• Q : Expected number of parts retrieved until the first defective....
    Basic Statistics :

    A specific automotive part that a service station stocks in its inventory has an 8% chance of being defective. Suppose many cars come into the service station needing this part each week. What is th

  • Q : Average annual food price index using exponential smoothing....
    Basic Statistics :

    Forecast the average annual food price index using exponential smoothing with ? = 0.7 for all years from 2008 to 2014. Use the rate for 2008 as the starting forecast for 2008.

  • Q : Mean of distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that the return is between 4 percent and 8 percent? What is the mean of this distribution, i.e., the expected return?

  • Q : Organize an upcoming movie night....
    Basic Statistics :

    A student club has 40 members including Stacy and Tom. a) In how many ways can the club elect different individuals to serve as president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer?

  • Q : Long-distance telephone conversation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let X denote the length in minutes of a long-distance telephone conversation. Assume that the density for X is given by

  • Q : Distributed normal random varialbes....
    Basic Statistics :

    If Y1 and Y2 are independent and identically distributed normal random varialbes with mean M(mu) and variance sigma^2, find the probability density function for U=(2/3)(Y1-2Y2+1).

  • Q : Scores of a random sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    The scores of a random sample of 8 students on a physics test are as follows: 60, 62, 67, 69,70, 72, 75, and 78. Test to see if the sample mean is significantly different from 65 at .05 level. Repor

  • Q : Population of production times....
    Basic Statistics :

    Thus, the population of production times is normal in shape. Find the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Assume an n=100.

  • Q : Population of production times....
    Basic Statistics :

    Thus, the population of production times is normal in shape. Find the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Assume an n=100.

  • Q : Population of production times....
    Basic Statistics :

    Thus, the population of production times is normal in shape. Find the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Assume an n=100.

  • Q : Mean and standard deviation of the sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose a manufacturing company makes a certain item. The time to produce each item is normally distributed around a mean of 27 minutes with a standard deviation of 2.5 minutes. Thus, the population

  • Q : Traveler on vacation brought a laptop....
    Basic Statistics :

    With E = event that a traveler on vacation checks work email, C = event that a traveler on vacation uses a cell phone to stay connected, and L = event that a traveler on vacation brought a laptop, u

  • Q : Medication for reducing blood pressure....
    Basic Statistics :

    An ad is placed in newspapers in four counties asking for volunteers to test a new medication for reducing blood pressure. The number of inquiries received in each area is as shown here.

  • Q : Inflated probability of making type i error....
    Basic Statistics :

    How does the ANOVA technique avoid the problem of the inflated probability of making Type I error that would arise using the alternative method of comparing groups two at a time using the t-test fo

  • Q : Measure the size of the effect....
    Basic Statistics :

    Can the research conclude that the medication has a significant effect on mental alertness as measured by the driving simulation task? use a two tailed test with alpha =0.05. Compute cohen's d to me

  • Q : Large batch of components....
    Basic Statistics :

    A testing device is claimed to have high reliability insofar as: P[A/B]=P[Acomplement/Bcomplement] =p where A=device indicates component is faulty and B=component is faulty. Suppose 5% of components

  • Q : Proportion of its customers....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Bank's goal is to reduce the number of tellers and teller hours as a way of cutting costs and maximizing profits. The Bank still needs to have adequate staffing for its non-internet customers, s

  • Q : Decision tree to represent situation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Create a decision tree to represent this situation. If he goes to court, what is the probability that he will win the full amount? What is the probability that he will win the reduced amount? What i

  • Q : Estimate for the standard error of difference....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculate the estimate for the standard error of difference between two independent means for s12 = 20, s22 = 10, n1 = 11, and n2 = 30. (Give your answer correct to two decimal places.)

  • Q : Mean difference in weight gain for pigs fed ration....
    Basic Statistics :

    An experiment was designed to estimate the mean difference in weight gain for pigs fed ration A as compared with those fed ration B. Eight pairs of pigs were used.

  • Q : Confidence interval for estimating....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the 95% confidence interval for estimating ?d based on these paired data and assuming normality. (Give your answers correct to one decimal place.)

  • Q : Estimate the true proportion of students....
    Basic Statistics :

    A university dean is interested in determining the proportion of students who receive some sort of financial aid. Rather than examine the records for all students, the dean randomly selects 200 stud

  • Q : Confidence interval for the average cholesterol level....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use a standard deviation = 30 mg/dL and find a 99% confidence interval for the average cholesterol level of all children whose father has had a heart attack with cholesterol level above 250. (Please

  • Q : Minutes and a standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    The amount of time it takes adults to fall asleep at night is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 23.45 minutes and a standard deviation of 7.01 minutes.

  • Q : Vote in an upcoming election....
    Basic Statistics :

    A politician claims that she will receive 63% of the vote in an upcoming election. The results of a properly designed random sample of 100 voters showed that 55 of those sampled will vote for her. I

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