• Q : Ratings of the two ice creams....
    Basic Statistics :

    The same six testers rated the taste of two ice creams. Taste ratings are not normally distributed, so a t-test should not be done.Is there a significant difference in the ratings of the two ice crea

  • Q : Consider two independent random variables....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider two independent random variables Xsub1 and Xsub2 having the same Cauchy distribution f(x)=1/(pie(1+x^2)) for negative infinity <x < positive infinity.

  • Q : General solution of a non-homogeneous....
    Basic Statistics :

    Obtain the general solution of a non-homogeneous ODE y'''+2y''-5y'-6y=100e^3x + 18e^-x. Verify your solutions using MATLAB.

  • Q : Standard normal curve that lies....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the area under the standard normal curve that lies between (a) Z = -0.83, and Z = 0.83 (b) Z = - 1.35 and Z = 0, (c) Z = -1.38, and Z = 0.63.

  • Q : Area under the standard normal curve....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the area under the standard normal curve in parts (a) through (c) below. Find the area under the normal curve to the left of z = 1 plus the area under the normal curve to the right of z =

  • Q : Determine the area under standard normal curve....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the area under the standard normal curve that lies to the left of (a) Z=1.02, (b) = -0.11, (c) Z = -1.58, and (d) Z = -0.43.

  • Q : Constructing and implementing hypothesis tests....
    Basic Statistics :

    When constructing and implementing hypothesis tests, what reasoning is used behind the statement of the null and alternative hypotheses?

  • Q : Sample space....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let S = {a, b, c} be a sample space. Suppose P is a probability on S and that you know P({a}) = 0.2 and P({a, b}) = 0.5 Then what are P({b}) and P({c})? Explain how you know.

  • Q : During an assembly process....
    Basic Statistics :

    During an assembly process, parts arrive just as they are needed. However, at one station, the probability is 0.01 that a defective part will arrive in a one-hour period. Find the probability that

  • Q : Associative binary operation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let G be a set and let * be an associative binary operation on G. Assume that there exists a left identity element in G and that every element in G has a left inverse. Prove that (G, *) is a group.

  • Q : Symmetrical distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Which of the following is true for a symmetrical distribution?

  • Q : Independent exponential random variables....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that X and Y are independent exponential random variables each with rate ?. What is the conditional probability of X, given that Z = X + Y = z?

  • Q : Manufacture of compact disc players....
    Basic Statistics :

    When circuit boards used in the manufacture of compact disc players are tested, the long-run percentage of defectives is 5%. Let X = the number of defective boards in a random sample of size? = 25.

  • Q : Simple card game....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider a simple card game where there are four cards labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each round, my friend first draws a card randomly from the four. After my friend draws the card, I also randomly draw a

  • Q : Expectation and the variance....
    Basic Statistics :

    The bank opens at 8am and you arrive at the bank at uniformly random time between 8am and 9am. Let X be the number of people who entered the bank before you. Find the expectation and the variance of

  • Q : Calculate the probability that there will be at least....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find E(X) and Var(X). What is the probability of no defective product, the probability of at least one faulty product and find probability of at least three defective products. Calculate the probab

  • Q : Joint probability density....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let Xsub1 and Xsub2 be two continous random variables having the joint probability density

  • Q : Distribution function techniques....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the distribution function techniques to find the probability density of the amount that the service station has left in its tanks at the end of the day

  • Q : Independent and exponentially....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider two components whose lifetimes X and Y are independent and exponentially distributed with parameters lambda_x and lambda_y, respectively. Find the joint pdf of total lifetime X+Y and the p

  • Q : State the null and alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    An instructor stated at the beginning of a course that on the average 35% of students do not pass the exam. After the exam, a random sample of 100 students who took the exam was selected, and 25 of

  • Q : Level of significance of hypothesis test....
    Basic Statistics :

    If the above confidence interval is used to test the given hypotheses, what would the statistical decision be ? What would the level of significance of the hypothesis test be?

  • Q : Appropriate null and alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Florida Fruit Supply Company uses bottles that are labeled as containing 23 oz of orange juice. A random sample of 24 such bottles shows that the sample mean and standard deviation are 22.75 oz

  • Q : Determine the reliability of the exam....
    Basic Statistics :

    List the steps you would follow to determine the reliability of the exam. About 100 students will take this exam. The exam will take 90 minutes, which is the full length of the exam period. There

  • Q : Limiting distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Hint: Show that Mzn(t)=exp(-sqr(n)*t - ln(1-t/sqr(n))) and then use the expansion ln(1-s)=-s-(1+E)s^2/2 where E->0 as s->0. Does the above limiting distribution also follow as a result of the

  • Q : Find the assymptotic normal distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Show that Yn=e^(-Xnbar)converges stochastically to P[X=0]=e^-u. Find the assymptotic normal distribution of Yn.

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