• Q : Example on wt situation....
    Biology :

    the arrow shows how its binding to protein B influences that protein's DNA binding activity. Assume that the organism is haploid.

  • Q : Which bag increased the most in volume....
    Biology :

    Which bag increased the most in volume and what does this tell you about the relative tonicity between the contents of the bag and the solution in the beaker?

  • Q : Name the hormone....
    Biology :

    Name one of the hormones that you will have to administer to this patient artificially to maintain health. Which symptoms will you monitor to assess whether the dosage and timing of your injections

  • Q : Evolutionary dead end....
    Biology :

    About 20% of all angiosperm species reproduce primarily by self-fertilization in which a plant's egg is fertilized by its own pollen.

  • Q : What is the purpose of the agar dish....
    Biology :

    The same bacterial solutions were plated on another nutrient agar dish, however this dish was treated with X-gal. What is the purpose of the agar dish not treated with X-gal? (X-gal shows the presen

  • Q : The enzyme reverse transcriptase....
    Biology :

    Determine whether the following statements are true or false. If false you must give a simple reason explaining why.

  • Q : Mutational event....
    Biology :

    Explain what would happen if a mutational event caused the underlined "G" to be changed to a "U"? What is the name for this kind of mutation?

  • Q : What are the genotypes of all....
    Biology :

    Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait. Two parents, Fred and Ginger, have normal vision and what are the genotypes of all the individuals mentioned in this problem?

  • Q : How will chromosome segregation be affected....
    Biology :

    If the centrioles are mispositioned in the cell, a functional mitotic spindle will fail to form. In this situation, how will chromosome segregation be affected?

  • Q : Hypothesis in the translocation of substances in angiosperms....
    Biology :

    Are they any experiments which have been done to support the pressure flow hypothesis in the translocation of substances in angiosperms

  • Q : What is the etiology of bacterial conjunctivitis....
    Biology :

    What is the etiology of bacterial conjunctivitis. Is it Haemophilus influenza, Streptococcus pneumonia, and S. aureus or just Haemophilus influenza.

  • Q : Full- time quadrupeds instead of full-time bipeds....
    Biology :

    What everyday tasks do you think would become more challenging if Homo sapiens were full- time quadrupeds instead of full-time bipeds? Explain your answers.

  • Q : Common feature of all hormones....
    Biology :

    Which of the following is a common feature of all hormones and the hypothalamus controls the anterior pituitary by means of

  • Q : Cause of the food poisoning....
    Biology :

    Use your chart to start making a deduction about the cause of the food poisoning. Based on the information you've gathered do you feel that the cause of the food poisoning is a diatom or a dinoflage

  • Q : The standard free energy....
    Biology :

    The equilibrium for isomerization of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is favored because the standard free energy is negative

  • Q : Explain the origin of both of the original prototrophic....
    Biology :

    Explain the origin of both of the original prototrophic colonies and explain the results of all four crosses, using clearly defined gene symbols.

  • Q : Briefly discuss the safeguards....
    Biology :

    From the e-Activity, briefly discuss the safeguards that should have prevented the breach of privacy. Explain in detail why you think these safeguards were not effective in this instance.

  • Q : Evaluate the beneficial influences of changing forces....
    Biology :

    Choose a business and evaluate the beneficial influences of changing technological forces on that business.

  • Q : Epidemiological study....
    Biology :

    Summarize the article in one paragraph (about 100 words). Paraphrasing is a must. Also, remember to point out why the article may be important

  • Q : When a cell is in anaphase of mitosis....
    Biology :

    A student is looking through his light microscope (~450 X) at a squashed and stained onion root tip. Some, but not all, of the cells have clearly visible chromosome strands.

  • Q : Is glucose normally present in urine....
    Biology :

    Suggest two possible mechanisms to explain why the kidney would excrete excess glucose, and what abnormality may underlie those conditions.

  • Q : What type of volcano erupted....
    Biology :

    What type of volcano erupted in a given area based on the type of volcanic deposits now found as layers of rock? Give specific examples, and briefly discuss how some materials may be linked to diffe

  • Q : Identify the correct diagnosis....
    Biology :

    Identify the correct diagnosis (ICD-9-CM) code(S) for the above the scenario and identify the correct procedure (CPT-4) code(s) for the above the scenario?

  • Q : Balloon- lungs and bottle-thorax....
    Biology :

    How does the structural relationship between the balloon- lungs and bottle-thorax differ from that seen in the human lungs and thorax?

  • Q : What enzyme is contaminating your trypsin enzyme stock....
    Biology :

    From the sequence of the five peptides, you suspect that the trypsin you used to digest the original polypeptide was contaminated with another enzyme. What enzyme is contaminating your trypsin enzym

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