• Q : Traditional red spaghetti sauce....
    Basic Statistics :

    Researchers at a food company are interested in how a new spaghetti sauce made from green tomatoes (and green in color) will compare to their traditional red spaghetti sauce.

  • Q : Estimate a population proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that a sample is used to estimate a population proportion p. Find the margin of error E that corresponds to the given statistics and confidence level.

  • Q : Confidence interval estimate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the sample data to construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of ?, the mean duration of game play. Use the sample data to construct a 99% confidence interval estimate of ?, the standard deviat

  • Q : Verbal part of the graduate record exam....
    Basic Statistics :

    The verbal part of the graduate record exam has a mean (?) of 500 and a standard deviation (?) of 100. Use the normal distribution to answer the following questions:

  • Q : Percentile rank of a verbal gre score....
    Basic Statistics :

    What verbal GRE score corresponds to a percentile rank of 15%? 55%? What is the percentile rank of a verbal GRE score of 628? 350?

  • Q : Examination given to a large class....
    Basic Statistics :

    Based on an examination given to a large class in which the maximum score is 100 points, assume that 20 grades taken at random from the entire set produced the results that follow: 43 49 56 61 65 68

  • Q : Endpoints of this confidence interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    The endpoints of this confidence interval are negative numbers. What does that indicate? What does the fact that the confidence interval does not contain 0 indicate?

  • Q : Length of human pregnancies from conception....
    Basic Statistics :

    The length of human pregnancies from conception to birth approximates a normal distribution with a mean of 266 days and a variance of 256 days. What proportion of all pregnancies will last between 2

  • Q : Shareholder scoreboard tracks the performance....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Wall Street Journal's Shareholder Scoreboard tracks the performance of 1000 major U.S. companies (The Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2003). The performance of each company is rated based on the

  • Q : Percentage of players burned....
    Basic Statistics :

    The distribution of calories burned by players (who played the whole game) in the Premiere League is normally distributed. The average calories burned in a Premiere League match is 600cal, with a st

  • Q : Distribution of calories burned by players....
    Basic Statistics :

    The distribution of calories burned by players (who played the whole game) in the Premiere League is normally distributed. The average calories burned in a Premiere League match is 600cal, with a st

  • Q : Lifetime of a certain type of calculator battery....
    Basic Statistics :

    The lifetime of a certain type of calculator battery are normally distributed. The mean life is 400 hours, and the standard deviation is 50 hours. For a group of 5000 batteries, how many are expecte

  • Q : Mean on the previous quiz....
    Basic Statistics :

    You scored 0.5 standard deviations above the mean on the previous quiz. What percentage of your fellow students scored lower than you?

  • Q : Normal distribution of values with a mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose you have a normal distribution of values with a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 4.5. Find the probability that a given value in the distribution is between 65 and 80, inclusively.

  • Q : Similarities between the binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Discuss the basic differences and similarities between the binomial distribution and the Poisson distribution. Use proper references.

  • Q : Shape of the binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    How is the shape of the binomial distribution changed for a given sample size n as p is increased? (Hint: let n=25 and use excel to plot three graphs with p=0.05,0.10,0.50 in the Excel binomial form

  • Q : Shape of the binomial distribution changed....
    Basic Statistics :

    How is the shape of the binomial distribution changed for a given value of p as the sample size is increased? (Hint: let n=25, 50,100 and use excel to plot three graphs with p=0.25 in the Excel bino

  • Q : Difference in wrinkle resistance....
    Basic Statistics :

    Is there a significant difference in wrinkle resistance? Do the sample means suggest that one process has better wrinkle resistance?

  • Q : Difference in mean wrinkle recovery angle....
    Basic Statistics :

    How much less wrinkling? You found that the Hylite process results in significantly greater wrinkle resistance thatn the permafresh process results in significantly geater wrinkle resistance than th

  • Q : Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    A light bulb manufacturer guarantees that the mean life of a certain type of light bulb is at least 875 hours .A random sample of 58 light bulbs has a mean life of 852 hours with a standard deviatio

  • Q : Determining regression equation....
    Basic Statistics :

    How much smaller will your error be if you use the regression equation than if you merely used the overall mean creativity score as the predicted score for all participants?

  • Q : Decrease in confidence affect the sample size required....
    Basic Statistics :

    A doctor wants to estimate the HDL cholesterol of all 20- to 29-year-old females. How many subjects are needed to estimate the HDL cholesterol within 3 points with 99% confidence assuming Î&pl

  • Q : Shows ceremonial ranking and type of pottery....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following table shows ceremonial ranking and type of pottery sherd for a random sample of 434 sherds at a location in the Sand Canyon Archaeological Project, Colorado Use a chi-square test to de

  • Q : Sat verbal scores are randomly....
    Basic Statistics :

    What percent of the SAT verbal scores are less than 550? If 1000 SAT verbal scores are randomly selected, about how many would you expect to be greater than 525?

  • Q : Test standardized test....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a recent year, scores on a standardized test for high school student with a 3.50 to 4.00 grade point average were normally distributed, with a mean of 39.4 and a standard deviation of 2.3.A stude

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