• Q : Formal hypothesis and recognized function....
    Biology :

    For DNA extraction of the peas in 50% ethanol, 95% ethanol, and cold water, determine the formal hypothesis, null hypothesis, "if/then" statement predicting the outcome based upon the formal hypothe

  • Q : Members of enterobacteriaceae....
    Biology :

    Do other species of this organism cause respiratory tract disease? How can this organism be differentiated from the other members of Enterobacteriaceae?

  • Q : Multiple drug therapy of tb....
    Biology :

    43-year-old man has been diagnosed with the active TB. He is prescribed the multiple drug therapy, comprising INH and rifampin. A priority assessment by nurse will be to monitor which combination of

  • Q : Phase of ethical decision-making framework....
    Biology :

    Frank found himself in midst of an ethical dilemma at work, and was using the ethical decision-making matrix, address his work and personal values. Frank was most likely in which phase of Ethical De

  • Q : Symbiotic relationships of local environment....
    Biology :

    Provide an example of each of following symbiotic relationships which occur in your local environment: Parasitic, Competitive, Predatory, Mutualistic and Commensalistic. For each instance, predict h

  • Q : Chronic lung and digestive disease....
    Biology :

    Cystic fibrosis is chronic lung and digestive disease caused through a mutation in the CFTR gene on chromosome 7. In United States approximately 39 in 10,000 individuals are affected with recessive

  • Q : Population of pangolins....
    Biology :

    You’re interested in population of pangolins (scaly anteaters) and find that 49% of individuals have the homozygous recessive genotype (pp) for the gene of interest. You as well find that ther

  • Q : Characteristics of kirby bauer test....
    Biology :

    All characteristics of Kirby-Bauer test are standardized to assure reliability. What may the consequence be of pouring plates 2 mm deep instead of 4 mm?

  • Q : Fermenters to generate enzymes....
    Biology :

    You’re growing Bacillus subtilis in nine 16,000-liter fermenters to generate enzymes for industrial use. The Bacillus cultures had been growing for two days when the cells in one of fermenter

  • Q : Physiological characteristics-....
    Biology :

    Discuss the physiological characteristics which differentiate the eleven major phyla present in Domain Bacteria and describe the significance to humans or the environment of representative member ge

  • Q : Effect of sunlight on evaporation....
    Biology :

    Make a hypothesis predicting the effect of the sunlight on evaporation? What parts of water cycle are represented in this experiment?

  • Q : Modelling water cycle....
    Biology :

    Which water cycle procedures are represented in this model and through what elements?

  • Q : Haploid reproductive structures of fungi called....
    Biology :

    What are haploid reproductive structures of the Fungi Called? What is name for the type of plants which use flowers as their reproductive structure?

  • Q : Societal benefits of the wastewater....
    Biology :

    Discuss the societal benefits of the wastewater and sewage treatment? Why may things like fish kills occur in streams contaminated with raw sewage?

  • Q : Natural growth of halibut population....
    Biology :

    The Verhulst's logistic model has been applied to natural growth of halibut population in specific areas of Pacific Ocean.

  • Q : History of the biogeography....
    Biology :

    Critically discuss this statement: “The history of the biogeography is fundamentally a continuing conflict between the creation myth and empirical science.”

  • Q : Hereditary kidney disease....
    Biology :

    Critically discuss the five observations on which the science of biogeography is founded. Provide two examples for each observation.

  • Q : Recombination frequency of loci....
    Biology :

    Consider three loci linked in following order: A-B-C, where the A-B recombination frequency is 0.1 and B-C recombination frequency 0.05.

  • Q : Ethics of government regulating stem cell research....
    Biology :

    In 3-5 paragraphs reflect on ethics of government regulating stem cell research and answer such questions. Do you think the government must limit scientific inquiry and research using stem cells?

  • Q : Instances of increased disease and underlying causes....
    Biology :

    In your discussion post, discuss two instances of increased disease and underlying causes. Discuss how you think the medical and scientific community must respond.

  • Q : Which of following statements is true regarding phylogeny....
    Biology :

    Which of following statements is true regarding phylogeny, as represented by phylogenetic tree?

  • Q : Parakeet with respiratory illness....
    Biology :

    In this case history, the 49 year-old man handled the parakeet with respiratory illness on the month February 7. On March 9, he experienced extreme pain in his legs, followed through severe chills a

  • Q : Maternal antibodies fetal circulation....
    Biology :

    In Rh disease of newborn, maternal antibodies enter fetal circulation and demolish red blood cells of fetus. A mother with type O blood has anti-A and anti-B antibodies however may have the dozen ty

  • Q : Differences in head movement....
    Biology :

    Critically discuss the differences in head movement accessible to fish, amphibians, reptiles or birds, and mammals.

  • Q : Sex chromosome constitution....
    Biology :

    Provide the sex chromosome constitution (X and Y chromosome) and possible genotypes of the offspring resulting from the cross between a white-eye female (XwXwY) and wild-type male (normal chromosome

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