• Q : Discuss the various sampling methods....
    Basic Statistics :

    Discuss the various sampling methods we might use in determining which items to include in a sample?

  • Q : Assumptions underlying multiple means test....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are the basic assumptions underlying multiple means test, and why do they matter?

  • Q : Find the minimum sample size....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the minimum sample size n needed to estimate u for the given values of c, s, and e

  • Q : Testing the claim that the true mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    One-tail hypothesis, testing the claim that the true mean is 36 lb? Explain how the tail, upper or lower, is dictated by the point estimate. Two-tail hypothesis, testing the claim that the true mean

  • Q : Proportion of diabetics in the state of florida....
    Basic Statistics :

    To test at the 5% level of significance, whether the true proportion of diabetics in the state of Florida between the ages of 18 and 44 years is 15%. It is shown that out of 1,260 diabetics in the s

  • Q : Construct an appropriate markov chain....
    Basic Statistics :

    However, if she gives a medium or easy test, there is a 0.5 probability that her next test will be of the same difficulty and a 0.25 probability for each of the other two levels of difficulty. Const

  • Q : Estimate the probability that the average age....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use a normal curve to estimate the probability that the average age of the houses receiving the brochure is greater than 45 years.

  • Q : What is the statistical decision....
    Basic Statistics :

    To estimate the average age of a breast cancer patient, a random sample of 17 patients were selected from a large database. It was found that the point estimate is 65 years old with a sample standar

  • Q : Probability that more heads occur than tails....
    Basic Statistics :

    A warped coin has probability of 0.5 of landing Heads, probability of 0.3 of landing Tails, and probability 0.2 of landing on its Edge. It is flipped 5 times. What is the probability that more Heads

  • Q : Mean in the context of problem....
    Basic Statistics :

    Describe what a Type I error would mean in the context of this problem.

  • Q : Observing the performance of first-year....
    Basic Statistics :

    The mathematics department is interested in observing the performance of their first-year undergraduate students. The performance in mathematics of all freshmen in college is compared with their pe

  • Q : Difference in population menas....
    Basic Statistics :

    Build a 95% confidence interval for the difference in population menas, assuming that the population variances are equal. Please show work.

  • Q : Mean starting salary of all graduates....
    Basic Statistics :

    A simple random sample of 25 recent graduates from a particular college gives a sample mean starting salary of $24,000 with a sample standard deviation of $3,000. Build a 95% confidence interval for

  • Q : Marital status and alcoholic classifications....
    Basic Statistics :

    A summary of the responses is shown in the table below. Can you conclude there is a relationship between marital status and alcoholic classifications? Test using=.05. Use traditional and p-value app

  • Q : Traditional and p-value approach....
    Basic Statistics :

    Conduct hypothesis test using\alpha¡=.05. Use traditional and p-value approach to hypothesis testing.

  • Q : Sample standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    A simple random sample of 25 recent graduates from a particular college gives a sample mean starting salary of $24,000 with a sample standard deviation of $3,000. Build a 95% confidence interval for

  • Q : Various grades during the semester....
    Basic Statistics :

    A statistics professor assigned various grades during the semester including a midterm exam (out of 100 points) and a logistic regression project (out of 30 points). The prediction equation below wa

  • Q : Distributed random variable with mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    X is a normally distributed random variable with mean 10 and varinace 24.

  • Q : Crads of one denomination....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose the first three crads are of the same denomination. What is the probability that this player will end up with either four of a kind or a full house (three crads of one denomination and two o

  • Q : Probability that you lose all your money....
    Basic Statistics :

    An urn contains nine white balls and 11 black balls. A ball is drawn and replaced. If the ball is white your opponent pays you 25 cents. If it is black you pay him 25 cents. You have one dollar and

  • Q : Student in this class....
    Basic Statistics :

    John is a student in this class. What is the probability that at least one other student in the class has John's birthday (day and month, but not necessarily the year)?

  • Q : Difference in means between goust and cloudtran....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the .05 significance level and the five-step hypothesis-testing process to check if the there is a difference in the mean flight times. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the difference in th

  • Q : Estimate the proportion of all customers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A bank branch wants to estimate the proportion of all customers who visit the bank primarily to use the outdoor ATM. In a random sample of 300 customers, 223 had come to the branch primarily to use

  • Q : Estimate the percentage of all csn students....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are trying to estimate the number of CSN students with iPhones. A random sample of 130 students reveals that 65 of them have an iPhone. Estimate the percentage of all CSN students who have iPhon

  • Q : Confidence interval for the population proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    In 2010, a Gallup poll surveyed 1016 households in the U.S about their pets. Of those surveyed, 599 said they had at least one dog or cat as a pet. Find and interpret the 95% confidence interval for

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