• Q : Weekly mean income of a group of executives....
    Basic Statistics :

    The weekly mean income of a group of executives is $1000 and the standard deviation of this group is $100. The distribution is normal. What percent of the executives have an income between $1000 and

  • Q : Select a random sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    From the data bank, select a random sample of 30 individuals. Use the z test to test the hypothesis for IQ that u= 100. Use a = .05.

  • Q : Transact business in a foreign language....
    Basic Statistics :

    The probability that an American CEO can transact business in a foreign language is 20%. 10 American CEOs are chosen at random. What is the probability that at least two, but no more than five can tra

  • Q : Cardiovascular service line....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are the VP for the cardiovascular service line at a hospital. A nurse manager on the step-down-unit tells you about a study she just read that she thinks could benefit her floor.

  • Q : Evidence that the success rate for pn....
    Basic Statistics :

    An article in a medical journal found that percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PN) had a success rate in removing kidney stones of 289 out of 350 patients. The traditional method was 78% effective. Is the

  • Q : True average proportional stress limits....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find a 90% confidence interval for the difference between true average proportional stress limits for the Red oak and that for the Douglas fir. Interpret your result.

  • Q : Interval for the mean concentration level....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean concentration level in mg/ml for the active ingredient found in this product.

  • Q : Proportion of the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Indiana Department of Transportation wishes to survey state residents to determine what proportion of the population would like to increase the statewide highway speed limit to 75 mph from 65 mp

  • Q : Confidence and the estimated standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Indiana State Police wish to estimate the average mph being traveled on the Interstate Highways, which cross the state. If the estimate is to be within ±5 mph of the true mean with 95% co

  • Q : Proportion of homeowners....
    Basic Statistics :

    A study is to be conducted on the proportion of homeowners who own at least two TV sets. How large a sample is required if we wish to be 90% confident that the error in estimating this quantity is w

  • Q : Measuring the amount of current....
    Basic Statistics :

    The brightness of a television picture tube can be evaluated by measuring the amount of current required to achieve a particular brightness. A sample of 10 tubes results in an Xbar=317.2 microamps w

  • Q : Individual and cumulative percentages....
    Basic Statistics :

    Complete a Pareto Chart using the following data. Include the chart (graph) and the data table and data information with Defect, Quantity, Running Quantity, Individual Percentage, and Running Percen

  • Q : Lifetime of a particular appliance....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose the lifetime of a particular appliance follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 10 years. What is the probability that the appliance will fail in less than 5 years?

  • Q : Regression equations in forecasting the future....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are some of the pitfalls when using regression equations in forecasting the future? Be specific.

  • Q : Descriptive statistics-misleading....
    Basic Statistics :

    Give three examples where descriptive statistics are misleading. What should be done about this problem?

  • Q : Quality control inspector....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a manufacturing process, a quality control inspector selected three items at random. Items can be either defective or not defective, with equal probability. What is the probability of getting mor

  • Q : Calculate the appropriate test statistic....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculate the appropriate test statistic: What decision do we make? What this decision means in terms of this problem?

  • Q : Confidence interval for shelf life....
    Basic Statistics :

    The shelf life of a particular type of battery is being studied. Twenty batteries are tested and the mean shelf life of the sample is Xbar=24.5 months. The estimated standard deviation is one month.

  • Q : Measuring the amount of current....
    Basic Statistics :

    The brightness of a television picture tube can be evaluated by measuring the amount of current required to achieve a particular brightness. A sample of 10 tubes results in an Xbar=317.2 microamps w

  • Q : Research hypothesis that men....
    Basic Statistics :

    Test the research hypothesis that men use the Internet more hours than women, set alpha at .05. Would your decision have been different if alpha were set at .01?

  • Q : Efficacy of a new cholesterol-lowering medication....
    Basic Statistics :

    To test the efficacy of a new cholesterol-lowering medication, 10 people are selected at random. Each has their LDL levels measured (shown below as Before), then take the medicine for 10 weeks, and

  • Q : Standing on a line....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are standing on a line and you are going to flip a coin 4 times. If a flip comes up heads you move one foot to the right; if it comes up tails you move one foot to the left. What is the expected

  • Q : Investigate the relationship between office rents....
    Basic Statistics :

    An economist wanted to investigate the relationship between office rents (the dependent variable) and vacancy rates. Accordingly, he took a random sample of monthly office rents and the percentage o

  • Q : Estimate of the proportion of calls....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is an estimate of the proportion of calls not resulting in a satisfactory outcome for the customer when the center is in control? Construct the upper and lower limits for a p chart for the proc

  • Q : Advocacy group recorded several variables....
    Basic Statistics :

    A consumer advocacy group recorded several variables on 140 models of cars. The resulting information was used to produce the following regression output that relates the city gas mileage (in mpg) a

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