• Q : Nucleophile in polar aprotic solvents....
    Chemistry :

    Consider the halide ions as nucleophiles. Briefly explain why F-, the strongest base among the halide ions, is the best nucleophile in polar aprotic solvents while iodide the weakest base is the best

  • Q : Measures of the angles....
    Mathematics :

    Suppose that angles measure 2x and 4x+6 are supplementary. What are the measures of the angles? ( in Degrees)

  • Q : How much heat was released....
    Chemistry :

    The combustion of propane illustrated by the following reaction releases 2428 KJ per mole of reaction. A sample of propane is burned at 59 degrees celsius and 746 mm Hg. The process produces 39.7 L

  • Q : What is delta for the vaporization....
    Chemistry :

    The boiling point of methanol (CH3OH) is 64.7 oC and delta H vap = 71.8 kJ/mol. What is delta S for the vaporization of 2.15 mol of CH3OH at 64.7 oC?

  • Q : Weight moving upward-downward....
    Mathematics :

    Find a function s given by s(t) = a cos ?t that models the displacement of the weight. Evaluate s(1). Is the weight moving upward, downward, or neither when t = 1

  • Q : Find energy person expends pulling the crate....
    Physics :

    Find the energy the person expends pulling the crate, the amount of energy converted to heat via friction, and the increase in the kinetic energy of the crate.

  • Q : Single trigonometric function....
    Mathematics :

    Write the expression in terms of a single trigonometric function:

  • Q : Find velocity of roller coaster using conservation of energy....
    Physics :

    Using conservation of energy, find the velocity of the roller coaster at a height of 5 m above the ground. Sketch the problem before you solve it.

  • Q : Number of moles of ammonia absorbed by a boric acid....
    Chemistry :

    Calculate the number of moles of ammonia absorbed by a boric acid solution if 3.25 ml of 0.0025 M H2SO4 were needed to titrate the solution to the end point ( Assume both hydrogens of the sulfuric a

  • Q : What is the final speed if cars stick together....
    Physics :

    A 40,000 kg railroad car initially traveling at 10 m/s collides inelastically with a 20,000 kg railroad car intially at rest. The cars stick together. What is their final speed?

  • Q : Finds the distance....
    Physics :

    A surveyor wishes to find the distance between 2 inaccessible points, P and Q, on opposite sides of a lake. From point R, he finds the distance to P is 32670 yards and Q is 49468 yards. If the angl

  • Q : What is the ph at the equivalence point....
    Chemistry :

    Question: A 50.00-mL solution of 0.0350 M ammonia (Kb = 1.8 × 10-5) is titrated with a 0.0152 M solution of hydrochloric acid as the titrant. What is the pH at the equivalence point? (Kw = 1.0

  • Q : Find gravitational potential energy of box relative to floor....
    Physics :

    First, provide a sketch of this problem. Then, find the gravitational potential energy of the box relative to the floor, and the gravitational potential energy of the box relative to the ledge.

  • Q : Sketch free body diagram showing forces acting on crate....
    Physics :

    Sketch a free body diagram showing the forces acting on the crate and find the energy the person expends pulling the crate, the amount of energy converted to heat via friction.

  • Q : Koh solution needed to completely neutralize the hcl....
    Chemistry :

    How many milliliters of 0.100 mol of KOH solution are needed to completely neutralize the HCl in 300 mL of a hydrochloric acid solution that has a pH of 2.25?

  • Q : What is the formula of nonhydrated form of washing soda....
    Chemistry :

    Washing soda is often added to detergent formulations to make the wash water more basic. What is the formula of the NONHYDRATED form of washing soda? Does it increase or decreased the pH of the was

  • Q : What is the equilibrium concentration....
    Chemistry :

    If the equilibrium concentrations of CO and CH3OH are 1.18 M and 1.84 M, respectively, What is the equilibrium concentration of H2?

  • Q : Possible values for the third side....
    Mathematics :

    One angle of a triangle is 34 degrees. The oppisite side is 20mm and a second side is 27mm. Find all possible values for the third side of the triangle.

  • Q : Amplitude-period-phase shift....
    Physics :

    Given y = 2 sin (2p x + 1), find the amplitude, the period, and the phase shift. Given y = - 3 cos (4x - p) + 2, find the amplitude, the period, and the phase shift.

  • Q : Balancing the redox reaction....
    Chemistry :

    Balance the following reaction, which occurs in acidic aqueous solution, using the smallest possible integer coefficients and adding H+ and H2O as necessary:

  • Q : How knowledge of ash borer-s ecology control infestations....
    Biology :

    Describe how knowledge of the Ash borer's ecology and behavior are helping to control infestations of this non-native species. All of this costs money. As a citizen, do you feel that it is worth

  • Q : Angle of depression and elevation....
    Mathematics :

    From the top of a cliff, 16415 ft high, you observe a shorter cliff,7542 ft high. If the two cliffs are 3789 ft apart at the bases, answer the following:

  • Q : Fuel for complete combustion....
    Chemistry :

    If gasoline's composition is estimated to be 50% octane, 25% pentane and 25% ethly benzene on a mol basis, calculate the mols of oxygen required per mol of fuel for complete combustion.

  • Q : How far would ball go with given speed and launch angle....
    Physics :

    If he struck a ball with the a speed and launch angle that would result in a maximum 120m horizontal range on Earth, how far would it go?

  • Q : Which reactant is the limiting reactant....
    Chemistry :

    Which reactant is the limiting reactant (the reactant will be completely consumed first)? How many moles of CO2 will be produced?

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