• Q : Probability that the average score....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average score of all golfers for a particular course has a mean of 78 and a standard deviation of 3.5. Suppose 49 golfers played the course today. Find the probability that the average scoreprob

  • Q : Certain model of new homes....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that prices of a certain model of new homes are normally distributed with a mean of $150,000. Find the percentage of buyers who paid: less than $146,600 if the standard deviation is $1700.

  • Q : Z-score corresponding to value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Scores on a standardized test are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 12. An individuals test score is found to be 125. Find the z-score corresponding to this value.

  • Q : Field due to growing conditions....
    Basic Statistics :

    A farmer was interested in determining how many grasshoppers were in his field. He knows that distribution of grasshoppers may not be normally distributed in his field due to growing conditions.

  • Q : Secondary-school fitness test....
    Basic Statistics :

    A physical fitness association is including the mile run in its secondary-school fitness test. The time for this event for boys in secondary school is known to possess a normal distribution with a m

  • Q : Keeping track of good and substandard welds....
    Basic Statistics :

    Smith is a weld inspector at a shipyard. He knows from keeping track of good and substandard welds that for the afternoon shift 5% of all welds done will be substandard.

  • Q : Proportion saying that the food is delicious....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random sample of 144 people is obtained from a population of 5000. The 144 people are asked to sample the caterer's food. Will the distribution of p hat, the sample proportion saying that the food

  • Q : Relative effectiveness of raising the probability of arrest....
    Basic Statistics :

    Although crime rates in the U.S. are generally falling, in the past much has been written about the relative effectiveness of raising the probability of arrest and increasing the average sentence le

  • Q : Necessary in order to ensure a standard error....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random sample of size n is to be drawn from a population with mean = 700 and standard deviation = 300. What size sample would be necessary in order to ensure a standard error of 10?

  • Q : Find a parking spot in the library....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the probability that a randomly selected college student will take between 2.0 and 4.5 minutes to find a parking spot in the library?

  • Q : Determining the statistics software....
    Basic Statistics :

    A Statistics professor has observed that for several years, about 13% of the students who initially enroll in his introductory Statistics course withdraw before the end of the semester.

  • Q : Actual number of respondents....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculate the actual number of respondents in 2010 that fall in each response category. State hypotheses for the following research question: have beliefs on the origin of human life changed since 200

  • Q : Statements below are true or false....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine if the statements below are true or false. For each statement, suggest an alternative wording to make it a true statement.

  • Q : Breakfast revenue seems to increase....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the hotel sample data of 25 days showing the restaurant income and number of rooms occupied. Determine whether the breakfast revenue seems to increase as the number of occupied rooms increases.

  • Q : Denominator degrees of freedom....
    Basic Statistics :

    Test the hypothesis that 9.575083, 10.55852 & 9.17 are equal. What is the numerator degrees of freedom? What is the denominator degrees of freedom?

  • Q : Produce electronic components....
    Basic Statistics :

    Actions to improve the repair time of equipment used to produce electronic components were taken two years ago. The average repair times per month since then are:

  • Q : Probability that a satisfactory robot....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that a satisfactory robot will be overhauled unnecessarily? What is the probability that a robot in need of overhauling will be left in operation?

  • Q : Expected value and variance of the total weight....
    Basic Statistics :

    Laura needs to buy 10 boxes of strawberries for her party. What is the expected value and variance of the total weight of Laura's strawberries?

  • Q : Mean amount of nitrogen-oxide emissions....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assuming that this sample is representative of the cars in use, construct a 98% confidence interval estimate of the mean amount of nitrogen-oxide emissions for all cars. If the EPA requires that ni

  • Q : Interval for the mean newborn length of babies....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that you calculated a 95% confidence interval for the mean newborn length of babies born in the United States to be 17 to 20 inches. Explain in words what this confidence interval means. Note

  • Q : Question regarding self-evident facts....
    Basic Statistics :

    Derive the formulas for the lower and upper conf bound given in the lecture notes, starting from the given self-evident facts. The answer will be for a general confidence level (95% confidence)

  • Q : Class believe we are in the recession....
    Basic Statistics :

    A study showed that 65% of the nation believes we are still in a recession. In a class of 20 students what is the probability that all of the class believe we are in the recession? Please show work

  • Q : Referring to money....
    Basic Statistics :

    From a Christian worldview, what is greed? Is greed just referring to money? What other items could greed be referring to?

  • Q : Considered statistically unusual....
    Basic Statistics :

    At what prices would Google have to close at in order for it to be considered statistically unusual? You should have a low and high value. Be sure to use the definition of unusual from the textbook.

  • Q : Probability that the stock on that day closed....
    Basic Statistics :

    If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the last year, what is the probability that the stock on that day closed within $45 of the mean for that year? Mean = 521.64, S= 56.29

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