• Q : Confidence interval for population standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Using these values as a simple random sample, construct an 80% confidence interval for the population standard deviation of the number of days in the growing season. 164, 188,206, 212, 168, 145, 208

  • Q : Optimal tour group size....
    Basic Statistics :

    People arrive at a college admissions office at rate 1 per minute. When k people have arrive a tour starts. Student tour guides are paid $20 for each tour they conduct. The college estimates that it

  • Q : System of linear equations....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the solution of the system of linear equations below using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method. Enter your answer for each variable in the appropriate box for that variable. Use integers or fra

  • Q : Confidence interval estimate for mean number of hours....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the 90% Confidence interval estimate for the mean number of hours of television watched per week by shut-ins. Assume the number of hours is normally distributed.

  • Q : Fetal surgery for congenital anomalies....
    Basic Statistics :

    For the population of infants subjected to fetal surgery for congenital anomalies, the distribution of gestational ages at birth is approximately normal with unknown mean µ and standard deviat

  • Q : Worth of input from the agriculture sector....
    Basic Statistics :

    For each $1 worth of output, the manufacturing sector requires $.25 worth of input from the agriculture sector, $.12 worth of input from the energy sector, and $.05 worth of input from the manufactu

  • Q : Range of an acoustic source by triangulation....
    Basic Statistics :

    In determining the range of an acoustic source by triangulation, one must accurately measure the time at which the spherical wave front arrives at a receiving sensor.

  • Q : Result of a particular examination....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a class of 50 students, the result of a particular examination is a true mean of 70 and a true variance of 12. It is desired to estimate the mean by sampling, without replacement, a subset of the

  • Q : Relationship satisfaction of young adults....
    Basic Statistics :

    We are interested in relationship satisfaction of young adults before and after they go off to college/university which separates them from their sweat-heart. We collect a sample of young adults whi

  • Q : Estimate the proportion of all unlv students....
    Basic Statistics :

    A professor is interested in the number of students who use the campus library for academic purposes. She takes a random sample of 30 UNLV students and finds that 7 of them have used the library. Es

  • Q : Estimate the proportion of all customers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A bank branch wants to estimate the proportion of all customers who visit the bank primarily to use the outdoor ATM. In a random sample of 300 customers, 223 had come to the branch primarily to use

  • Q : Estimate the number of csn students with iphones....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are trying to estimate the number of CSN students with iPhones. A random sample of 130 students reveals that 65 of them have an iPhone. Estimate the percentage of all CSN students who have iPho

  • Q : Confidence interval for average hours studying of population....
    Basic Statistics :

    A professor is interested in how many hours he students spend studying per week. She takes a random sample of 8 of her students and finds they study an average of 7 hours a week with a standard devi

  • Q : Confidence interval for average age of population....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random sample of 16 CSN students is taken. The average age in the sample was 27 years with a standard deviation of 4 years. Construct and interpret a 95 % confidence interval for the average age o

  • Q : Interpret percent confidence interval for data....
    Basic Statistics :

    A sample of Alzheimer's patients is tested to assess the amount of time in stage IV sleep. The number of minutes spent is Stage IV sleep is recorded for a random sample of 61 Alzheimer's patients. T

  • Q : Analysis investigating the usefulness of pennies....
    Basic Statistics :

    In an analysis investigating the usefulness of pennies, the cents portions of 100 randomly selected credit card charges from the author are recorded they have a mean of 47.6 cents and a standard dev

  • Q : Conditional distribution of y given....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose the conditional distribution of Y given X = x is Gamma with ? = 4 and ? = 1/x and the marginal distribution of X is exponential with mean 2 a)Find the conditional mean and variance of Y give

  • Q : Proportion of us citizens....
    Basic Statistics :

    A study is to be conducted on the proportion of U.S. citizens who believe the minimum wage should be raised. What is the minimum number of people that should be included in the study if we want to e

  • Q : Expected number of times....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the expected number of times that you play prior to the game ending? What is the answer to these two questions if both you and your opponent started with 75 cents?

  • Q : Anticipated repair costs and associated probabilities....
    Basic Statistics :

    You purchase a new motor vehicle and are considering purchasing an extended bumper-to-bumber warranty. The extended warranty adds 3 years of protection to the basic warranty and costs $3,000. The fo

  • Q : Question regarding the p value method....
    Basic Statistics :

    Using the p value method, test if Vitamin C reduces the average time to recovery.

  • Q : Confidence intervals on the population proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    It has been stated that 62% of Americans drink beer, wine, or hard liquor at least occasionally. A study was later conducted to determine the validity of this percentage. Which of the following 95%

  • Q : Probability that the student will pass the test....
    Basic Statistics :

    A test consists of 10 true or false questions. to pass the test a student must answer at least 8 questions correctly. if a student guess on each question, what is the probability that the student w

  • Q : Interval on true proportion opposed to death penalty....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a poll of n = 200 randomly selected individuals, 60 people said they are opposed to the death penalty for persons convicted of murder. Determine the margin of error for a 95% confidence interval

  • Q : Confidence interval for the percentage of all adults....
    Basic Statistics :

    Several years ago, in a survey of n = 625 randomly selected adults, a polling organization asked: "Do you favor lowering the legal blood alcohol limit for drunk driving to 0.08% (from 0.10%)?" In t

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