• Q : Structure of mitochondria and its function....
    Biology :

    Explain how does the structure of the mitochondria relate to its function? As a biker pumps up a hill to the finish line his leg muscles start to feel fatigue. Explain the processes at work to make h

  • Q : Exergonic and endergonic reaction....
    Biology :

    Illustrate the difference between and exergonic and endergonic reaction? Explain why do environmentalists claim that a raise in forests, that is, rainforests, will slow down the effects of the global

  • Q : Components of membranes....
    Biology :

    Explain why can't triglycerols (fats) be important components of membranes? When bacteria growing at 20 degree Celsius are warmed to 30 degree Celsius, are they more probable to synthesize the membra

  • Q : Fatty acid complement in the bacterial membrane....
    Biology :

    A bacterium is in the method of acclimating to a lower temperature environment. Explain how would you expect the fatty acid complement in the bacterial membrane to change in response to the lower te

  • Q : Signaling responses-changes in gene expression....
    Biology :

    Explain why do signaling responses that need changes in proteins already present in the cell take place in milliseconds to seconds, while responses which involve changes in gene expression generally

  • Q : Signaling mechanisms by steroid-hormone receptor....
    Biology :

    The signaling mechanisms employed by a steroid-hormone receptor and by an ion channel linked receptor have very few components. Can either mechanism lead to the amplification of the initial signal?

  • Q : Activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex....
    Biology :

    Since oxygen is not a reactant or a product in the citric acid cycle, explain why do low levels of oxygen reduce the activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?

  • Q : Dietary deficiency of vitamin b1....
    Biology :

    The disease beriberi that results from a dietary deficiency of vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is characterized by the neurological and cardiac symptoms, and also raised the levels of pyruvate and alpha- keto

  • Q : Solve the nernst equation....
    Biology :

    Assume that the Nernst potential (across a neurons plasma membrane) for Mg(2+) is a 100+ mv. Compute the fold concentration gradient for magnesium and describe in which direction it lies across the

  • Q : Physiological response of photoreceptors....
    Biology :

    What Intracellular second messenger is the main regulator of the physiological response of photoreceptors to stimulus?

  • Q : Hyper polarization of the membrane....
    Biology :

    Explain the molecular events which produce the ‘dark current' in photoreceptor cells; describe the impact of this cycle on the typical resting membrane potential and how light leads to the hyp

  • Q : Using michaelis menton kinetics....
    Biology :

    I want a description on how to use the Michaelis-Menton equation and how it correlates with the Michaelis - Menton plot (graph). Illustrations would be highly appreciated.

  • Q : Non-covalent interactions in proteins....
    Biology :

    Which non-covalent interactions are most probable to be significant in protein-protein interactions in the aqueous environment?

  • Q : Studying ancient dna....
    Biology :

    Give two key insights into the evolutionary history of Neandertals which have been derived from the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In what manners might the use of mtDNA be misleading or lim

  • Q : Ph of glycine after addition of acid-base....
    Biology :

    If I had 1L of a 1.0M solution of glycine at the isoelectric pH (6.02) and I added 0.3 mol of HCL, what would be the new pH? Describe what would be the pH if I added 0.3 mol of NaOH rather than the

  • Q : Constructing synthetic rna from repeating dinucleotide....
    Biology :

    What kind of polypeptide would you make from this polynucleotide? Would you expect to have more than one polypeptide? Explain why?

  • Q : Introduction to cell problem....
    Biology :

    If the rates of synthesis of both X and Y are suddenly raised tenfold to 10,000 molecules per second per cell devoid of any change in their degradation rates-how many molecules of X and Y will there

  • Q : Why plants appear green....
    Biology :

    What are the chemical and spectroscopic reasons which make plants to appear green? As well why plants lose their green color in the autumn or on cooking?

  • Q : Usefulness of soap in hard water....
    Biology :

    Since calcium and magnesium salts of fatty acids are not soluble in water, explain how would you expect this to influence the usefulness of soap in hard water?

  • Q : Saturation of the lipids....
    Biology :

    Does a high halogen number point out a more or less saturated fat? Explain why or why not? If so, would this specific lipid be considered by nutritionists to be more or less desirable in your diet?

  • Q : Glycolysis pathway....
    Biology :

    1) Glycerol can as well enter the glycolysis pathway by being transformed to what? 2) Explain how many molecules of ATP is USED UP in the glycolysis pathway?

  • Q : Do lipids make a good soap....
    Biology :

    You are the owner of a company which sells cleaning products. The people in Research encompass two new products for you to review. The first is a kind of hand soap which they say will cut grease as

  • Q : Pseudomonal fluorescent bacteria....
    Biology :

    What function does the fluorescence have in pseudomonal fluorescent bacteria? These bacteria do not present much color when viewed via the microscope; however the name should carry some indication o

  • Q : Universal priming sequences....
    Biology :

    A 2500 base-pair long cDNA of unknown sequence was cloned to the MCS of a plasmid vector which has universal priming sequences adjacent to and on both sides of the MCS.

  • Q : Concept of ph-pka-ionization....
    Biology :

    Explain how one would use the concepts of pH and pka to predict the ionization state of any given amino acid or its side chain in a protein.

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