• Q : Appropriate null and alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses. Based on the sample data, test the null hypothesis using an ? = .05. Discuss the results of the test.

  • Q : Probability the price of the upgrade....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that price of the Microsoft Windows Upgrade that year were normally distributed, with a standard deviation of $8.53. If 36 retailers of computer software are selected that year, what is the

  • Q : Patrons of a cinema complex....
    Basic Statistics :

    In the past, patrons of a cinema complex have spent an average of $5.00 for popcorn and other snacks, with a standard deviation of $1.80. If a random sample of of 32 patrons is taken, what is the pr

  • Q : Percent of students spend....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assuming the distribution of study times is normal, what percent of students spend more than 25 hours per week on homework?

  • Q : Upper quartile of battery shelf life....
    Basic Statistics :

    The shelf life of a battery produced by one major company is known to be normally distributed, with a mean life of 3.5 years and a standard deviation of 0.75 years. What is the upper quartile of bat

  • Q : Random sample of six cars....
    Basic Statistics :

    Auto glass companies now have a machine that can repair broken windshields with a success rate of 85%. If a random sample of six cars is taken from the customer Records, determine the probability th

  • Q : Determine the income level....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average family income in the town of Seneville is $45 000, with a standard deviation of $9000. Assuming that family income is normally distributed, determine the income level below which 80% of

  • Q : Simple linear regression....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a simple linear regression based on 30 observations, the following information is provided: y=-6.92+1.35x and se=2.78. Also, se(y0) evaluated at x=30 is 1.02. Construct a 95% prediction interval

  • Q : Grades on the statistics final....
    Basic Statistics :

    A professor has found that the grades on the statistics final are normally distributed with a mean of 68 and a standard deviation of 15. If only the best 14% of the grade will receive an A, what gra

  • Q : Estimated regression equation relates sales....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following estimated regression equation relates sales to inventory investment and advertising expenditure. y=25+10x1+8x2 The data used to develop the model came from a survey of 10 stores;

  • Q : Test microwaving crackers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A cracker bakery wants to test microwaving crackers after breaking to reduce the risk of broken crackers at the time the package is opened.

  • Q : Support a particular candidate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Two random samples are taken, with each group asked if they support a particular candidate. A summary of the sample sizes and proportions of each group answering yes'' are given below:

  • Q : Determine the proportion of customers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A major chain of food stores wants to determine the proportion of customers who buy on impulse. The company decided to use a sample large enough to estimate the proportion of impulse buyers within 2

  • Q : Rates applicants for credit....
    Basic Statistics :

    A bank's loan officer rates applicants for credit. The ratings are normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 50. If 49 different applicants are randomly selected find the

  • Q : Distribution of the sample proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    When n =20 and p= 0.1, I can approximate the distribution of the sample proportion with a normal distribution with mean 2 and standard deviation 1.34. True or False?

  • Q : Decriminalizing all drug use....
    Basic Statistics :

    A poll of 1200 randomly selected community college students in the U.S. was conducted and found that 58% favor decriminalizing all drug use that is currently illegal. Would confidence in the result

  • Q : Diameters of pencils produced by a certain machine....
    Basic Statistics :

    The diameters of pencils produced by a certain machine are normally distributed with a mean of 0.30 inches amd a standard deviation of 0.01 inches. What is the probability that the diameter of a ra

  • Q : Probability that a random variable has a value....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that a random variable has a value between 1.75 and 7.35 if that random variable has a uniform distribution and varies from 0 to 8.

  • Q : Find the hip breadth for men....
    Basic Statistics :

    Men have hip breadths that are normally distributed with a mean of 14.4 in. and a standard deviation of 1.0 in. Find the hip breadth for men that is a the 99th percentile.

  • Q : Find the probability of getting....
    Basic Statistics :

    A multiple choice test consists of 60 questions. Each question has four possible answers, and each question has one correct answer. If all answers are random guesses, find the probability of getting

  • Q : Business school club....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Business School Club contains 25 members. Members must be either a Finance Major, or an Accounting Major. There are 16 Accounting Majors, and 14 Finance Majors. How many members are dual majors?

  • Q : Power failures of experienced by columbia power....
    Basic Statistics :

    The power failures of experienced by the Columbia Power Company conform to a Poisson distribution with a mean of u = 0.18 failures per day. What is the probability that their customers will get two

  • Q : Height of college basketball players....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average height of college basketball players is 6 feet 4inchs, with a standard deviation of 4 inchs. You take a sample of 16 players and calculate their average height. What central interval co

  • Q : Probability that the machine will be working....
    Basic Statistics :

    A machine has 15 identical componenets which function independently. The probability that a component will fail is 0.100. The machine will stop working if more than three components fail. Find the

  • Q : Find the mean and standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    On a multiple choice test with 40 questions, each question has four possible answers, and each question has one correct answer. 3a) For students who guess at all answers, find the mean and standard

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