• Q : Continuous random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    a) If f(x) is the probability density function (pdf) of a continuous random variable X, what two conditions must be satised?

  • Q : Unknown population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculation a 90% confidence interval, for the unknown population mean. Report the lower bound accurate to 2 decimal places with no commas or dollar signs.

  • Q : Estimate the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    You want to rent an unfurnished one-bedroom apartment in Boston next year. The mean monthly rent for a random sample of 11 apartments advertised in the local newspaper is $1200.

  • Q : Joint distribution function....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose X is uniform on (0,1) and Y = X. Find the joint distribution function of X and Y.

  • Q : Suppose x and y have joint density....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose X and Y have joint density f(x,y) = 1 for 0 < x, y < 1. Find P (XY is smaller than or equal to z).

  • Q : Find the density function....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose X has density function x/2 for 0 < x < 2 and 0 otherwise. Find the density function of Y = X(2 - X) by computing P(Y greater than or equal to y) and then differentiating.

  • Q : Joint distribution function....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose X is uniform on (0, 1) and Y=X. Find the joint distribution function of X and Y.

  • Q : Arrest or exceptional means....
    Basic Statistics :

    According to a survey, 63% of murders committed last year were cleared by arrest or exceptional means. Fifty murders committed last year are randomly selected, and the number cleared by arrest or ex

  • Q : Find the numerical value of alpha....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the binomial table to find the numerical value of alpha for this testing procedure. Use the binomial table to find the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when using this rejection region

  • Q : Hypergeometric distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Are the trials in this experiment independent? Explain. Use the Hypergeometric distribution to compute the probability of getting the desired result at a particular trial.

  • Q : Draw incorrect conclusions about their research....
    Basic Statistics :

    Researchers may draw incorrect conclusions about their research (as know as type 1 or type II) , which type of error is considered more serious and why?  

  • Q : Mean and standard deviation of the sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    Sample size is 100, thus, the population of production times is normal in shape. Find the mean and standard deviation of the sample.

  • Q : Example of possible coverage error....
    Basic Statistics :

    A simple random sample of n= 300 full-time employees is selected from a company list containing the names of all N= 5,000 full-time employees in order to evaluate job satisfaction. Give an example

  • Q : Most appropriate hypothesis test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Conduct the most appropriate hypothesis test to test the accuracy to specification of production using 5% significance level.

  • Q : Comparing two proportions from the same group....
    Basic Statistics :

    Situations comparing two proportions are described. In each case , determine whether the situation involves comparing proportions for two groups or comparing two proportions from the same group.

  • Q : State the null and alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    State the null and alternative hypotheses to be tested. How strong is the evidence that Ted and Suzanne have each loaded a different proportion of songs into the player?

  • Q : Proportion of female students....
    Basic Statistics :

    Test, at the 5% level, if there is evidence that the proportion of female students at U of M with mor than 6,000 crexit card debt is greater than the proportion of males at U of M with more than 6,0

  • Q : Margin of error....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the sample size needed to construct a 90% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion when p = 0.65 and the margin of error equals 6%.

  • Q : Estimate the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the sample size needed to construct a 95% confidence interval to estimate the population mean for the following margins of error when ? = 80:

  • Q : Estimate the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the sample size needed to construct a 90% confidence interval to estimate the population mean when ? = 75 and the margin of error equals 12.

  • Q : Question regarding the individual tax returns....
    Basic Statistics :

    The IRS reported that 62% of individual tax returns were filed electronically in 2008. A random sample of 225 tax returns from 2010 was selected. From this sample, 163 were filed electronically.

  • Q : Estimate the population proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct a 95% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion with a sample proportion equal to 0.60 and a sample size equal to 150.

  • Q : Estimate the average attendance of an ncaa....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct a 90% confidence interval to estimate the average attendance of an NCAA men's basketball game during the 2009-2010 season.

  • Q : Estimate the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct an 80% confidence interval to estimate the population mean when x = 125 and s = 32 for the following sample sizes:

  • Q : Determining the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Verify your results with Excel. 8.18 Construct a 95% confidence interval to estimate the population mean using the following data:

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