• Q : Basic kits than exotic kits....
    Basic Statistics :

    Kitten lovers bought 12 times as many basic kits than exotic kits last month. Last month, both types of starter kit had total sales of $5,440 (this is the total for both items). How many basic kit

  • Q : Probability density function for the random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider the following probability density function for the random variable X :

  • Q : Gaussian with a mean of zero and a variance....
    Basic Statistics :

    An electrical noise voltage is shown to be gaussian with a mean of zero and a variance of 1 volts squared. What is the probability that the measured value of the voltage is greater than 1.5 volts?

  • Q : Print a job app in the computer....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average time to print a job app in the computer is 20 seconds. Calculate the upper bound on the probability of printing a job app in less than 22 seconds.

  • Q : Effect of average sentence lengths....
    Basic Statistics :

    I also suspect that the effect of average sentence lengths is more pronounced when potential criminals realize that there is a high probability of being caught. Please describe a method for modeling

  • Q : Independent exponential random variables....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let X and Y be independent exponential random variables with means 2 and 3 respectively. Let Z=X+Y. Determine P(2<=Z<=6))

  • Q : Repeated-measures design....
    Basic Statistics :

    One concern in the evaluation of research results is that the subjects in one treatment condition may be substantially different (older, smarter, and so on) than the subjects in another condition. H

  • Q : Expected number of liberals in the delegation....
    Basic Statistics :

    A delegation of 3 is selected from a city council made up of 4 liberals and 5 conservatives. What is the expected number of liberals in the delegation?

  • Q : Mean difference between methods....
    Basic Statistics :

    Set up a test of the hypothesis that the mean difference between methods is 0. (State the null and alternate hypotheses.) Compute the observed value of the test statistic.

  • Q : Left -tailed or two-tailed test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the Mann-Whitney Table to find the critical values. For a left -tailed or two-tailed test, you will also

  • Q : Estimate the mean annual income of native americans....
    Basic Statistics :

    How large of a sample size do we need to estimate the mean annual income of Native Americans in Onondaga County, New York, correct within $1000 with probability 0.99? No information is available to

  • Q : Valid objective function for a linear programming problem....
    Basic Statistics :

    Which of the following is a valid objective function for a linear programming problem?

  • Q : Percent of the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    If the mean per capita income in the U.S. is $39,000 and the standard deviation is 5000. What percent of the population.

  • Q : Probability of getting the ball into the basket....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability of getting the ball into the basket if my Standard Deviation is 1.35 feet and my mean is 0? The width of the basket is 1.5. N=1,000

  • Q : Status of disease infection....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a study, the data you collect is status of disease infection. In a study, the data you collect is favorite type of food.

  • Q : Lifetimes of ballpoint pens....
    Basic Statistics :

    A consumer magazine wants to compare the lifetimes of ballpoint pens of three different types. The magazine takes a random sample of pens of each type and the lifetimes are reported in the following

  • Q : Mean elevation drop for ski trails....
    Basic Statistics :

    You just recently read somewhere that the mean elevation drop for ski trails at eastern ski centers is at least 450 feet. You believe that the elevation is lower than 450 feet. Write the null and al

  • Q : Failure to reject the null hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    A skeptical paranormal researcher claims that the porportion of Americans that have seen a UFO, p, is less than 4 in every ten thousand. Assuming that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conduct

  • Q : Nearest integer and then summed....
    Basic Statistics :

    75 numbers are rounded off to the nearest integer and then summed. If the individual round-off error are uniformly distributed over (-.5, .5) what is the probability that the resultant sum differs f

  • Q : Test statistic for a difference of means test....
    Basic Statistics :

    If the test statistic for a difference of means test has a p-value of .03, we could reject the Null Hypothesis at an alpha level of .01.

  • Q : Past experience a professor....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that from the past experience a professor knows that the test score of a student taking his final examination is a random variable with mean 68 and standard deviation 9.5.

  • Q : Degrees of freedom for the test statistic....
    Basic Statistics :

    For a small sample difference of means test where n1 = 20 and n2 = 20, and we can assume the population variances are equal, the degrees of freedom for the test statistic is:

  • Q : Standard error for hypothesis test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Random samples for both airlines after a storm showed that 51 out of 200 flights for Airline A were delayed, while 60 out of 200 of Airline B's flights were delayed. What is the standard error for t

  • Q : Independent random variables....
    Basic Statistics :

    If Jeff and Jack each bowl one game, then assuming that their scores are independent random variables, approximate the probability that the total of their scores is above 285.

  • Q : Mean nose lengths of men and women....
    Basic Statistics :

    A null hypothesis is that the mean nose lengths of men and women are the same. The alternative hypothesis is that men have a longer mean nose length than women. Which of the following is the correct

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