• Q : Showing the probaility distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Produce a histogram showing the probaility distribution (probability of outcome on one axis, and outcome value on another axis). In percentage terms, if you rolled a die over and over again, how of

  • Q : Mean-median-mode and standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are the mean, median, mode and standard deviation of potential outcomes for ONE roll of the die?

  • Q : Probability of a sale given that the customer....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability of a sale given that the customer has a trade in? What is the probability that a customer has a trade in and a sale is made?

  • Q : Compute the probability of egg....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider a carton of twelve eggs, of which three are rotten. Suppose we randomly select five eggs. Compute the probability that there is at least one rotten egg among the selected eggs.

  • Q : Characteristics of the standard normal distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    The reply has to be 300-400 words a) What are the characteristics of the standard normal distribution?

  • Q : Determine the posterior distribution of k....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that k has a prior distribution, which is Binomial(4; 0:2). A ball is drawn from the bag. Determine the posterior distribution of k if (a) the ball is red and (b) the ball is green.

  • Q : Calculate the probability mass function of the sum....
    Basic Statistics :

    Given the independent random variables X and Y with respective probability mass functions. Calculate the probability mass function of the sum Z = X + Y .

  • Q : Level of significance-p-value for the test....
    Basic Statistics :

    A six-sigma black belt quality engineer found that in a random sampl of 140 printed circuit boards, 18 are defective due to the result of certain nonconformity tests. At the 5% level of significanc

  • Q : Rigorous training program....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following are the numbers of defective parts produced in a shift by 10 workers before and after going through a very rigorous training program (assuming normality):

  • Q : Relationship between the level of satisfaction of workers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A hospital would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the level of satisfaction of workers with working conditions and their job category.  A random sample of 250 empl

  • Q : Level of measurement....
    Basic Statistics :

    For each of the variables below state what level of measurement it is and is it discrete or continuous

  • Q : Equal variances for percent wear of tires....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assuming approximately normal distributions having equal variances for percent wear of tires each brand under test conditions, find a 95% confidence interval for muA - muB

  • Q : Methanol solution-normality....
    Basic Statistics :

    Ten determinations of percentage of water in amethanol solution yield X= 0.552 and S = 0.037. If mu is the true percentage of water in the methanol solution, assuming normality, find:

  • Q : Random success rate of making a sale....
    Basic Statistics :

    A telemarketer makes 80 calls in a one day, with a 10% random success rate of making a sale. What is the average number of successes (sales) in a day? What is the expected statis

  • Q : Probability of observing eight....
    Basic Statistics :

    In the absence of a cosmic event such as a supernova, the detector would normally observe and average of two neutrino interactions per day. In this case, what is the probability of observing eight

  • Q : Redesign an ejection seat for an airplane....
    Basic Statistics :

    An engineer is going to redesign an ejection seat for an airplane. The seat was designed by pilots weighing between 150 lb and 191 lb. The new population of pilots has normally d

  • Q : Electrical and mechanical problem....
    Basic Statistics :

    Among the cameras with only a mechanical defect, 90% are repaired and returned, with the remainder being replaced with a new camera. And among the cameras with both an electrical and mechanical prob

  • Q : Probability that the first egg selected....
    Basic Statistics :

    A carton of eggs (assume a carton contains a dozen eggs) contains two eggs that are cracke. In a quality effort, two eggs are selected, at random, without replacement from the carton.

  • Q : Formal right to give blood....
    Basic Statistics :

    Singer suggests that although the right to sell blood does not threaten the formal right to give blood, it is incompatible with "the right to give blood, which cannot be bought, which has no cash v

  • Q : Question regarding the cash value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Singer suggests that although the right to sell blood does not threaten the formal right to give blood, it is incompatible with "the right to give blood, which cannot be bought, which has no cash v

  • Q : Probability that company....
    Basic Statistics :

    You believe that there is about a 0.4 probability that company A will enter and a 0.3 probability that company B will release a product. You also believe that there is a 0.1 probability that both A

  • Q : Population standard deviation-educator....
    Basic Statistics :

    An educator wants to estimate the mean number of hours elementary school children watch television per day. How large a sample is needed if the educator wants to estimate the mean to within 0.5 hou

  • Q : Sample standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Owner of a store that sells CDs wants to estimate the mean amount of time a customer remains in the store. A random sample of 34 customers was observed, and found to have a sample mean time of 12.77

  • Q : Examines and classifies a random sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company produces steel shafts for use in industry. It is known that 0.1% of the shafts are classified as scrap. A quality control inspector examines and classifies a random sample of 20 steel shaf

  • Q : Identifying the type of aircraft....
    Basic Statistics :

    A sailor monitoring radar on board a U.S. warship has a 0.90 probability of correctly identifying the type of aircraft from information on the radar screen. Consider the next 14 identifications made

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