• Q : Catalyst of anaerobic glycolysis....
    Biology :

    The enzyme loctate dehydrogenase (LDH) is present in all tissues as a catalyst of the anaerobic glycolysis. It has 5 isoforms, explain these isoforms and how they can be used in the differential dia

  • Q : Primary sequences for a pentapeptide....
    Biology :

    Describe how many different primary sequences are possible for a pentapeptide made from naturally occurring amino acids?

  • Q : Investigating a membrane protein....
    Biology :

    Suppose that each and every helix is perpendicular to the plane of the membrane and goes precisely from side of the membrane to the other. As well suppose that each helix is linked to the next by a

  • Q : Explanation of gre subject question....
    Biology :

    Biochemists usually like to study and characterize proteins as pure substances isolated from their native environment. Describe the single most important process or procedure which must be available

  • Q : Ionization state-protonated or deprotonated....
    Biology :

    Describe the ionization state (protonated or deprotonated) of each residue at pH5.2? Determine the pH optimum of lysozyme?

  • Q : Isomerization reaction ratio....
    Biology :

    Consider the isomerization reaction between glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate. a) Describe the ratio of fructose-6-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate under standard conditions?

  • Q : Methotrexate-potent cancer chemotherapeutic agent....
    Biology :

    Methotrexate, a potent cancer chemotherapeutic agent, is a strong competitive inhibitor of the dihydrofolate reductase. Explain why this compound is an efficient inhibitor of the de novo synthesis o

  • Q : Molecular weight and allergenic potential....
    Biology :

    What does molecular weight of a protein encompass to do with the allergenic potential? This solution explains the relationship between the molecular weight of a protein and its potential to be an al

  • Q : Calculating number of atp molecules....
    Biology :

    Compute the total number of ATP molecules produced from one molecule of maltose. You will require considering that first maltose will hydrolyze, and then resulting glucose molecules will enter into

  • Q : Capability of chymotrypsin....
    Biology :

    Though the enzyme Trypsin was capable to hydrolyze both TAME and BTEE substrates and I was wondering why? And why/ what makes chymotrypsin so much more precise??

  • Q : Sources of antioxidants and utilization of vitamin c....
    Biology :

    Over 200 word essay in regards to the sources of antioxidants and how free radicals influence the human body. In addition, the optimal delivery of vitamin C with the human body.

  • Q : Micro and macro nutrients....
    Biology :

    1) Write down some similarities and differences between the macro and micronutrients? 2) Explain why it is significant to understand what macro and micronutrients are and how they work in the body?

  • Q : Relationship of t-cell receptors....
    Biology :

    Can anyone explain to me the relationship of T-cell receptors, MHC (class I and II), their antigen presenting cells and their roles in the adaptive immune response?

  • Q : Biology-surface to volume ratio....
    Biology :

    Describe the selective benefit of keeping the surface to volume ratio high in a cell? a) It gives more volume to store more nutrients. b) This maximizes the relative surface area for cooling.

  • Q : Significance of electrolyte balance....
    Biology :

    Electrolyte balance is much significant in our body. This balance can even greatly affect our heart functions - causing arrhythmia or even a heart attack.

  • Q : Use of alkaline phosphatase assays....
    Biology :

    If p-nitro phenyl phosphate had been employed as a substrate, would the same Km have been obtained? Describe.

  • Q : Questions regarding cell biology....
    Biology :

    Exhibit how a peptide bond forms between the two amino acids, glycine and valine. Draw the structural formulas for the reactants and the product. Label the functional groups and linkages present.

  • Q : Stimulation of a liver cell by glucagon....
    Biology :

    Explain how would you expect a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue to influence signaling events which take place during the stimulation of a liver cell by glucagon?

  • Q : Signaling by neurons....
    Biology :

    Compare and contrast the signaling by neurons which secret neurotransmitters at synapses to signaling carried out by endocrine cells, which secretes hormones to the blood, describe the relative ben

  • Q : Significant information regarding cell signaling....
    Biology :

    If cell surface receptors can quickly signal to the nucleus by activating latent gene regulatory proteins like STAT's at the plasma membrane, explain why do most cell surface receptors use long, ind

  • Q : Role of sugar-coated proteins....
    Biology :

    The external faces of some of the proteins in the plasma membrane encompass carbohydrate groups attached to them. What role do such "sugar-coated" proteins play in the life of the cell?

  • Q : Signaling defects in immune-deficiency conditions....
    Biology :

    The solution details how such signaling defects associate to the immunosuppression see in these conditions, and the differences between such diseases.

  • Q : Basics of b-cells....
    Biology :

    A B-cell has internalized a toxin which comprises the epitope recognized by its surface Ig. Explain how this cell would be activated, the cellular and molecular interaction(s), and the different ste

  • Q : Paracrine signaling molecules....
    Biology :

    Paracrine signaling molecules should be prevented from straying too far from their points of origin in order to remain localized. Explain how can this be accomplished?

  • Q : Question regarding cellular respiration....
    Biology :

    Where 273 = standard temperature in K. and 760 is standard pressure in mmHg (Torr), compute the rate of O2 consumption for normal and freeze-thawed lentils (consumption rate = slope of the line) at r

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