• Q : Reducing the margin of error....
    Algebra :

    It's believed that as many as 22 of adults over 50 never graduated from high school. We wish to see if this percentage is the same among the 25 to 30 age group.

  • Q : Height and base of the triangle....
    Algebra :

    A triangle has an area of 16 cm2. The height of the triangle is four cm longer than the base. Determine the height and base of the triangle.

  • Q : Determining the correct mathematical symbols....
    Algebra :

    To earn full credit, show how you solved the problem by using correct mathematical symbols and by explaining thoroughly in words each step.

  • Q : Correlation between ceo salaries....
    Algebra :

    Do you think there is a correlation between CEO salaries and the degree of success of the company?

  • Q : Average amount of time spent....
    Algebra :

    On Saturday, there were seven people selected at random to fill out a survey regarding how much time they spend each week on treadmill. Their survey results are shown below on data table. Use the ta

  • Q : Applications of statistics-algebra....
    Algebra :

    In response to your classmates, determine which applications of statistics/algebra you think are most unexpected in workplace,

  • Q : Laws of exponents....
    Algebra :

    Explain three laws of exponents (for multiplication, division, and powers)? Write and describe each law. Why do we use exponents in scientific notation (you can provide an example)?

  • Q : Methods for solving systems of equations....
    Algebra :

    Explain the three methods for solving systems of equations? Do they all produce the same answer? Which method do you prefer to use and why?

  • Q : How data is used in product design....
    Algebra :

    Search the internet for an example of how data is used in product design. As a hint, type "data in design" into the search engine. Carefully review the search results. Post your results with a summa

  • Q : Significance and impact of graphing calculator....
    Algebra :

    Write down your thoughts on the significance and impact of the graphing calculator and resulting implications to higher-level statistics. Also, how does this technology help in the work environment?

  • Q : Replacement from an urn....
    Algebra :

    Suppose that you are drawing two balls without replacement from an urn that contains 11 green balls, 7 blue balls,1 red balls. What is the probability that you will draw a blue ball and a green bal

  • Q : Operation costing system....
    Algebra :

    Costs in the operation costing system are accumulated by:

  • Q : Evaluate the budget costs of the firm....
    Algebra :

    Evaluate the budget costs of the firm from the 2300th entry to the last item on the list. Source document will be sent via email once tuttor is selected.

  • Q : Nectarines and plums....
    Algebra :

    The farmers market is selling nectarines for $0.89 each and plums for $0.59 each. How many nectarines and plums could be bought with exsactly $9.18?

  • Q : Distributive property for a negative monomial times....
    Algebra :

    Provide an example of using distributive property for negative monomial times trinomial with different signs on terms [for example: -3x(2xy + 3y - 2x)] and show each step of distribution.

  • Q : Describe fractional parts....
    Algebra :

    Explain fractional parts. Explain the two distinct requirements of fractional parts? Discuss how childrens' concepts of partitioning need to be refined to produce concept of fractional parts.

  • Q : Question regarding quadratic equation....
    Algebra :

    Solve the following by factoring x^2+6x+8=0. Solve the following by using the quadratic equation 5w^2-3=0

  • Q : Index of the system....
    Algebra :

    For (a), I get the critical points are(0,0) and(-2^1/5, 4^1/5). Then I get det(0,0)=2 and det(-2^1/5, 4^1/5)=-10, so index of the system is -8 and the index of periodic orbit is 1, so there's no per

  • Q : Example of a parabola in real life....
    Algebra :

    Make your example of a parabola in real life (Bouncing ball) the subject of your post and then tell us in your own words about your parabolic find (at least 250 words). Do not just make this up off

  • Q : Find the length and the width....
    Algebra :

    The length of a rectangle is 4 inches more than 2 times the width. The perimeter is 50 inches. Find the length and the width.

  • Q : Question mean of the sampling distribution....
    Algebra :

    Among a random sample of 500 college students, the mean number of hours worked per week at non-college related jobs is 14.6. This mean lies 0.4 standard deviations below the mean of the sampling dis

  • Q : Same amount of money....
    Algebra :

    Assume that she put the same amount of money into her account every week and will continue to do so.

  • Q : Mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution....
    Algebra :

    Nicole missed the lesson on normal distribution and needs to do her homework. Explain to Nicole how to use the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution to determine the top 5% of the pop

  • Q : Supply function for items....
    Algebra :

    Suppose the supply function for these items is Q=100p+80, which means that there are 80 items already in the warehouse, and or each that is $1 that the price goes up the supply will go up 100 times

  • Q : Putting a regression model....
    Algebra :

    When you think about it putting a regression model together isn't that difficult. After all, I assume if you're doing that you would have a feel for the process you are modeling and the variables t

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