what those two leading theories are) for origin of water on Earth in terms of their entire credibility as the best explanation

  • Q : Strengths associated with pro side of issue....
    Biology :

    What are some of strengths associated with Pro side of issue? What are some of weaknesses? What are some of strengths associated with Con side of issue? What are some of weaknesses?

  • Q : Spontaneous depurination of dna....
    Biology :

    Spontaneous depurination of the DNA happens at the rate of approximately 3 X 10–9 depurinations per purine per minute, most of which are repaired.

  • Q : Receptor cdna in an expression plasmids....
    Biology :

    Once you isolate cDNA for the receptor involved in mediating heart contraction, you sub-clone the receptor cDNA in an expression plasmids and then stably transfect COS cells and pick the receptor-ex

  • Q : Areas of natural beauty....
    Biology :

    Wind is included with gravity, water, and ice as the agent of erosion. In many areas of natural beauty, statements are frequently made which credit wind as having sculpted the landscape.

  • Q : Inheritance of the sickle-cell disease....
    Biology :

    Illustrate the inheritance of the sickle-cell disease. Comprise the terms genotype, homozygous, phenotype, heterozygous, dominant, and recessive in your description.

  • Q : Tropical point source pollutants and three non point source....
    Biology :

    Compare three tropical point source pollutants and three non point source pollutants from east coast of florida area?

  • Q : Connection of population growth to environmental problem....
    Biology :

    Critically discuss the connection of the population growth to other environmental problems. Critically discuss the connection between human population growth and environmental damage.

  • Q : Mechanism of lethality in mutant....
    Biology :

    What is mechanism of lethality in mutant that lacks Dut and RecA and why is this lethality suppressed by loss of the Ung?

  • Q : Large void in ozone layer with global warming....
    Biology :

    Many people confuse large void in ozone layer with global warming. Can you make a distinction between the two phenomena? Discuss how each process might harm living things.

  • Q : Atmospheres of jovian planets and atmospheres....
    Biology :

    Compare the atmospheres of Jovian planets and atmospheres of the terrestrial planets. Why are the components of the Jovian atmospheres so dissimilar from those of terrestrial planets?

  • Q : Natural wetland or artificial wetland....
    Biology :

    Discuss how a natural wetland or artificial wetland can act like the sewage treatment plant. Compare the procedures which occur in wetland to those of actual sewage treatment plant.

  • Q : Opponents of endangered species efforts....
    Biology :

    Some opponents of the endangered species efforts have argued that endangered species recovery is too expensive, stands in way of individual property rights, and manufactures little to no results in

  • Q : Significance of maintaining biological diversity....
    Biology :

    There’re several points of view concerning the significance of maintaining biological diversity. For instance, environmental groups in Northwest want to restrict logging to save the habitat of

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